Wood, Clive R. (Boehringer 201403– SVP Discovery Research before Bayer HealthCare + Dyax) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) |
Germany |
Wood, Fleur (BenevolentAI 202309 VP Investor Relations) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
BenevolentAI (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Woodford, Neil (Woodford Investment) |
Investment Manager |
Woodford Investment (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Woodrow, Gordon (Proteros Biostructures 201008 EVP Strategic Alliances) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Proteros (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Woods, Kate (Northbank 200411) |
n. a. |
Instinctif Partners (Group) |
Germany |
Woods, R. Keith (Argen-X 201804– COO before Alexion + Roche + Amgen + Eisai) |
Chief Operating Officer (COO) |
Argenx (Argen-X) (Group) |
Netherlands |
Woods, Steve (Inovia Capital 202408 Partner) |
Partner (venture partner) |
Inovia Capital Inc. (CA) |
Canada |
Woolfenden, Elizabeth (Liz) (Markes 200902 Director) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Schauenburg (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Woolford, John (Westwicke Partners 201807) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
ICR (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Woolfson, Adrian (Replay 202208 Executive Chair + Co-Founder before Sangamo + Nouscom + Pfizer + BMS) |
Board member, executive |
Replay (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Worland, Steve (Effector Therapeutics 201512 CEO before Anadys + Pfizer) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Effector Therapeutics Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Worrall, Matthew (Matt) (Ferring 202410 Director Corporate Communications + Public Affairs) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Ferring (Paulsen Foundation) (Group) |
Switzerland |
Worseck, Josephine (Metabolomic Discoveries 201501 Head of Business Development) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Metabolon (Group) |
Germany |
Wortelmann, Thomas (GAS GmbH 201311 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Imspex (Group) |
Germany |
Wowk, Steve (Danaher 202405 VP/General Manager of Gene reading Business Unit at IDT) |
General Manager (management) |
Danaher (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Wozniewski, Thomas (Takeda 201611 Global Manufacturing + Supply Officer) |
Production Manager |
Takeda (Group) |
Japan |
Wright, Edward (Bayer 201611 Bayer Yakuhin) |
n. a. |
Bayer (Group) |
Japan |
Wright, Teresa (Roche Molecular 200809 CMO) |
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) |
Roche (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Wright, Timothy M. (TIME BioVentures 202012 General Partner before Regulus Therapeutic + CIBR + Novartis + Pfizer) |
General Partner (venture partner) |
TIME BioVentures |
Wrobel, Walter-G. (Retina Implant 201603 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Retina Implant AG |
Germany |
Wu, Ching (Excellims 202107 CEO + Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Excellims Corporation |
United States (USA) |
Wu, Julie (Full-Life Technologies 202401 CFO) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Full-Life Technologies (Group) |
China |
Wu, Xiaodong (China Medical Technologies 201108 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
China Medical Technologies (Group) |
China |
Wu, Xu (Creat 201704 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Creat (Group) |
China |
Wulf, Karsten (Wulf Group 202111 Managing Partner + Owner + Founder before buw Group) |
Managing Partner |
WULF Group (family of Karsten Wulf / zwei.7) |
Germany |
Wulf, Sylke (Thermo Fisher 201006 Thermo Fisher Deutschland Regional Head Chromatography North) |
Regional manager |
Thermo Fisher (Group) |
Germany |
Wulf-Fuhrmann, Gabriele (Niedersachsen (govt) 201410– Vice President of LAVES) |
Administrative Officer (personnel) |
Niedersachsen (govt region) |
Germany |
Wulfetange, Camilla (Scienion 201206) |
n. a. |
Bico (Group) |
Germany |
Wunderlin, Markus (Univ Ulm 20107 Service Center Mass Spectrometry) |
Head Mass Spectrometry / NMR Laboratory (university / research institute) |
University of Ulm |
Germany |
Wupperfeld, Udo (Leonardo Venture 2007) |
n. a. |
Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA |
Germany |
Wurm, Florian (ExcellGene 200905 CSO + founder) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
ExcellGene S.A. |
Switzerland |
Wurm, Thomas (Single Use Support 201911 Managing Director + Co-Founder) |
n. a. |
Novo Group (Group) |
Austria |
Wurst, Helmut (Cellendes GmbH 200907– Managing Director + Founder) |
Managing Director |
Cellendes GmbH |
Germany |
Wuurman, Bart (Apaxen 202011– CEO before Lyramid + Lanthio Pharma + AM-Pharma + De Novo Pharma + Antisoma) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Apaxen S.A. |
Belgium |
Wykeman, Nick (Allergy Therapeutics 201709 Finance Director) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Allergy Therapeutics (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Wülfing, Pia (PINK gegen Brustkrebs 202406 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Managing Director |
Sidekick Health (Group) |
Germany |
Wüller, Conrad (ArtBio 202401 Director Strategy + Operations) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
ArtBio (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Wünsch, Josef R. (BASF 201109 Managing Director of BASF Venture Capital GmbH) |
Managing Director |
BASF (Group) |
Germany |
Wüpper, Andreas (Fresenius 202202 Director of Investments at Fresenius Medical Care Ventures) |
Investment Manager |
Fresenius (Group) |
Germany |
Würdinger, Reiner (JASCO 201204 Managing Director of JASCO Deutschland GmbH) |
Managing Director |
JASCO (Group) |
Germany |
Würtenberger, Klaus (CorTec GmbH 201011 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
CorTec GmbH |
Germany |
Wyser-Pratte, Joelle (OCP Capital LLC 202010 Founder) |
Company Founder |
OCP Capital LLC |
United States (USA) |
Wysocki, Vicki (Ohio State Univ 201509 Professor of Chemistry + Biochemistry + Head of Chemical Instrument Center) |
Professor |
Ohio State University |
United States (USA) |
Wyss, André (Novartis –201803 President Novartis Operations LEFT 4/18) |
Board member, executive |
Novartis (Group) |
Switzerland |
Wyss, Lorenz (Bell Food 201807 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Bell Food (Group) |
Switzerland |
Wyss, Roman (Enantios 202407 CTO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) |
Enantios AG |
Switzerland |
Wüst, Bernhard (Agilent 201909 Global Marketing Manager for Sports Doping) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Agilent (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Wüstenberg, Arne (Celldeg GmbH 201609– Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Celldeg GmbH |
Germany |
Wüster, Rebekka (Boehringer 202404 Communication Lead BioXcellence) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) |
Wälder, Felix M. (Mainz (govt) 202401 Managing Director of biomindz) |
Managing Director |
Mainz (govt city) |
Germany |
Wölfl, Stefan |
n. a. |
University of Heidelberg (Ruperto Carola) |
Germany |
Xander, Karsten (Certania 202409 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Certania (Group) |
Germany |
Xi, Hualin (Simon) (Rgenta Therapeutics 202004 CEO + CO-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Rgenta Therapeutics Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Xi, Zhang (Superlab Suisse 2019– CEO + Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Superlab Suisse (Group) |
Switzerland |
Xia, Xiaokai (Sinopharm 202208 Managing Director of Shanghai GeneoDx) |
Managing Director |
Sinopharm (China National Pharmaceutical) (Group) |
China |
Xinguang, Zhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences 201706 Prof at SIPPE) |
Professor |
China (govt) |
China |
Xu, Caroline Man (ViGeneron 201911 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
ViGeneron GmbH |
Germany |
Xu, Yao-Chang (Abbisko Therapeutics 2023 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Abbisko Therapeutics Co. Ltd. |
China |
Xue, James (Canbridge Life Sciences 201507 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Canbridge Life Sciences Ltd. (CN) |
Yadegardjam, Farsin (EVP Capital 201106 Executive Board Director) |
Board member, executive |
EVP Capital Management AG |
Germany |
Yakneen, Sergei (Alphabet 202205– CTO at Isomorphic Labs before Sophia Genetics + Amazon + BPS) |
Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) |
Alphabet (formerly Google) (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Yamamoto, Kazuhiko (Synplogen 202212 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Synplogen Co., Ltd. |
Japan |
Yamanaka, Shinya (Univ Kyoto 201004– Director of CiRA + Nobel Laureate 2012) |
Professor |
University of Kyoto (Kyoto University) |
Japan |
Yamane, Kenji (KKR 201506 President of Panasonic Healthcare + Panasonic Healthcare Holdings) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
PHC (Group) |
Japan |
Yan, Zhiyu (Alan) (Sperogenix Therapeutics 202201 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Yanchik, Joseph A., III (Aileron Therapeutics 201008 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Aileron Therapeutics Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Yang, Jerry (HCVC 202211 General Partner) |
General Partner (venture partner) |
HCVC (Hardware Club VC) |
France |
Yang, Patrick (National Resilience 202106 Exec Vice Chairman + Board Member at Antheia formerly Roche/Genentech) |
Board member, executive |
National Resilience (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Yang, Steve (WuXi PharmaTech 201604 EVP + COO of WuXi AppTec) |
Chief Operating Officer (COO) |
WuXi PharmaTech (Group) |
China |
Yang, Xiaoming (Sinopharm 201704 Chairman of China National Biotech Group) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Sinopharm (China National Pharmaceutical) (Group) |
China |
Yang, Zhi (BVCF Management 202105 Chairman + Managing Partner + Founder) |
Managing Partner |
BVCF Management Ltd. (CN) (BioVeda China Fund) |
China |
Yap, Greg (Menlo Ventures 202101 Partner formerly Desy + GE + Ventana + Cellective Dx + Affymetrix) |
Partner (venture partner) |
Menlo Ventures |
United States (USA) |
Yap, Richard (Numares 201612– Managing Director of Numares Singapore before Avdisor + OrbusNeich) |
Managing Director |
Numares (Group) |
Singapore |
Yaspo, Marie-Laure |
n. a. |
Source BioScience (Group) |
Germany |
Yates, Robert (Merck (DE) 201109–201493 President of Merck Millipore before Roche Diagnostics LEFT 3/14) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Merck (DE) (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Yeager, Frank (Eckert & Ziegler 202305– promoted to Management Board Director for Isotope Products) |
Board member, executive |
Eckert & Ziegler (Group) |
Germany |
Yee, Sidney (Singapore (govt) 201510 CEO of DxD Hub of A*STAR) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Singapore (govt) |
Singapore |
Yemm, Stephen (Steve) (Optibrium 202301– Chief Commercial Officer before Paradigm4 + Aigenpulse + BioData + Vialis) |
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) |
Optibrium (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Yerganian, Syrane (Strammer 201704 CFO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Strammer (Group) |
France |
Yianni, John (CryoTherapeutics GmbH 201305 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
CryoTherapeutics GmbH |
Germany |
Yildiz, Marius (Murat) (Avergen Pharmaceuticals GmbH 201510– Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Avergen Pharmaceuticals GmbH (APG) |
Germany |
Ylisaukko-oja, Tero (MedEngine Oy 201901 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Yoder, Stephen S. (Steve) (Pieris 201001– CEO before MorphoSys Head Licensing + IP) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Palvella Therapeutics (Group) |
Germany |
Yoo, Stephen (Anjarium Biosciences 202206– CEO before Third Harmonic Bio + Regenxbio + MedImmune + Abbott Labs) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Anjarium Biosciences AG |
Switzerland |
York, Gwill (Lighthouse Capital Partners 202110 Founding Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Lighthouse Capital Partners (US) |
United States (USA) |
Yoshitaka, Shinsuke (Denka 201508 President + CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Denka (Group) |
Japan |
Young, Diane (Novartis Oncology 200601) |
n. a. |
Novartis (Group) |
Switzerland |
Young, Jordan (Repare Therapeutics 202305 Director of SNIPRx platform) |
n. a. |
Young, Joshua (Bruker 201301– VP Investor Relations before Merck KGA + Millipore LEFT BEFORE 7/16) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Bruker (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Yousaf, Shaf (Sigma-Aldrich 201412 VP Tech + BusDev before Life Technologies + Applied Biosystems + Sigma-Aldrich) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Thermo Fisher (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Yrjänheikki, Juha (Aurealis Pharma 201708 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Aurealis Therapeutics AG |
Switzerland |
Yu, Chen (TCG Crossover 202107 Managing Partner + Founder before Vivo Capital 201504 Managing Partner) |
Managing Partner (investment firm) |
Column Group LLC, The (TCG) |
United States (USA) |
Yu, Frank (Ally Bridge Group 201702 CEO + CIO + Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Ally Bridge Group (ABG) |
China |
Yu, Guo-Liang (Epitomics 201105 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Danaher (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Yu, Yuexin (Andera Partners 202201 Investment Director at Andera Life Sciences) |
Investment Manager |
New York Life (Group) |
France |
Yule, Murray (iOmx Therapeutics 202202– CMO before MorphoSys) |
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) |
iOmx Therapeutics AG |
Germany |
Yusibov, Vidadi (Fraunhofer USA 201009 Exec Director CMB + iBio 201009 CSO) |
Researcher (university / research institute) |
Fraunhofer (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Yver, Antoine (AstraZeneca 201309 VP + Head of Oncology in Global Medicines Development Unit) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
AstraZeneca (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Yzer, Cornelia (Berlin (govt) 201305 Senator of Economy, Technology, and Research) |
Minister |
Berlin (govt region) |
Germany |
Yönel, Mutlu (Prosion 202308 Managing Director (CFO) + Co-Founder) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Prosion GmbH (Prosion Therapeutics) |
Germany |