Person › Details
Adriaan Moelker (BRAIN Biotechnology Reserarch and Information Network AG (FSE: BNN))
Moelker, Adriaan (BRAIN 202002– CEO before Flint Group + AB Enzymes + Genencor + DSM)
Organisation | BRAIN Biotechnology Reserarch and Information Network AG (FSE: BNN) | |
Today | BRAIN Biotech AG | |
Group | BRAIN Biotech (Group) | |
Former/major organisation | AB Enzymes GmbH | |
Group | ABF (Group) | |
Product | industrial enzyme | |
Product 2 | industrial biotechnology | |
Record changed: 2024-09-26 |
More documents for Adriaan Moelker
- [1] BRAIN Biotech AG. (2/29/24). "Press Release: BRAIN Biotech AG Successfully Placed EUR 5.0 Million Convertible Bond for the Financing of Further Growth Initiatives [Not for US, AU, et al.]". Zwingenberg....
- [2] BRAIN Biotech AG. (9/28/23). "Press Release: BRAIN Biotech AG´s Akribion Genomics Team Wins First Prize in the “BioRiver Boost!” Startup Competition". Zwingenberg....
- [3] BRAIN Biotech AG. (5/30/22). "Press Release: Ongoing Dynamic Sales Development and Rising Profitability, 6M Reporting". Zwingenberg....
- [4] BRAIN Biotech AG. (2/1/22). "Press Release: BRAIN Group Significantly Expands Its Food Enzyme Business with the Acquisition of Breatec B.V. and Comix Business". Zwingenberg....
- [5] BRAIN Biotech AG. (9/15/21). "Press Release: Brain Biotech AG Successfully Placed New Share Capital for the Financing of Further Growth Initiatives". Zwingenberg....
- [6] SolasCure Ltd.. (8/9/21). "Press Release: SolasCure Announces £15m Series A Raise"....
- [7] BRAIN Biotech AG. (5/12/21). "Press Release: BRAIN Biotech AG Expands Stake in Successful Enzyme Producer Biocatalysts Ltd.". Zwingenberg....
- [8] BRAIN AG. (7/2/20). "Press Release: BRAIN AG Purchases the Outstanding 24.7% Minority Stake of WeissBioTech GmbH". Zwingenberg....
- [9] BRAIN AG. (6/4/20). "Press Release: BRAIN AG Successfully Placed New Capital for the Financing of further Growth". Zwingenberg....
- [10] BRAIN AG. (12/2/19). "Press Release: New Chairman of the Management Board – Adriaan Moelker Takes Over from Dr Jürgen Eck". Zwingenberg....
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