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Weisberg, Jeffrey (Variantyx 202404 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Variantyx Inc. United States (USA)
Weisener, Thomas (HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH 201104 Managing Director) Managing Director HNP Mirosysteme GmbH Germany
Weiser, Weishui (Coral BioNet 2006c–201102 CEO Scil Technology GmbH retired 2/00) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Coral BioNet (Group) Germany
Weisman, Howard (Seventh Sense Biosystems 201408 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Seventh Sense Biosystems Inc. (7SBio) United States (USA)
Weiss, Andrew C. (Idorsia 201706– SVP + Head Investor Relations + Corporate Communications before Actelion) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Idorsia (Group) Switzerland
Weiss, Brian (Carebox Healthcare Solutions 202002 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Carebox Healthcare Solutions Inc. United States (USA)
Weiss, Christian (Creathor Ventures 201707 Partner) Partner (venture partner) Creathor Ventures (Group) Germany
Weiss, Gunter (InfanDx 202108– COO before Epigenomics 200810 VP Product Development) Chief Operating Officer (COO) InfanDx (Group) Germany
Weiss, Joachim (Thermo Fisher 201411 Technical Director Chromatography + MS division) Support Manager / Service Manager Thermo Fisher (Group) United States (USA)
Weiss, Ludwig (SciXess GmbH 201105 Managing Director + CAST Tirol before HepaVec + MondoGen) n. a. SciXess GmbH Beratungs- und Beteiligungs mbH
Weiss, Mario (GAIA 201702 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) GAIA AG Germany
Weiss, Patrick A. (ARCH Venture 202406 Venture Partner formerly Operon before Qiagen Operon) Venture Partner ARCH Venture (Group) United States (USA)
Weisshuhn, Philip (Beroceutica GmbH 201606– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Beroceutica GmbH Germany
Weissman, Drew (Univ Pennsylvania 201811 Prof of Medicine) Researcher (university / research institute) University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) United States (USA)
Weissmann, Charles (Evotec Biosystems 199906 Scientific Advisory Board) Advisory Board member Evotec (Group) Germany
Weitemeyer, Nathalie (Bayern Kapital 201112 Senior Investment Manager) Investment Manager Bavaria (govt region) Germany
Weitkemper, Norbert (Cognis 200810 Director BusiDevelop Nutrition) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Cognis (Group) Germany
Weitnauer, Wolfgang (Weitnauer Partnerschaft mbB 202308 Attorney + Partner) Attorney / Lawyer Weitnauer Partnerschaft mbB Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Germany
Weitsch, Anne-Fabienne (Ncardia 201712 VP Corp Developm + Legal before Signature Diagnostics + Hybrigenics SA) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Kiniciti Bio (WCAS invesment platform) (Group) Belgium
Weißer, Jürgen U. (RheinCell Therapeutics 201709– Managing Director) Managing Director Catalent (Group) Germany
Welbers, Stefan (Evonik 201806 SVP + General Manager of CyPlus GmbH) General Manager (management) Evonik (Group) Germany
Welch, Dan (InterMune 200512 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Roche (Group) United States (USA)
Wellauer, Thomas (Novartis 200702 Head Corporate Service) n. a. Novartis (Group) Switzerland
Weller, Ulrich (Labor Boogen Köln 200909 Head Microbiology) Laboratory Manager (industry) Praxis für Laboratoriumsmedizin, Hämostaseologie Dr. med. Christiane Boogen (Labor Boogen Köln) Germany
Wells, Tim (Medicines for Malaria 201102 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) UN (United Nations)
Welp, Karin Irene (MorphoSys 201106 Managing Director of MorphoSys AbD GmbH) Managing Director Bio-Rad (Group) Germany
Welsch, Klaus (BASF 200808 Head Crop Protection Business Europe) n. a. BASF (Group) Germany
Welschof, Martin (BioInvent 2019 CEO before Affitech 2002– COO promoted CEO 6/03 before Axaron) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) BioInvent International AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: BINV) Sweden
Welte, Stefan (Inovedis 202106 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Inovedis GmbH Germany
Welte, Tobias (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover 200606 Prof) n. a. MHH (Hanover Medical School / Medizinische Hochschule Hannover) Germany
Welten, Harry (Cytos Biotechnology 201203 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Kuros (Group) Switzerland
Welter, Oliver (Nia Health 202305 Managing Director) Managing Director Nia Health GmbH Germany
Welters, Peter (Phytowelt 201106 Managing Director) Managing Director Phytowelt GreenTechnologies GmbH Germany
Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter (Leibniz Gemeinschaft 201412 Director of INP Greifswald) President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit Leibniz-Gemeinschaft Germany
Wencker, Dominique (Dutscher 202108 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dutscher (DD) (Group) France
Wende, Jan (Mediq Innovation Partners GmbH 201707 Managing Director) Managing Director Mediq Innovation Experts (Group) Germany
Wendeln, Bernd n. a.
Wendling, Tanja (Messe Stuttgart 201807 Project Manager for T4M Expo) Event Manager / Conference Manager Messe Stuttgart (Landesmesse Stuttgart GmbH) Germany
Wendorff, Daniel (WestLB 200505 Analyst) Analyst (Financial / Industry) Portigon (Group) Germany
Wendt, Gabi (Invicol GmbH 201602– Managing Director) Managing Director Invicol GmbH Germany
Wendt, Janine (Deutsche Messe AG 201205 Project Manager) Event Manager / Conference Manager Deutsche Messe AG Germany
Wendt, Jürgen (Leco 201208) Technical Manager Leco (Group) Germany
Wendt, Klaus (Univ Mainz 201007 Professor Institute for Physics) Professor University of Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg University) Germany
Wengi, Federico (Paua Ventures 202212 Partner) Partner (venture partner) SquareOne (Group) Germany
Wenham, Dean (InSyncrony Ventures 201709 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) InSynchrony Ventures Inc. Canada
Wenig, Philip (Univ Hamburg + OpenChrom 201308) n. a. University of Hamburg Germany
Wenkel, Norbert (Axel Semrau 201401 Managing Director responsible for sales) Managing Director Trajan (Group) Germany
Wenning, Werner (Bayer 201210– Chairman of Supervisory Board before Bayer 200204–201009 CEO) Supervisory Board Member Bayer (Group) Germany
Wenninger, Walter (Bayer until retirement) n. a. Bayer (Group) Germany
Wenschuh, Holger (JPT/Jerini 200507) Managing Director BioNTech (Group) Germany
Wenzel, Dorothea (Merck (DE) 201404 Head Global Business Franchise Fertility at Merck Serono) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Wenzel, Ryan (CovalX 201006 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) CovalX (Group) Switzerland
Werder, Claudio n. a. Vontobel (Group) Switzerland
Werk, Tobias (Bionter 202204 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bionter AG Switzerland
Werner, Birgit (UgiSense AG 201604– Exec Board Member) Board member, executive UgiSense AG Germany
Werner, Dominik (Lonza 201610 Head Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Lonza (Group) Switzerland
Werner, Gregory (BIOCIUS 201005– EU Sales Manager) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Agilent (Group) Switzerland
Werner, Jochen A. (Univ Essen 201805 Medical Director + CEO at Univ Hospital Essen) n. a. University of Duisburg-Essen Germany
Werner, Marc (Galenica 202408 CEO) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Galenica (Group) Switzerland
Werner, Michelle (Alltrna 202308 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alltrna (US) United States (USA)
Werner, Rolf G. (Univ Tübingen 201504 Professor of Industrial Biotechnology before Boehringer Ingelheim) Professor University of Tübingen (Eberhard-Karls-Universität) Germany
Werner, Thomas (Board Member of several companies before GSK SVP) Board member, non-executive GSK (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Werner, Thomas (Genomatix 200609 CEO + CSO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Genomatix Software (Group) Germany
Werner, Udo (Thuringia (govt) 201309– Managing Director of bm-t GmbH before CyBio AG + TechnoTrend + McKinsey) Managing Director Thuringia (govt region) Germany
Wernet, Peter n. a. University of Düsseldorf (Heinrich-Heine-Universität) Germany
Werth, Karsten (Wacker 202405 Media Relations + Information) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Wacker (Group) Germany
Wesche, Holger (Harpoon Therapeutics 201810– CSO joined 2015 before Amgen + Tularik) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Merck (US) (MSD) (Group) United States (USA)
Weseloh, Rüdiger n. a. Sal. Oppenheim (Group) Germany
Wesnigk, Johanna B. (EMPA Bremen 201205) n. a. Environmental & Marine Project Management Agency Dr. Johanna B. Wesnigk (EMPA Bremen) Germany
Wesolowski, Radoslaw (Trypto Therapeutics 202312 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Trypto Therapeutics GmbH Germany
Wessel, Rainer (DKFZ 201906– before CI3 Cluster Manager before Ganymed CEO) Cluster Manager Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
Wessel, Tadd S. (Petrichor Healthcare Capital 202104 Managing Partner + Founder before OrbiMed Advisors) Managing Partner (investment firm) Petrichor (Group) United States (USA)
Wessing, Daniel (Haya Therapeutics 202407 CTO + Co-Founder) Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) Haya Therapeutics S.A. Switzerland
Wessjohann, Ludger (Modified Nature Company GmbH 201102 Managing Director) Managing Director Modified Nature Company GmbH Germany
West, Stuart (Biocatalysts Ltd 201803 Managing Director) Managing Director BRAIN Biotech (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Westermann, Frank (mySugr 201706 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Roche (Group) Austria
Westermann, Stephan (Bruker 201202– EVP Order Execution, Production + Logistics of Bruker Scientific Instruments) Production Manager Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Westermeir, Julia (ITM 202406 Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager ITM (Group) Germany
Westhagemann, Michael (Hamburg (govt) 202010 Senator for Economics) Minister Hamburg (govt region) Germany
Westphal, Thomas (Glawe Delfs Moll 200809 Hamburg) n. a. Glawe Delfs Moll (Hamburg) Germany
Wetekam, Volker (General Electric 201205– CEO + President of GE Healthcare Germany before AGFA HealthCare + Siemens) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) General Electric (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Wetzel, Andrea (AW-Biotech-Marketing 201109) Consultant (economic/technology) AW-Biotech-Marketing – Dr. Andrea Wetzel Germany
Weyand, Michael (AmbAgon Technology 200810) n. a. AmbAgon Technology
Weyand, Stepa (Vendus 201303 Head of division Vendus Business Partner) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Vendus (Group) Germany
Weymann, Andy (SolasCare 202403 Board Chair) Board member, non-executive SolasCure Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Weyrauch, Kerstin (Zytomed Systems 200912 Managing Director) Managing Director ZytoVision (Group) Germany
Weß, Ludger (akampion before 2001–2006 BioCentury Senior Editor before Financial Times Deutschland) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Akampion Germany
Weßling, Martina (Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt) 201707 BIO.NRW) Cluster Manager Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) Germany
Whalen, Christopher (Bruker Corp 201806 Director Global SPR Sales before Sierra Sensors Managing Director) Managing Director Bruker (Group) Germany
Whaley, Glenn (Immunic 202203– promoted to CFO joined 2019 before Pernix Therapeutics + Alvogen) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Immunic (Group) United States (USA)
Wheeler, Alannah (Biosynth 202309 Marketing) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Biosynth (since 9/22) (Group) Switzerland
Wheeler, Cameron (Cam) (Deerfield Management 201604 Prinicpal) Principal (venture capital) Deerfield (Group) United States (USA)
Wheeler, Lyle (Lonza 202306 Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Lonza (Group) Switzerland
Wheeler, Patrick (ACD/Labs 201408 NMR Product Manager) Product Manager (personnel) Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD/Labs) (Group) Canada
Wheeler, Sylvia (Wheelhouse Life Science Advisors 201801– before Aduro Biotech + Relypsa + Affymax) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Wheelhouse Life Science Advisors (Sylvia Wheeler) United States (USA)
Whelan, Kate (Notch Communications 201108 COO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Notch Communications AB Sweden
Whileman, David (Inflexion 202301 Head of Partnership Capital) Investment Manager Inflexion (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Whitaker, Paul (Biosilta 201604 Managing Director) Managing Director BioSilta (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
White, Brian (Deutsche Bank 200602 Analyst) Research Analyst Deutsche Bank (Group) Germany
White, Brianna (Bayer 202108 Head of Trait Design + Science at Bayer Cropscience) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Bayer (Group) Germany
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