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Products > Austria

Find below all kinds of products and services related to organisations from Austria, i.e., the “product portfolio” of the region.

Total search results: 138 | Ordered by Date (descending)
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order ascendingorder descendingProduct order ascendingorder descendingProduct Group order ascendingorder descendingOrganisation order ascendingorder descendingDate
BIO INX® resins bioink UpNano GmbH 2024-11-05
NanoOne 1000 3D printer 3D printer UpNano GmbH 2024-11-05
NanoOne 250 3D printer 3D printer UpNano GmbH 2024-11-05
NanoOne bio 3D printer 3D printer UpNano GmbH 2024-11-05
NanoOne green 3D printer 3D printer UpNano GmbH 2024-11-05
ClickCRM™ (Valanx Biotech / Fina Biosolutions) drug development technology Fina Biosolutions LLC (FinaBio) 2024-10-29
NanoOne 2PP 3D printer (product group) 3D printer UpNano GmbH 2024-10-17
aitios® platform (AI-powered liquid biopsy) sample preparation (technology)_o Aitiologic GmbH 2024-10-01
myReha tablet app digital health app Nyra Health GmbH 2024-06-22
EVOCellic (keratinocyte-based tissue-engineered skin substitute made from allogeneic cells) autologous cell therapy product Evomedis GmbH 2023-11-23
EVOSens (wound dressing with non-invasive wound monitoring) wound care product_o Evomedis GmbH 2023-11-23
EPiC cell therapy platform (Invios) cell therapy technology Invios GmbH 2023-09-05
Cardioids (human cardiac organoids) 3D cell culture technology (organoid technology) AG 2022-10-05
Celeris One™ platform AI-based drug discovery technology Celeris Therapeutics (CelerixTx) (Group) 2022-02-24
LC-TDS drug delivery technology (Langerhans Cell Target Delivery System) topical drug delivery technology Cutanos GmbH 2021-07-05
Innerspace Simulator Suite (Deployment Solution, LMS Integration, Analytics) software tools Innerspace GmbH 2021-01-01
QuantroSeq® Transcriptional Fingerprinting technology drug discovery technology_o Quantro Therapeutics GmbH 2020-07-21
Xenleta™ antibiotic Nabriva (Group) 2019-08-19
AREsupa Universal Pathogenome Assay (NGS services incl data analysis using ARESdb) clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) OpGen (Group) 2019-07-01
Unyvero AMR Atlas cloud-based knowledge base genomic database OpGen (Group) 2019-04-02
MxP® Quant 500 kit research test Biocrates (Group) 2018-12-01
Tacrosolv immuno modulatory compound (IMO)_o Marinomed Biotech AG (VSE: MARI) 2018-11-28
Budesolv glucocorticoid Marinomed Biotech AG (VSE: MARI) 2018-10-19
Marinosolv® technology platform drug delivery technology_o Marinomed Biotech AG (VSE: MARI) 2018-08-29
Qarziba® antibody cancer drug Recordati (Group) 2018-07-17
QuantSeq Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMI) data analysis pipeline genomic software tools Lexogen GmbH 2018-06-12
ARESdb database (Genetic Antibiotic Resistance and Susceptibility database) genomic database OpGen (Group) 2018-04-18
Vero suspension cell line rPP [recombinant protein production] Nuvonis Technologies GmbH 2018-02-18
Charon aerosol inlet for PTR-TOFMS mass spectrometry (MS) Ionicon (Group) 2017-10-24
MediSilk technology tissue engineering / regenerative medicine_o MorphoMed GmbH 2017-09-07
RegACL regenerative medical silk ACL (anterior cruciate ligament)) transplant tissue engineering / regenerative medicine_o MorphoMed GmbH 2017-09-07
Pharmacoscopy® ex vivo drug response profiling platform drug development technology Recursion Pharmaceuticals (Group) 2017-09-04
AMC-Monitor T-1000 PTR-TOF mass spectrometer mass spectrometer_other Ionicon (Group) 2017-07-20
AbsoluteIDQ® p400 HR Kit research test Biocrates (Group) 2017-06-05
PTR-TOF 6000 X2 trace gas analyzer time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) Ionicon (Group) 2017-04-25
Miniscan IR LOG FTIR analyzer spectrophotometer AMETEK (Group) 2017-01-01
PTR-TOF 4000 trace gas analyzer time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) Ionicon (Group) 2016-11-29
Themaxyn® vaccine technology platform vaccine technology Merck (US) (MSD) (Group) 2016-11-28
TheraT® technology vector (biotech) Hookipa (Group) 2016-10-17
Ionicon Autosampler laboratory automation equipment_o Ionicon (Group) 2016-04-22
C-LiNK ADC technology (Enzymatic C-Terminal Linking Technology, CTAT) drug development technology Biosynth (since 9/22) (Group) 2016-04-19
Ion-Booster funnel technology (Ionicon) mass spectrometry (MS) Ionicon (Group) 2016-02-24
PTR-TOF 1000 ultra trace gas analyzer time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) Ionicon (Group) 2016-02-24
GynTect® test clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Greiner (Group) 2016-01-01
Genspeed® MRSA testing system diagnostic technology_o Greiner (Group) 2015-11-13
OsteomIR test (blood circulating microRNA test) clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) TAmiRNA GmbH 2015-07-01
Affitome® technology vaccine technology Affiris AG 2015-02-05
DutaMab technology antibody technology Roche (Group) 2014-12-18
fastGC module gas chromatography (GC) Ionicon (Group) 2014-12-04
S-TIR™ technology drug development technology Dermapharm (Group) 2014-09-02
CIM® column (Convective Interaction Media monolithic chromatographic column) chromatography_other Sartorius (Group) 2014-08-15
PiCSO® (Pressure-controlled intermittent Coronary Sinus Occlusion) Impulse System cardiovascular device Miracor (Group) 2014-07-22
PTR-QiTOF trace VOC analyzer time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) Ionicon (Group) 2014-06-04
AD02 Alzheimer vaccine Alzheimer drug Affiris AG 2014-06-03
AD04 Alzheimer vaccine Alzheimer drug Affiris AG 2014-06-03
MetIDQ™ software software tools (bioinformatics)_o Biocrates (Group) 2014-03-18
PTR-TOF 1000 trace gas analyser time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) Ionicon (Group) 2014-02-18
Haploid Gene Trap Mutant Collection (haploid cell line bank) cell bank_o PerkinElmer (Group) 2014-02-12
FS102 (F-Star) antibody fragment (Fab) F-Star Alpha Ltd. 2013-10-23
Pepbase™ therapeutic protein database proteomic database Apeptico Forschung und Entwicklung GmbH 2013-10-23
Vienna Life Science Report 2013/14 Bildung Austria (govt) 2013-10-17
glass-plastic hybrid cell imaging slide (Sony DADC / Schott) consumables, laboratory_o Stratec (Group) 2013-10-07
Carragelose® virostatic agent Marinomed Biotech AG (VSE: MARI) 2013-07-15
Mavirex® technology drug development technology Marinomed Biotech AG (VSE: MARI) 2013-07-15
Viscovery® Suite data integration and analysis software (bioinformatics) Biomax (Group) 2013-05-15
hybcell BRAF DNA plexA test clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Cube Dx GmbH 2013-04-25
hybcell EGFR DNA plexA test clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Cube Dx GmbH 2013-04-25
hybcell KRAS DNA plexA test clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Cube Dx GmbH 2013-04-25
RAS-Fingerprint™ peptide analysis service mass spectrometry (MS) Ligand (Group) 2012-12-04
hybcell Pathogen and hybcell Inflammation test (integrated sepsis test) clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Cube Dx GmbH 2012-11-15
hybcell Pathogens DNA plexA test clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Cube Dx GmbH 2012-09-28
hyborg system microarray technology Cube Dx GmbH 2012-09-28
AbsoluteIDQ® Quality Controls research test Biocrates (Group) 2012-09-26
AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid Calibrators research test Biocrates (Group) 2012-09-26
AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid Internal Standards research test Biocrates (Group) 2012-09-26
AbsoluteIDQ® Steroid Testmix research test Biocrates (Group) 2012-09-26
cell sorting chip (Sony DADC) cell separation technology Stratec (Group) 2012-07-03
hybcell Pathogens DNA system molecular diagnostics Cube Dx GmbH 2012-06-27
PD01A Parkinson vaccine Parkinson drug Affiris AG 2012-06-05
AbsoluteIDQ® Stero17 Kit research test Biocrates (Group) 2012-06-04
mAb2 bispecific antibody platform antibody technology Sino Biopharm (Group) 2012-05-14
hybcell DoA Saliva drug screening test microarray_o Cube Dx GmbH 2012-02-08
hybcell DoA Urine drug screening test microarray_o Cube Dx GmbH 2012-02-08
hybcell Oncogenes Tissue pharmacogenetic test microarray_o Cube Dx GmbH 2012-02-08
PTR-QMS 500 series VOC analysis mass spectrometer quadrupole mass spectrometer Ionicon (Group) 2011-12-01
FlexiMass™ MALDI target plate (laboratory)_o Shimadzu (Group) 2011-10-17
N.A.S.E. sample collection device sample extraction (technology)_o Ionicon (Group) 2011-08-23
SiMoA™ Disc consumables, laboratory_o Quanterix (Group) 2011-07-20
Vaxwave® technology vector (biotech) Hookipa (Group) 2011-07-01
MetaDisIDQ Kit research test Biocrates (Group) 2011-05-18
SteroIDQ™ Kit diagnostic test Biocrates (Group) 2011-05-18
IMR-MS technology (Ion Molecule Reaction Mass Spectrometry technology) mass spectrometry (MS) V&F (Group) 2011-03-07
AbsoluteIDQ® p180 Kit research test Biocrates (Group) 2010-09-06
High-Sensitivity PTR-MS mass spectrometer quadrupole mass spectrometer Ionicon (Group) 2010-08-19
PTR-QMS 300 mobile VOC monitoring mass spectrometer quadrupole mass spectrometer Ionicon (Group) 2010-08-19
Standard PTR-MS mass spectrometer quadrupole mass spectrometer Ionicon (Group) 2010-08-19
PTR-MS (Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry) mass spectrometry (MS) Ionicon (Group) 2010-03-18
Austrian Life Sciences Directory business information services Austria (govt) 2009-11-07
drugs of abuse test (antibody-based, Anagnostics Bioanalysis GmbH) clinical proteomic test Cube Dx GmbH 2009-10-12
PTR-TOF 2000 mass spectrometer time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) Ionicon (Group) 2009-10-07
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