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Products > Switzerland

Find below all kinds of products and services related to organisations from Switzerland, i.e., the “product portfolio” of the region.

Total search results: 624 | Ordered by Product Group (ascending)
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RLF-100™ (Relief Therapeutics) peptide-based drug_o Relief Therapeutics (Group) 2020-10-08
3D3 Technology for patient-specific drug response analysis personalised medicine / precision medicine PreComb Therapeutics AG 2021-04-26
Agamree® pharmaceutical_oo Santhera (Group) 2023-10-27
Akynzeo® pharmaceutical_oo Roche (Group) 2014-01-01
Catena® pharmaceutical_oo Santhera (Group) 2008-07-24
Nasobol® pharmaceutical_oo Mattern Pharmaceuticals (M et P / M & P) (Group) 2008-04-04
Profasi® pharmaceutical_oo Merck (DE) (Group) 1995-01-01
Puldysa® pharmaceutical_oo Santhera (Group) 2019-11-04
Raxone® pharmaceutical_oo Santhera (Group) 2013-03-22
Serophene® pharmaceutical_oo Merck (DE) (Group) 1995-01-01
Syntometrine® pharmaceutical_oo Alliance Pharma (Group) 2013-06-06
Veletri® pharmaceutical_oo Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) 2011-01-01
Velphoro® pharmaceutical_oo Fresenius (Group) 2014-03-01
Venofer® pharmaceutical_oo Vifor Pharma (Group) 2010-12-01
Zavesca® pharmaceutical_oo Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) 2012-04-02
Zelmac® pharmaceutical_oo Novartis (Group) 2002-07-24
Piqray® PI3 kinase inhibitor Novartis (Group) 2019-05-24
AdvanTip LT pipette tip pipette tip Hamilton (Group) 2006-03-01
AdvanTip® precision pipette tip pipette tip Hamilton (Group) 2006-03-01
Qualitips® pipette tip Socorex Isba S.A. 2007-02-22
Profillette™ 406 pipette_o Socorex Isba S.A. 2007-03-19
Profillette™ 406 Set pipette_o Socorex Isba S.A. 2007-03-19
Octreolin® pituitary and hypothalamic hormone and analogue_o Roche (Group) 2013-02-18
AC Extraction Plate™ (96-well, deep-well microplate) plate (laboratory)_o Tecan (Group) 2013-10-29
GravityTRAP™ 384 Microtissue Platform plate (laboratory)_o InSphero (Group) 2017-02-02
NanoQuant Plate™ plate (laboratory)_o Tecan (Group) 2009-03-04
Xubix® platelet GPIIb-IIIa blockers Roche (Group) 1999-01-01
abioSCOPE® point-of-care diagnostics platform point-of-care diagnostic device Abionic S.A. 2019-09-13
Acura® capillar 846 positive displacement micropipette positive displacement pipette Socorex Isba S.A. 2014-09-01
Acura® positive 841 positive displacement micropipette positive displacement pipette Socorex Isba S.A. 2007-03-22
ZeptoCHIP protein chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) University of Tübingen (Eberhard-Karls-Universität) 2017-09-11
ZeptoMARK CeLyA (Cell Lysate Array) protein chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) Bayer (Group) 2004-04-19
ZeptoMARK Protein Profiling system (BCC) protein chip system (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) Bayer (Group) 2003-11-01
rePAX® co-expression technology protein expression technology Redbiotec AG 2013-12-03
ExPASy server proteomic database Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) 2006-07-19
e-Proxemis proteomic software tools GeneBio (Group) 2006-07-19
Genedata Impressionist s/w proteomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2002-09-02
neXtProt human protein knowledge platform proteomic software tools GeneBio (Group) 2011-08-02
Omics Playground platform proteomic software tools BigOmics Analytics S.A. 2022-03-17
LiP technology (Limited Proteolysis technology) proteomic technology Bruker (Group) 2020-08-27
Targeted Proteomics technology (Biognosys) proteomic technology Bruker (Group) 2011-07-04
CardioKit system proton therapy EBAMed S.A. 2023-06-27
Focalin XR™ psychopharmaceutical Novartis (Group) 2007-01-01
Focalin™ psychopharmaceutical Novartis (Group) 2007-01-01
Debio 0228 (Debiopharm / 3B Pharmaceuticals) RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL (RPT) Debiopharm (Group) 2020-03-25
COBAS® AmpliPrep / COBAS® TaqMan® System real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2005-01-01
LightCycler® 480 II Real-Time PCR System real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2009-05-14
LightCycler® 96 System real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2012-11-06
Rasilez® renin inhibitor Novartis (Group) 2007-03-06
Tekturna® HCT renin inhibitor Novartis (Group) 2008-08-01
SPYRE™ antibody panel kits research antibody Bio-Techne (Group) 2023-06-22
BloodSpotDive™ 100 MRM assay panel (service or product) research test Bruker (Group) 2013-09-27
LiverDig™ 100 MRM assay panel research test Bruker (Group) 2013-03-06
PlasmaDeepDive™ MRM Panel (service or product) research test Bruker (Group) 2014-02-28
PlasmaDive™ 100 MRM assay panel research test Bruker (Group) 2013-05-10
PQ500™ Reference Peptide Kit research test Bruker (Group) 2018-05-30
SkinDig 100™ MRM assay panel research test Bruker (Group) 2013-05-10
TriCEPS™-based Ligand Receptor Capture (LRC) technology research test Dualsystems Biotech (Group) 2013-06-24
HiPerformance siRNA design algorithm RNAi technology Novartis (Group) 2003-12-15
PAXgene Blood miRNA kit RNAi technology Qiagen (Group) 2009-05-18
SUREtechnology Platform™ (Selexis) rPP [recombinant protein production] JSR Corporation (Group)
AxION Sample Manager sample preparation (technology)_o PerkinElmer (Group) 2013-06-10
FibroTrap™ sample separation technology sample preparation (technology)_o Spinomix S.A. 2013-01-09
PAXgene Blood RNA System sample preparation (technology)_o Qiagen (Group) 2001-04-01
PAXgene Tissue System sample preparation (technology)_o Qiagen (Group) 2009-01-27
TICE™ technology (Tecan Immobilized Coating Extraction technology) sample preparation (technology)_o Tecan (Group) 2013-10-29
DRUG-seq multiplexed library preparation solutions for RNA sequencing sample preparation, nucleic acid (technology) Alithea Genomics S.A.
Mercurius™ Blood BRB-seq sample preparation, nucleic acid (technology) Alithea Genomics S.A. 2022-05-24
Mercurius™ BRB-seq sample preparation, nucleic acid (technology) Alithea Genomics S.A. 2022-05-24
Sample Preparation Kit (Biognosys) sample preparation, protein (technology) Bruker (Group) 2015-02-06
InLab®731 sensor Mettler-Toledo (Mettler Toledo) (Group) 2008-11-14
InLab®738 sensor Mettler-Toledo (Mettler Toledo) (Group) 2008-11-14
InLab®741 sensor Mettler-Toledo (Mettler Toledo) (Group) 2008-11-14
InLab®742 sensor Mettler-Toledo (Mettler Toledo) (Group) 2008-11-14
CLD Data Platform (Genedata, Cell Line Development suppor s/w) software tools (bioinformatics)_o Danaher (Group) 2015-03-17
Genedata Biologics® software software tools (bioinformatics)_o Danaher (Group) 2011-02-23
Genedata Profiler™ (s/w) software tools (bioinformatics)_o Danaher (Group) 2015-04-21
Genedata Bioprocess™ software software tools packages (bioinformatics) Danaher (Group) 2016-04-11
Carizma document management system software, business_o Axicos (Group) 2009-01-01
COMET™ spatial biology platform (Lunaphore) spatial omics Bio-Techne (Group) 2023-06-22
MassLib™ database spectral database (spectral library) MSP Kofel 2010-05-19
FCRx platform (Facilitating Cell Therapy platform, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell-based) stem cell technology Novartis (Group) 2013-09-06
Casgevy™ stem cell therapy CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) 2024-02-13
Neuroseal (KUR-023) surgical sealant Kuros (Group) 2016-12-19
Actemra therapeutic antibody Roche (Group) 2007-11-18
Ilaris® therapeutic antibody Novartis (Group) 2013-09-30
Therma Analysis Excellence thermal analytical instrument Mettler-Toledo (Mettler Toledo) (Group) 2008-03-11
LightCycler® Adapt Software thermocycler control software Roche (Group) 2009-03-23
DANI Master TOF-MS system time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) EVES GmbH 2012-06-11
MCA™384 Disposable Tip tip (pipette/dispenser)_o Tecan (Group) 2008-12-10
MCA™96 Disposable Tip tip (pipette/dispenser)_o Tecan (Group) 2009-01-08
TissueSpan implants tissue engineering / regenerative medicine_o Regenosca SA 2024-07-22
3D InSight™ Human Liver Fibrosis Model tissues InSphero (Group) 2017-10-18
3D InSight™ Monkey Liver Microtissues tissues InSphero (Group) 2017-03-16
3D InSight™ PDX Microtissues tissues InSphero (Group) 2017-10-26
TMX-202 (Telormedix) TLR agonist Telormedix S.A. 2011-10-31
EsoCap topical drug delivery technology topical drug delivery technology EsoCap AG 2021-11-18
Automated Card Extraction LC/MS system (AACE LC/MS) (Agilent) triple quadrupole mass spectrometer Agilent (Group) 2012-05-21
Rozlytrek™ tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) Roche (Group) 2019-06-18
Exovax platform vaccine technology Nouscom (Group) 2017-11-06
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