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Find below all kinds of products and services from companies Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Total search results: 5521 | Ordered by Date (descending)
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maXis II™ UHR-qTOF mass spectrometer hybrid mass spectrometer Bruker (Group) 2014-11-03
Mydicar® (AAV1/SERCA2a) gene therapy cardiovascular disease Celladon Corporation 2014-11-03
SCION GC/MS system mass spectrometer_other Techcomp (Group) 2014-11-03
SCION SQ™ single quadrupole GC/MS system single quadrupole mass spectrometer Techcomp (Group) 2014-11-03
Contans™ WG biofungicide fungicide (plant) Bayer (Group) 2014-11-01
Versant Venture Capital V fund fund, venture capital Versant Ventures 2014-11-01
CLART® STI A& B diagnostic kit clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) PharmaMar (Group) 2014-10-29
AbAccel antibody optimisation + humanisation platform antibody technology Ampersand Biomedicines (Group) 2014-10-28
PAS-YNSa8 (PASylated interferon superagonist) cytokine Weizmann Institute of Science 2014-10-21
Q Exactive™ Focus LC-MS/MS system hybrid mass spectrometer Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-10-20
Cobas® c 501 Analyzer diagnostic device, in vitro Roche (Group) 2014-10-17
Cobas® c 502 Analyzer diagnostic device, in vitro Roche (Group) 2014-10-17
TDM Methotrexate cobas c test kit clinical chemical test Roche (Group) 2014-10-17
Ofev® tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) 2014-10-16
ImeScreen® platform drug screening (HTS) Imevax GmbH 2014-10-13
PETE technology (primer extension based target enrichment) nucleic acid amplification (technology) Roche (Group) 2014-10-09
SnapEsi® system immunoassay system (instrument)_o MBio Diagnostics Inc. 2014-10-08
Ascentis® Express 2.0 micron UHPLC column liquid chromatography (LC) Merck (DE) (Group) 2014-10-07
BaseSpace® cloud computing environment cloud computing Illumina (Group) 2014-10-02
fodjan smart feeding software software (excl. nets)_o Fodjan GmbH 2014-10-01
RealStar® Filovirus RT-PCR Kit clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Qiagen (Group) 2014-09-30
Moss-aGal (recombinant human alpha-galactosidase) enzyme replacement therapeutic Eleva GmbH 2014-09-29
TAB technology platform (T-cell-specific AntiBodies) antibody technology Medigene (Group) 2014-09-22
Elecsys® Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) blood test clinical test_other Roche (Group) 2014-09-18
SkyScan™ 1278 micro-CT system computed tomography (CT) technology Bruker (Group) 2014-09-17
Freedom EVO® NGS workstation automated liquid handling technology_o Tecan (Group) 2014-09-16
Idylla™ BRAF Mutation Test clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Biocartis (Group) 2014-09-12
Idylla™ molecular diagnostics system molecular diagnostics Biocartis (Group) 2014-09-12
ciPTEC™ human renal cell line cell line/system (research assays) 2014-09-11
Parsortix system diagnostic technology_o Angle plc (AIM: AGL) 2014-09-08
Evalution™ multiplex detection platform diagnostic device, clinical MyCartis 2014-09-05
Proteome-SEQ™ standardized discovery service mass spectrometry (MS) Bruker (Group) 2014-09-05
cobas® 6800 system real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2014-09-02
cobas® 8800 system real-time thermocycler Roche (Group) 2014-09-02
cobas® HEV assay blood screening test_o Roche (Group) 2014-09-02
cobas® MPX assay clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Roche (Group) 2014-09-02
cobas® p 680 instrument sample preparation (technology)_o Roche (Group) 2014-09-02
cobas® WNV assay clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Roche (Group) 2014-09-02
S-TIR™ technology drug development technology Dermapharm (Group) 2014-09-02
Acura® capillar 846 positive displacement micropipette positive displacement pipette Socorex Isba S.A. 2014-09-01
Kerydin® antimycotic 2014-09-01
Keytruda® antibody cancer drug Merck (US) (MSD) (Group) 2014-09-01
Recipe ClinMass® LC-MSMS Complete Kits® clinical mass spectrometry-based test Recipe Chemicals + Instruments GmbH 2014-08-26
epMotion 96 automated liquid handling technology_o Eppendorf (Group) 2014-08-25
iMSCope TRIO imaging mass microscope hybrid mass spectrometer Shimadzu (Group) 2014-08-25
ADAPTIR™ (molecular protein technology) platform antibody technology Emergent BioSolutions (Group) 2014-08-19
CIM® column (Convective Interaction Media monolithic chromatographic column) chromatography_other Sartorius (Group) 2014-08-15
PAS-X Manufacturing Execution System (MES) manufacturing software_o Körber (Group) 2014-08-13
Touch Activated Phlebotomy (TAP™) blood collection and diagnostics platform diagnostic technology_o Seventh Sense Biosystems Inc. (7SBio) 2014-08-13
ProtoDiscovery™ computational drug discovery platform drug discovery software Lallemand (Group) 2014-08-04
TAdvanced 96 G thermal cycler (Biometra) standard thermocycler (non-real-time) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2014-08-01
TAdvanced 96 thermal cycler (Biometra) standard thermocycler (non-real-time) Endress+Hauser (Group) 2014-08-01
Shodex™ HPLC column liquid chromatography (LC) Resonac (Group) 2014-07-29
Endura MD mass spectrometer triple quadrupole mass spectrometer Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-07-28
Prelude MD HPLC system liquid chromatography (LC) Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-07-28
PiCSO® (Pressure-controlled intermittent Coronary Sinus Occlusion) Impulse System cardiovascular device Miracor (Group) 2014-07-22
LubriGreen® Biosynthetic Oil chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals)_oo Biosynthetic Technologies LLC (BT) 2014-07-16
Biolys® (a source of L-lysine) AGRIFOOD Evonik (Group) 2014-07-15
GeneRead™ DNAseq V2 gene panel (product series) clinical genomic test (nucleic acid diagnostics) Qiagen (Group) 2014-07-15
MetAmino® (DL-methionine) AGRIFOOD Evonik (Group) 2014-07-15
ThreAmino® (L-threonine) AGRIFOOD Evonik (Group) 2014-07-15
TrypAmino® (L-tryptophan) AGRIFOOD Evonik (Group) 2014-07-15
Vanquish UHPLC system liquid chromatography (LC) Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-07-15
ADx Multilisa® SSc assay research test Freenome (Group) 2014-07-01
cobas® 6500 fully automated urine analyzer diagnostic device, in vitro Roche (Group) 2014-06-30
HiSeq™ 2500 sequencing system DNA sequencing system_other Illumina (Group) 2014-06-30
Sovaldi® virostatic agent Gilead Sciences (Group) 2014-06-25
ambr® 250 automated bioreactor system bioreactor Sartorius (Group) 2014-06-24
Fleximer® antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) technology drug development technology Mersana Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: MRSN) 2014-06-24
Fluent™ laboratory automation family automated liquid handling technology_o Tecan (Group) 2014-06-24
NAV® AAV9 technology vector (biotech) RegenXBio Inc. (Nasdaq: RGNX) 2014-06-23
faldaprevir virostatic agent Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) 2014-06-20
Pesticide PCDL (Pesticide Personal Compound Database and Library for GC/Q-TOF) spectral database (spectral library) Agilent (Group) 2014-06-17
AB Sciex TripleTOF® 6600 System hybrid mass spectrometer Danaher (Group) 2014-06-16
Compass™ PathwayScreener™ software mass spectrometry software (MS software) Bruker (Group) 2014-06-16
high resolution accurate mass (HRAM) spectral library (Thermo Fisher) spectral database (spectral library) Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-06-16
HPIMS™ technology (High Performance Ion Mobility Sectrometry) ion mobility spectrometry technology (IMS) Excellims Corporation 2014-06-16
impact II™ UHR-QTOF mass spectrometer hybrid mass spectrometer Bruker (Group) 2014-06-16
MA3100 HP-IMS module (IMS add on to existing mass spectrometer) ion mobility spectrometry technology (IMS) Excellims Corporation 2014-06-16
PepFinder peptide mapping software mass spectrometry software (MS software) Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-06-16
Q Exactive™ HF Quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS system hybrid mass spectrometer Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-06-16
Q Exactive™ Plus Quadrupole-Orbitrap LC-MS system hybrid mass spectrometer Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-06-16
ToxScreener™ mass spectrometry solution mass spectrometry (MS) Bruker (Group) 2014-06-16
Super-API technology drug delivery technology_o Druggability Technologies (DRGT) (Group) 2014-06-11
NanoTag sequencing technology DNA/RNA sequencing Roche (Group) 2014-06-04
PTR-QiTOF trace VOC analyzer time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) Ionicon (Group) 2014-06-04
AD02 Alzheimer vaccine Alzheimer drug Affiris AG 2014-06-03
AD04 Alzheimer vaccine Alzheimer drug Affiris AG 2014-06-03
Oncomine™ Cancer Research panel research test Thermo Fisher (Group) 2014-06-02
Q-POC™ handheld DNA sequencing and genotyping device point-of-care diagnostic device QuantuMDx (Group) 2014-06-02
MassARRAY® technology mass spectrometry (MS) Agena Bioscience (Group) 2014-05-30
RebiSmart electronic injection device injectional drug delivery technology Merck (DE) (Group) 2014-05-28
HRM Calibration Kit (Biognosys) mass spectrometry (MS) Bruker (Group) 2014-05-18
TreatmentMAP™ software genomic software tools Molecular Health (Group) 2014-05-16
chondrosphere® cell therapy product_o ReLive (Group) 2014-05-15
chondrotransplant® DISC method autologous cell therapy product ReLive (Group) 2014-05-15
Matrix-I FT-NIR Spectrometer spectrophotometer Bruker BioSciences (Group) 2014-05-15
Sample Scheduler for OpenLAB CDS EZChrom Edition cheminformatics software tools Agilent (Group) 2014-05-15
BenchOne Biogas bench-top gas analyser analytical instrument_other BlueSens Gas Sensor GmbH 2014-05-14
glow discharge mass spectrometry (GDMS) mass spectrometry (MS) 2014-05-14
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