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Products > Northwestern Switzerland

Find below all kinds of products and services related to organisations from Northwestern Switzerland (Basel-Stadt, Basel-Landschaft and Aargau), i.e., the “product portfolio” of the region.

Total search results: 221 | Ordered by Product Group (descending)
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order ascendingorder descendingProduct order ascendingorder descendingProduct Group order ascendingorder descendingOrganisation order ascendingorder descendingDate
Konakion® vitamin_o Roche (Group) 1992-07-01
Copegus virostatic agent Roche (Group) 2007-01-26
Fuzeon® virostatic agent Roche (Group) 2003-03-17
KIN001 (Kinarus) virostatic agent Kinarus Therapeutics Holding AG (SIX: KNRS) 2022-08-22
Sebivo® virostatic agent Novartis (Group) 2007-03-02
Tamiflu virostatic agent Roche (Group) 1999-09-01
Tyzeka™ virostatic agent Novartis (Group) 2006-10-25
Valcyte virostatic agent Roche (Group) 2013-08-05
Menveo™ vaccine_o Novartis (Group) 2013-10-22
Bexsero® vaccine, meningitis Novartis (Group) 2013-01-22
Flucelvax® vaccine, influenza Novartis (Group) 2012-11-20
Focetria® vaccine, influenza Novartis (Group) 2007-02-23
Optaflu® vaccine, influenza Novartis (Group) 2007-06-13
Vaxem Hib® vaccine, influenza GSK (Group) 2017-05-09
Exovax platform vaccine technology Nouscom (Group) 2017-11-06
Rozlytrek™ tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) Roche (Group) 2019-06-18
Automated Card Extraction LC/MS system (AACE LC/MS) (Agilent) triple quadrupole mass spectrometer Agilent (Group) 2012-05-21
EsoCap topical drug delivery technology topical drug delivery technology EsoCap AG 2021-11-18
LightCycler® Adapt Software thermocycler control software Roche (Group) 2009-03-23
Actemra therapeutic antibody Roche (Group) 2007-11-18
Ilaris® therapeutic antibody Novartis (Group) 2013-09-30
Casgevy™ stem cell therapy CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) 2024-02-13
FCRx platform (Facilitating Cell Therapy platform, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell-based) stem cell technology Novartis (Group) 2013-09-06
Carizma document management system software, business_o Axicos (Group) 2009-01-01
Genedata Bioprocess™ software software tools packages (bioinformatics) Danaher (Group) 2016-04-11
CLD Data Platform (Genedata, Cell Line Development suppor s/w) software tools (bioinformatics)_o Danaher (Group) 2015-03-17
Genedata Biologics® software software tools (bioinformatics)_o Danaher (Group) 2011-02-23
Genedata Profiler™ (s/w) software tools (bioinformatics)_o Danaher (Group) 2015-04-21
AxION Sample Manager sample preparation (technology)_o PerkinElmer (Group) 2013-06-10
HiPerformance siRNA design algorithm RNAi technology Novartis (Group) 2003-12-15
Rasilez® renin inhibitor Novartis (Group) 2007-03-06
Tekturna® HCT renin inhibitor Novartis (Group) 2008-08-01
COBAS® AmpliPrep / COBAS® TaqMan® System real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2005-01-01
LightCycler® 480 II Real-Time PCR System real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2009-05-14
LightCycler® 96 System real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2012-11-06
Focalin XR™ psychopharmaceutical Novartis (Group) 2007-01-01
Focalin™ psychopharmaceutical Novartis (Group) 2007-01-01
Genedata Impressionist s/w proteomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2002-09-02
Xubix® platelet GPIIb-IIIa blockers Roche (Group) 1999-01-01
Octreolin® pituitary and hypothalamic hormone and analogue_o Roche (Group) 2013-02-18
Piqray® PI3 kinase inhibitor Novartis (Group) 2019-05-24
Agamree® pharmaceutical_oo Santhera (Group) 2023-10-27
Akynzeo® pharmaceutical_oo Roche (Group) 2014-01-01
Catena® pharmaceutical_oo Santhera (Group) 2008-07-24
Puldysa® pharmaceutical_oo Santhera (Group) 2019-11-04
Raxone® pharmaceutical_oo Santhera (Group) 2013-03-22
Syntometrine® pharmaceutical_oo Alliance Pharma (Group) 2013-06-06
Veletri® pharmaceutical_oo Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) 2011-01-01
Zavesca® pharmaceutical_oo Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) 2012-04-02
Zelmac® pharmaceutical_oo Novartis (Group) 2002-07-24
Tecentriq® PD-L1 inhibitor Roche (Group) 2016-05-19
Madopar® Parkinson drug Roche (Group) 1999-01-01
Starlix® oral antidiabetic Novartis (Group) 2000-01-01
Omnopon® opioid Roche (Group) 1993-12-01
Lucentis® ophthalmic_o Novartis (Group) 2005-05-23
Heat Elution technology nucleic acid purification (technology) Roche (Group) 2015-08-24
PETE technology (primer extension based target enrichment) nucleic acid amplification (technology) Roche (Group) 2014-10-09
Prexige non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Novartis (Group) 2002-12-31
Voltaren® non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Novartis (Group) 1988-01-01
Leponex® neuroleptic Novartis (Group) 1990-01-01
Miacalcic® Nebenschilddr.hormone / Calc.stoffwechselregul. / Osteoporosem. (qm)_o Novartis (Group) 1996-01-01
SMC021 Nebenschilddr.hormone / Calc.stoffwechselregul. / Osteoporosem. (qm)_o Novartis (Group) 2012-01-13
Mayzent MS DRUGS Novartis (Group) 2019-03-27
Aimovig® migraine drug_o Novartis (Group) 2005-08-17
Genedata Expressionist for Mass Spectrometry (s/w) mass spectrometry software (MS software) Danaher (Group) 2012-07-11
Genedata Expressionist MSX for Academics (s/w) mass spectrometry software (MS software) Danaher (Group) 2012-09-10
Genedata Expressionist® MSX software mass spectrometry software (MS software) Danaher (Group) 2012-09-25
Refiner MS (s/w module of Genedata Expressionist) mass spectrometry software (MS software) Danaher (Group) 2010-02-16
Zirconium™ cap-UHPLC system liquid chromatography (LC) Bruker (Group) 2022-01-19
Zirconium™ split-less pump technology liquid chromatography (LC) Bruker (Group) 2022-01-19
Zirconium™ Ultranano-UHPLC system liquid chromatography (LC) Bruker (Group) 2022-01-19
Lescol® lipid-lowering drug_o Novartis (Group) 1996-01-01
Lescol® XL lipid-lowering drug_o Novartis (Group) 1998-11-03
Zircofit™ fused silica connectors laboratory equipment and instruments_oo Bruker (Group) 2022-01-19
MAST® platform (automated bioreactor sampling system) laboratory automation equipment_o Merck (DE) (Group) 2022-04-05
Zirconium™ Qube autosampler laboratory automation equipment_o Bruker (Group) 2022-01-19
Jakavi® JAK inhibitor Novartis (Group) 2012-08-28
Exjade® iron chelator Novartis (Group) 2005-11-03
Jadenu™ iron chelator Novartis (Group) 2015-03-30
Neoral® interleukin 2 inhibitor Novartis (Group) 1998-06-22
Sandimmun® interleukin 2 inhibitor Novartis (Group) 1993-01-01
Certican immunosuppresive Novartis (Group) 2000-04-05
cobas® 4800 System immunoassay system (instrument)_o Roche (Group) 2009-12-09
COBAS® h 232 system immunoassay system (instrument)_o Roche (Group) 2007-02-16
Signifor® hypothalamic hormone Novartis (Group) 2012-04-25
Gramoxone® herbicide Syngenta (Group) 2007-10-09
Navify Tumor Board Solution (cloud-based oncology care s/w) healthcare informatics_o Roche (Group) 2017-10-03
Farydak® HDAC inhibitor Novartis (Group) 2015-09-04
wheat (fursarium resistent, Syngenta) grain (seeds) Syngenta (Group) 2003-07-01
wheat, GMO (seeds) grain (seeds) Syngenta (Group) 2003-07-01
VERSagile mRNA technology platform genomic technology Versameb AG 2019-10-17
Analyst (s/w module of Genedata Expressionist) genomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2010-02-16
Genedata Expressionist for Genomic Profiling® (s/w) genomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2012-07-11
Genedata Expressionist® (s/w) genomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2000-03-01
Genedata Screener® (s/w) genomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2002-05-22
Genedata Selector® for Biosafety genomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2018-02-06
Genedata Selector® for Precise Genome Editing genomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2018-01-11
Genedata Selector® for TLA Data Analysis genomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2020-04-28
GS FLX+ software genomic software tools Roche (Group) 2012-11-07
ToxPedia™ genomic software tools Danaher (Group) 2007-03-12
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