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Find below all kinds of products and services from companies Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

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order ascendingorder descendingProduct order ascendingorder descendingProduct Group order ascendingorder descendingOrganisation order ascendingorder descendingDate
anti-fluorescein antibody-Dy547 conjugate sample labeling technology Dyomics GmbH 2004-07-29
streptavidin-Dy647 conjugate sample labeling technology Dyomics GmbH 2004-07-29
Oxaquin antibiotic Deinove (Group) 2004-07-21
Freedom EVO®384R automated liquid handling technology_o Tecan (Group) 2004-07-19
Freedom EVO®96R automated liquid handling technology_o Tecan (Group) 2004-07-19
Greiner 96 well CrystalQuick LBR plate 96 well plate (96-well plate) Greiner (Group) 2004-07-15
iGentifier technology gene expression analysis technology Gentana GmbH 2004-07-14
EVOware software device software_o Tecan (Group) 2004-07-07
Freedom EVO®75 automated liquid handling technology_o Tecan (Group) 2004-07-07
Erbitux® antibody cancer drug Merck (DE) (Group) 2004-07-01
MultiCycler system (MJ Research/Biozym) thermocycler (thermal cycler)_o Biozym (DE) (Group) 2004-07-01
Primus 25 advanced® thermal cycler standard thermocycler (non-real-time) Avantor (Group) 2004-07-01
Primus 96 advanced® thermal cycler standard thermocycler (non-real-time) Avantor (Group) 2004-07-01
Primus thermal cycler standard thermocycler (non-real-time) Avantor (Group) 2004-07-01
SpeedCycler standard thermocycler (non-real-time) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2004-07-01
TGradient thermocycler thermocycler (thermal cycler)_o Endress+Hauser (Group) 2004-07-01
Oligo GEArray DNA chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) (DNA, cDNA, mRNA, oligo) Qiagen (Group) 2004-06-29
Array-Ready Oligo Set (Qiagen/Operon) genomic technology Qiagen (Group) 2004-06-25
Grapevine Genome Oligo Set (Qiagen) Qiagen (Group) 2004-06-25
Peach Fruit Genome Oligo Set (Qiagen) genomic technology Qiagen (Group) 2004-06-25
Qiagen Oligo Microarray Database (OMAD) genomic database Qiagen (Group) 2004-06-25
Serum Biomarker Chip protein chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) General Electric (Group) 2004-06-09
Montage PCR384 kit PCR reagents Merck (DE) (Group) 2004-06-07
Montage SEQ384 kit Montage kit Merck (DE) (Group) 2004-06-07
EVOrationale drug development platform drug development technology Evotec (Group) 2004-06-01
HercepTest clinical test_other Agilent (Group) 2004-05-27
ProteinScape software mass spectrometry software (MS software) Bruker (Group) 2004-05-19
fluorescence lifetime technology (FLT) fluorescence spectroscopy Tecan (Group) 2004-05-17
SRN-001 (sustained release DHEC) dopamine agonist KeyNeurotek (Group) 2004-05-10
EVOprofile ADMET platform drug development technology Evotec (Group) 2004-05-07
IconoClust array imaging s/w data integration and analysis software (bioinformatics) Abbott (Group) 2004-05-05
Liquid Tissue® technology (Expression Pathology) biochip technology (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip)_o OncoPlex Diagnostics (OncoPlexDx) 2004-05-03
siRNA set, custom RNAi technology Qiagen (Group) 2004-05-03
Chematica technology cheminformatics software tools Galapagos (Group) 2004-05-01
T3000 thermocycler standard thermocycler (non-real-time) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2004-05-01
HPSF synthesis technology nucleic acid purification (technology) Eurofins (Group) 2004-04-27
MWG-HYPUR oligos genomic technology Eurofins (Group) 2004-04-27
ZeptoREADER Microarray Analysis Station biochip detection technology Bayer (Group) 2004-04-26
SAW Fluidic Controller FC100 Danaher (Group) 2004-04-24
SlideBooster biochip technology (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip)_o Danaher (Group) 2004-04-24
ZeptoMARK CeLyA (Cell Lysate Array) protein chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) Bayer (Group) 2004-04-19
laser microdissection and pressure catapulting technologies (LMPC) laser microdissection Carl Zeiss (Group) 2004-04-14
Laser Pressure Catapulting technology (P.A.L.M.) laser microdissection Carl Zeiss (Group) 2004-04-14
PALM MicroBeam laser microdissection unit laser microdissection Carl Zeiss (Group) 2004-04-14
FX06 pharmaceutical_oo Fibrex Medical Research & Development GmbH 2004-04-01
PicoTRACE laboratory equipment and instruments_oo 908 Devices (Group) 2004-04-01
Lion Lead Engine data integration and analysis software (bioinformatics) 2invest (Group) 2004-03-31
Xenopus tropicalis array-ready oligo set (Qiagen) genomic technology Qiagen (Group) 2004-03-26
THEQ LifeCycler standard thermocycler (non-real-time) Eurofins (Group) 2004-03-23
Firazyr® bradykinin receptor B2 antagonist Takeda (Group) 2004-03-18
SPIA technology sample labeling service Tecan (Group) 2004-03-09
Avastin® angiogenesis inhibitor Roche (Group) 2004-02-26
2-for-Silencing siRNA Duplexes (Qiagen) RNAi technology Qiagen (Group) 2004-02-24
QIAamp DSP DNA Blood Mini Kit nucleic acid purification (kit) Qiagen (Group) 2004-02-17
CellaVision® DM96 cell analysis technology CellaVision (Group) 2004-02-15
Safire2™ microplate reader microplate reader / microplate scanner_o Tecan (Group) 2004-02-02
SRS Gateway for Oracle data integration and analysis software (bioinformatics) 2invest (Group) 2004-01-21
FAST Quant TH1/TH2 antibody microarray (S&S) protein chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) General Electric (Group) 2004-01-19
Applied Biosystems 3730xl DNA Analyzer DNA sequencing system_other Thermo Fisher (Group) 2004-01-14
UNIclone gene library genomic library (database/availability) Freenome (Group) 2004-01-13
HTAPlate biochip system_oo Greiner (Group) 2004-01-12
HTASlide biochip system_oo Greiner (Group) 2004-01-12
Human Druggable Genome siRNA Set (Qiagen) RNAi technology Qiagen (Group) 2004-01-07
AX200 cytokine 2invest (Group) 2004-01-01
BIFLORA database (Hainan plant species) chemical compound library (availability) Bicoll (Group) 2004-01-01
COBAS® TaqMan® 48 Analyzer real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2004-01-01
COBAS® TaqMan® 96 Analyzer real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2004-01-01
Diapat (protein test) diagnostic test DiaPat GmbH 2004-01-01
HCTultra™ ion trap mass spectrometer ion trap mass spectrometer Bruker (Group) 2004-01-01
HKB11 human cell line Bayer (Group) 2004-01-01
HuCAL® EST antibody technology Novartis (Group) 2004-01-01
Human Genome Oligo Set (Qiagen) genomic technology Operon Technologies Inc. 2004-01-01
Imvamune® vaccine, smallpox Bavarian Nordic (Group) 2004-01-01
JMs8 x RF3 oilseed rape transgenic plant Bayer (Group) 2004-01-01
miniPERM bioreactor bioreactor Greiner (Group) 2004-01-01
Mouse Genome Oligo Set (Qiagen) genomic technology Operon Technologies Inc. 2004-01-01
Olympus ETD 3 endoscopy_o Olympus (Group) 2004-01-01
PARTISAN arrayLIMS LIMS (laboratory information management system) Raytest (Group) 2004-01-01
PG Biotech Avian influenza Virus FQ-PCR Detection kit PCR reagents Qiagen (Group) 2004-01-01
PHERAstar microplate reader microplate reader / microplate scanner_o BMG Labtech (Group) 2004-01-01
PIQOR HybChamb DNA chip technology (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) Miltenyi Biotec (Group) 2004-01-01
Proline® (fungicide) fungicide (plant) Bayer (Group) 2004-01-01
RapidFire™ Mass Spectrometry system mass spectrometer_other Thermo Fisher (Group) 2004-01-01
ReeWelder® 3 sterile tubing welder laboratory equipment and instruments_oo Sartorius (Group) 2004-01-01
HiPerformance siRNA design algorithm RNAi technology Novartis (Group) 2003-12-15
sciOLIGOs genomic technology Bico (Group) 2003-12-05
sciRNA EXTRACT sample extraction (service) Bico (Group) 2003-12-05
RE-PheX™ s/w tool drug discovery software Phenex Pharmaceuticals AG 2003-12-03
BioMiner data mining s/w data integration and analysis software (bioinformatics) MicroDiscovery GmbH 2003-12-01
Ingenuity Pathways Analysis (IPA) s/w metabolic database Qiagen (Group) 2003-11-03
BioRobot EZ1 sample purification / sample separation (technology)_oo Qiagen (Group) 2003-11-01
BioRobot M48 sample purification / sample separation (technology)_oo Qiagen (Group) 2003-11-01
BioRobot MDx automated liquid handling technology_o Qiagen (Group) 2003-11-01
BRENDA® enzyme database proteomic database Qiagen (Group) 2003-11-01
BRENDA® LIGAND database compound database Qiagen (Group) 2003-11-01
Lab-Arraytor human 500-2 cDNA microarray DNA chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) (DNA, cDNA, mRNA, oligo) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2003-11-01
Lab-Arraytor human 60-1 microarray DNA chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) (DNA, cDNA, mRNA, oligo) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2003-11-01
Lab-Arraytor human 60-2 microarray DNA chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) (DNA, cDNA, mRNA, oligo) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2003-11-01
Lab-Arraytor human 60-3 microarray DNA chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) (DNA, cDNA, mRNA, oligo) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2003-11-01
Lab-Arraytor human 60-4 microarray DNA chip product (array, bead, lab-on-a-chip) (DNA, cDNA, mRNA, oligo) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2003-11-01
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