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Find below conferences, trade fairs and other events.Total search results: 1317 | Ordered by Description (descending)
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Event | Date | Country | Description |
IMSIS 2025 | 2025-10-01 | The 3rd Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Integrated Topics 2025 (IMSIS 2025) will take place in October 2025. The event will be organised by the International Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society. Date & place have yet to be confirmed. | |
3D Medical Conference 2030 The Netherlands | 2030-01-01 | Netherlands | The 3D Medical Conference 2030 (3D BioPrinting, 3D Medtech Printing, 3D Dental Printing & 3D Pharma Printing) will take place in January 2030 in the Netherlands. The event will be organised by Jakajima BV. Date & place have yet to be confirmed. |
3D Medical Conference 2029 The Netherlands | 2029-01-01 | Netherlands | The 3D Medical Conference 2029 (3D BioPrinting, 3D Medtech Printing, 3D Dental Printing & 3D Pharma Printing) will take place in January 2029 in the Netherlands. The event will be organised by Jakajima BV. Date & place have yet to be confirmed. |
3D Medical Conference 2028 The Netherlands | 2028-01-01 | Netherlands | The 3D Medical Conference 2028 (3D BioPrinting, 3D Medtech Printing, 3D Dental Printing & 3D Pharma Printing) will take place in January 2028 in the Netherlands. The event will be organised by Jakajima BV. Date & place have yet to be confirmed. |
3D Medical Conference 2027 The Netherlands | 2027-01-01 | Netherlands | The 3D Medical Conference 2027 (3D BioPrinting, 3D Medtech Printing, 3D Dental Printing & 3D Pharma Printing) will take place in January 2027 in the Netherlands. The event will be organised by Jakajima BV. Date & place have yet to be confirmed. |
3D Medical Conference 2026 The Netherlands | 2026-01-01 | Netherlands | The 3D Medical Conference 2026 (3D BioPrinting, 3D Medtech Printing, 3D Dental Printing & 3D Pharma Printing) will take place in January 2026 in the Netherlands. The event will be organised by Jakajima BV. Date & place have yet to be confirmed. |
3D Medical Conference 2025 Eindhoven | 2025-01-28 | Netherlands | The 3D Medical Conference 2025 (3D BioPrinting, 3D Medtech Printing & 3D Pharma Printing) will take place 28 January 2025 in Leiden, the Netherlands. The event will be organised by Jakajima BV. |
European Congress of Pathology 2027 Europe (ECP 2027) | 2027-09-01 | The 39th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2027) will take place in September 2027 in Europe. The event will be organised by the European Society of Pathology. Data and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ESCMID Global 2029 | 2029-04-01 | The 39th ESCMID Global 2029 will take place in April 2029 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
SITC 2024 Houston | 2024-11-06 | United States (USA) | The 39th Annual Meeting of the Society for Immunotherapy in Cancer – SITC 2024 – will take place 6-11 November 2024 in Houston, TX, USA. |
European Congress of Pathology 2026 Stockholm (ECP 2026) | 2026-09-12 | Sweden | The 38th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2026) will take place 12-16 September 2026 in Stockholm, Sweden. The event will be organised by the European Society of Pathology. |
ESCMID Global 2028 | 2028-04-01 | The 38th ESCMID Global 2028 will take place in Europe in spring 2028. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ISMRM 2030 | 2030-05-01 | The 38th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2030) will take place in May 2030. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
International Symposium on Chromatography 2030 (ISC 2030) | 2030-09-01 | The 37th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2030) will take place in September 2030 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Tri-Con 2030 California | 2030-03-01 | United States (USA) | The 37th International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, focusing on Drug Discovery, Genomics, Diagnostics & Information Technology, will take place in early 2030 in California, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. |
European Congress of Pathology 2025 Wien (Vienna) (ECP 2025) | 2025-09-06 | Austria | The 37th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2025) will take place 6-10 September 2025 in Vienna, Austria. The event will be organised by the European Society of Pathology. |
ESCMID Global 2027 | 2027-04-01 | The 37th ESCMID Global 2027 will take place in Europe in spring 2027. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ESGCT 2030 | 2030-10-01 | The 37th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy – ESGCT 2030 – will take place in October 2030 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ISMRM 2029 | 2029-05-01 | The 37th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2029) will take place in May 2029. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
International Symposium on Chromatography 2028 (ISC 2028) | 2028-09-01 | The 36th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2028) will take place in September 2028 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Tri-Con 2029 California | 2029-03-01 | United States (USA) | The 36th International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, focusing on Drug Discovery, Genomics, Diagnostics & Information Technology, will take place in early 2029 in California, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. |
ESCMID Global 2026 Munich (München) | 2026-04-17 | Germany | The 36th ESCMID Global 2026 will take place 17-21 April 2026 in Munich, Germany. |
BVMA Symposium 2028 München (Munich) | 2028-11-01 | Germany | The 36th BVMA Symposium of the German Federal Assocation of Contract Research Organisations will take place in November 2028 in Munich, Germany. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ESGCT 2029 | 2029-10-01 | The 36th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy – ESGCT 2029 – will take place in October 2029 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ISMRM 2028 | 2028-05-01 | The 36th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2028) will take place in May 2028. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
International Symposium on Chromatography 2026 (ISC 2026) | 2026-09-01 | The 35th International Symposium on Chromatography (ISC 2026) will take place in September 2026 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Tri-Con 2028 California | 2028-03-01 | United States (USA) | The 35th International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, focusing on Drug Discovery, Genomics, Diagnostics & Information Technology, will take place in early 2028 in California, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. |
ESCMID Global 2025 Vienna (Wien) | 2025-04-11 | Austria | The 35th ESCMID Globa 2025 (formerly ECCMID 2025) will take place 11-15 April 2024 in Vienna, Austria. |
BVMA Symposium 2027 München (Munich) | 2027-11-01 | Germany | The 35th BVMA Symposium of the German Federal Assocation of Contract Research Organisations will take place in November 2027 in Munich, Germany. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ESGCT 2028 | 2028-10-01 | The 35th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy – ESGCT 2028 – will take place in October 2028 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ISMRM 2027 Vancouver | 2027-05-08 | Canada | The 35th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2027) will take place 8-13 May 2027 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. |
Tri-Con 2027 California | 2027-03-01 | United States (USA) | The 34th International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, focusing on Drug Discovery, Genomics, Diagnostics & Information Technology, will take place in early 2027 in California, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. |
BVMA Symposium 2026 München (Munich) | 2026-11-01 | Germany | The 34th BVMA Symposium of the German Federal Assocation of Contract Research Organisations will take place in November 2026 in Munich, Germany. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ISCT 2028 | 2028-05-01 | The 34th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT 2028) will take place in May 2028. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ESGCT 2027 | 2027-10-01 | The 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy – ESGCT 2027 – will take place in October 2027 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Oddo BHF Forum 2030 Lyon | 2030-01-01 | France | The 33rd Oddo BHF Forum 2030 (Midcap Forum) will take place in January 2030 in Lyon, France. The event will be organised by Oddo BHF. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Tri-Con 2026 California | 2026-03-01 | United States (USA) | The 33rd International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, focusing on Drug Discovery, Genomics, Diagnostics & Information Technology, will take place in early 2026 in California, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. |
BVMA Symposium 2025 München (Munich) | 2025-11-01 | Germany | The 33rd BVMA Symposium of the German Federal Assocation of Contract Research Organisations will take place in November 2025 in Munich, Germany. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ISCT 2027 | 2027-05-01 | The 33rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT 2027) will take place in May 2027. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ESGCT 2026 | 2026-10-01 | The 33rd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy – ESGCT 2026 – will take place in October 2026 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ASGCT 2030 | 2029-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 33rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT 2030) will take place in May 2030 in the United States. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ISMRM 2025 Honolulu | 2025-05-10 | United States (USA) | The 33rd Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM 2025) will take place 10-15 May 2025 in Honolulu, USA. |
Oddo BHF Forum 2029 Lyon | 2029-01-01 | France | The 32nd Oddo BHF Forum 2029 (Midcap Forum) will take place in January 2029 in Lyon, France. The event will be organised by Oddo BHF. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
NanoBioTech-Montreux 2028 (NBT Montreux 2028) | 2028-11-01 | Switzerland | The 32nd NanoBioTech-Montreux Conference 2028 – the international conference on micro- and nanotechnologies for the life sciences – will take place in November 2028 in Montreux, Switzerland. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Tri-Con 2025 California | 2025-03-01 | United States (USA) | The 32nd International Molecular Medicine Tri-Conference, focusing on Drug Discovery, Genomics, Diagnostics & Information Technology, will take place in early 2025 in California, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. |
ISCT 2026 | 2026-05-01 | The 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT 2026) will take place in May 2026. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ESGCT 2025 Sevilla (Seville) | 2025-10-07 | Spain (España) | The 32nd Annual Meeting of the European Society of Gene & Cell Therapy – ESGCT 2025 – will take place 7-12 October 2025 in Sevilla, Spain. |
ASGCT 2029 | 2029-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 32nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT 2029) will take place in May 2029 in the United States. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Oddo BHF Forum 2028 Lyon | 2028-01-01 | France | The 31st Oddo BHF Forum 2028 (Midcap Forum) will take place in January 2028 in Lyon, France. The event will be organised by Oddo BHF. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
NanoBioTech-Montreux 2027 (NBT Montreux 2027) | 2027-11-01 | Switzerland | The 31st NanoBioTech-Montreux Conference 2027 – the international conference on micro- and nanotechnologies for the life sciences – will take place in November 2027 in Montreux, Switzerland. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ISCT 2025 New Orleans | 2025-05-07 | United States (USA) | The 31st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cell & Gene Therapy (ISCT 2025) will take place 7-10 May 2025 in New Orleans, LA, USA. |
ASGCT 2028 | 2028-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 31st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT 2028) will take place in May 2028 in the United States. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Oddo BHF Forum 2027 Lyon | 2027-01-01 | France | The 30th Oddo BHF Forum 2027 (Midcap Forum) will take place in January 2027 in Lyon, France. The event will be organised by Oddo BHF. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
NanoBioTech-Montreux 2026 (NBT Montreux 2026) | 2026-11-01 | Switzerland | The 30th NanoBioTech-Montreux Conference 2026 – the international conference on micro- and nanotechnologies for the life sciences – will take place in November 2026 in Montreux, Switzerland. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ASGCT 2027 | 2027-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT 2027) will take place in May 2027 in the United States. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Sachs Annual Biotech in Europe Forum 2030 Basel | 2030-09-01 | Switzerland | The 30th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum will take place in September 2030 in Basel, Switzerland. The forum will be organised by Sachs Associates. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
HLTH Europe 2025 Amsterdam | 2025-06-16 | Netherlands | The 2nd HLTH Europe 2025 conference will take place 16-19 June 2025 in Amsteredam, The Netherlands. The event will be organised by HLTH Europe Ltd. |
Analytica USA 2027 Columbus | 2027-09-01 | United States (USA) | The 2nd bi-annual Analytica USA 2027 will take place in September 2027 in Columbus, OH, USA. The event will be organised by Messe München GmbH. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Guggenheim Global Healthcare Conference 2025 Boston | 2025-11-01 | United States (USA) | The 2nd Annual Guggenheim Global Healthcare Conference 2025 will take place in November 2025 in Boston, MA, USA. The event will be organised by Guggenheim Securities. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Gitex Europe 2026 Berlin | 2026-05-01 | Germany | The 2nd annual Gitex Europe 2026 conference will take place in May 2026 in Berlin, Germany. The event will be organised by Kaoun International. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Oddo BHF Forum 2026 Lyon | 2026-01-01 | France | The 29th Oddo BHF Forum 2026 (Midcap Forum) will take place in January 2026 in Lyon, France. The event will be organised by Oddo BHF. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
NanoBioTech-Montreux 2025 (NBT Montreux 2025) | 2025-11-01 | Switzerland | The 29th NanoBioTech-Montreux Conference 2025 – the international conference on micro- and nanotechnologies for the life sciences – will take place in November 2025 in Montreux, Switzerland. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
IMSC 2032 | 2032-09-01 | The 29th International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC 2032) will take place in September 2032. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ASGCT 2026 | 2026-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT 2026) will take place in May 2026 in the United States. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Sachs Annual Biotech in Europe Forum 2029 Basel | 2029-09-01 | Switzerland | The 29th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum will take place in September 2029 in Basel, Switzerland. The forum will be organised by Sachs Associates. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Oddo BHF Forum 2025 Lyon | 2025-01-01 | France | The 28th Oddo BHF Forum 2025 (Midcap Forum) will take place in January 2025 in Lyon, France. The event will be organised by Oddo BHF. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
IMSC 2030 | 2030-09-01 | The 28th International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC 2030) will take place in September 2030. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ASGCT 2025 New Orleans | 2025-05-13 | United States (USA) | The 28th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT 2025) will take place 13-17 May 2025 in New Orleans, LA, USA. |
Sachs Annual Biotech in Europe Forum 2028 Basel | 2028-09-01 | Switzerland | The 28th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum will take place in September 2028 in Basel, Switzerland. The forum will be organised by Sachs Associates. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
IMSC 2028 | 2028-09-01 | The 27th International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC 2028) will take place in September 2028. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Sachs Annual Biotech in Europe Forum 2027 Basel | 2027-09-01 | Switzerland | The 27th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum will take place in September 2027 in Basel, Switzerland. The forum will be organised by Sachs Associates. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
IMSC 2026 Lyon | 2026-08-22 | France | The 26th International Mass Spectrometry Conference (IMSC 2026) will take place 22-28 August 2026 in Lyon, France. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
PEGS Summit 2030 Boston | 2029-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 26th Annual PEGS Boston (The Protein Engineering Summit) will take place in May 2030 in Boston, MA, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. The date has yet to be confirmed. |
EUROMAR 2030 Europe | 2030-07-01 | The 26th Annual European Magnetic Resonance Meetting (EUROMAR 2030) will take place in July 2030 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Sachs Annual Biotech in Europe Forum 2026 Basel | 2026-09-01 | Switzerland | The 26th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum will take place in late September 2026 in Basel, Switzerland. The forum will be organised by Sachs Associates. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ESTIV Congress 2030 Europe | 2030-06-01 | The 25th International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2030) will take place in June 2030 in Europe. The place has yet to be confirmed. | |
European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2030 (EMIM 2030) | 2030-03-01 | The 25th European Molecular Imaging Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (EMIM 2030) will take place in March 2030 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
PEGS Summit 2029 Boston | 2028-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 25th Annual PEGS Boston (The Protein Engineering Summit) will take place in May 2029 in Boston, MA, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. The date has yet to be confirmed. |
EUROMAR 2029 Europe | 2029-07-01 | The 25th Annual European Magnetic Resonance Meetting (EUROMAR 2029) will take place in July 2029 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Sachs Annual Biotech in Europe Forum 2025 Basel | 2025-09-01 | Switzerland | The 25th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum will take place in late September 2025 in Basel, Switzerland. The forum will be organised by Sachs Associates. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Nationale Branchenkonferenz Gesundheitswirtschaft 2030 Rostock | 2030-06-01 | Germany | The 25. Nationale Branchenkonferenz Gesundheitswirtschaft 2030 will take place in June 2030 in Rostock, Germany. The event will be organised by BioCon Valley GmbH. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ISMAR 2025 | 2025-08-01 | The 24th Meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance (ISMAR 2025) will take place in summer 2025. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
ESTIV Congress 2028 Europe | 2028-06-01 | The 24th International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2028) will take place in June 2028 in Europe. The place has yet to be confirmed. | |
European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2029 (EMIM 2029) | 2029-03-01 | The 24th European Molecular Imaging Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (EMIM 2029) will take place in March 2029 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
PEGS Summit 2028 Boston | 2028-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 24th Annual PEGS Boston (The Protein Engineering Summit) will take place in May 2028 in Boston, MA, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. The date has yet to be confirmed. |
EUROMAR 2028 Europe | 2028-07-01 | The 24th Annual European Magnetic Resonance Meetting (EUROMAR 2028) will take place in July 2028 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Nationale Branchenkonferenz Gesundheitswirtschaft 2029 Rostock | 2029-06-01 | Germany | The 24. Nationale Branchenkonferenz Gesundheitswirtschaft 2029 will take place in June 2029 in Rostock, Germany. The event will be organised by BioCon Valley GmbH. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
ESTIV Congress 2026 Maastricht | 2026-06-28 | Netherlands | The 23rd International Congress of the European Society of Toxicology In Vitro (ESTIV 2026) will take place 28 June - 2 July 2026 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. |
European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2028 (EMIM 2028) | 2028-03-01 | The 23rd European Molecular Imaging Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (EMIM 2028) will take place in March 2028 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
EFIB 2030 Europe | 2030-10-01 | The 23rd Anual European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology (EFIB 2030) will take place in October 2030 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
PEGS Summit 2027 Boston | 2027-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 23rd Annual PEGS Boston (The Protein Engineering Summit) will take place in May 2027 in Boston, MA, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. The date has yet to be confirmed. |
EUROMAR 2027 Europe | 2027-07-01 | The 23rd Annual European Magnetic Resonance Meetting (EUROMAR 2027) will take place in July 2027 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
Sachs Annual European Life Sciences CEO Forum 2030 Zürich | 2030-03-01 | Switzerland | The 23rd Annual European Life Sciences CEO Forum (ELSF 2030) will take place in Zürich, Switzerland, in spring 2030. The forum will be organised by Sachs Associates. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Nationale Branchenkonferenz Gesundheitswirtschaft 2028 Rostock | 2028-06-01 | Germany | The 23. Nationale Branchenkonferenz Gesundheitswirtschaft 2028 will take place in June 2028 in Rostock, Germany. The event will be organised by BioCon Valley GmbH. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
Innovation Forum Medizintechnik 2030 Tuttlingen | 2030-10-01 | Germany | The 22th Innovation Forum Medizintechnik (Innovation Forum Medical Technology 2030) will take place in October 2030 in Tuttlingen, Germany. The event will be organised by MedicalMountains GmbH. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2027 (EMIM 2027) | 2027-03-01 | The 22nd European Molecular Imaging Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (EMIM 2027) will take place in March 2027 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
BCEIA 2027 Beijing | 2027-10-01 | China | The 22nd Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analysis (BCEIA 2027) will take place in autumn 2027 in Beijing, China. The date has still to be confirmed. |
EFIB 2029 Europe | 2029-10-01 | The 22nd Anual European Forum for Industrial Biotechnology (EFIB 2029) will take place in October 2029 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. | |
PEGS Summit 2026 Boston | 2026-05-01 | United States (USA) | The 22nd Annual PEGS Boston (The Protein Engineering Summit) will take place in May 2026 in Boston, MA, USA. The event will be organised by CHI. The date has yet to be confirmed. |
EUROMAR 2026 Europe | 2026-07-01 | The 22nd Annual European Magnetic Resonance Meetting (EUROMAR 2026) will take place in July 2026 in Europe. Date and place have yet to be confirmed. |
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