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Christgau, Stephan (Eir Ventures 202007– Founding Partner before Novo Seeds + Osteologix) Partner (venture partner) Eir Ventures (Group) Sweden
Christian, Monty (Bayer 200905 Director Global Cotton Marketing at Bayer CropScience) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Bayer (Group) Germany
Christiansen, Claus (CCBR + Nordic Bioscience Founder + Chairman) Company Founder CCBR (Group) Denmark
Christine, Rainer (Science to Market Venture Capital 201108– Managing Director before amaxa 200407 CEO + co-founder) Managing Director Science to Market Venture Capital (Group) Germany
Chukas, Alexandra (Da Vinci Labs 202311 before eureKARE) n. a. Da Vinci Labs SAS France
Chun, Jong-Yoon (Seegene 200705 CEO + founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Seegene (Group) Korea, Republic of
Chung, Ping Chow (Genedata 201812– Managing Director of Genedata Pte Ltd) Managing Director Danaher (Group) Singapore
Church, George (Harvard Univ Prof) Professor Harvard University United States (USA)
Cicek, Aslan (Selektis GmbH 201502 Managing Director) Managing Director Selektis GmbH Germany
Cichocka, Danuta (Resistell 201912 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Resistell AG Switzerland
Cichutek, Klaus (Germany (govt) 202306 President of Paul Ehrlich Institute) Administrative Officer (personnel) Germany (govt) Germany
Ciftlik, Ata Tuna (Lunaphore Technologies 201404– CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bio-Techne (Group) Switzerland
Ciller, Carlos (RetinAI Medical 202012 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) RetinAI Medical AG Switzerland
Cimpan, Gabriela (ACD/Labs 201605 Director of Sales Europe) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Advanced Chemistry Development (ACD/Labs) (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Ciulli, Alessio (Univ Dundee 201607 Associate Professor of Chemical + Structural Biology) Professor University of Dundee United Kingdom (GB)
Clackson, Tim (IDRx 202403– CEO before Theseus Pharmaceuticals + Xilio Therapeutics + Ariad Pharmaceuticals + Genentech) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) GSK (Group) United States (USA)
Claessen, Rolf (Freischem Patentanwälte 201005–) Patent Attorney Freischem & Partner Patentanwälte mbB Germany
Clark, Chad (Precision for Medicine 201710 COO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Precision Medicine Group (Group) United States (USA)
Clark, Ian T. (Kite Pharma 201701– Non-executive Board Director before Roche/Genentech + Novartis + Sanofi + Ivax) Board member, non-executive Gilead Sciences (Group) United States (USA)
Clark, James (Glox Therapeutics 202311 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Glox Therapeutics Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Clark, Martin (MorphoSys 201205– head Central Purchasing + Logistics before Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals + Basilea) Commercial Manager_oo Novartis (Group) Germany
Clark, Mary (Optimum Strategic Communications 201710 before Hume Brophy + M:Communications + Capital MSL) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Optimum Strategic Communications United Kingdom (GB)
Clark, Pamela (Pam) (Bruker Corp 201905 Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Clark, Tim (Univ Erlangen-Nuremberg 200411 Professor) Professor University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (Friedrich Alexander University, FAU) Germany
Clarke, Lindsey (MicrofluidX 202303– VP Commercial before Ori Biotech + Bio-Techne + Miltenyi Biotec) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager MicrofluidX Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Clarkson, John (Atlas Genetics 201107 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Atlas Genetics Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Classon, Rolf n. a. Bayer (Group) Germany
Classon, Rolf (Bico 202308 Board Chair) n. a. Bico (Group) Sweden
Clausnitzer, Nils (VWR International 201705 SVP + President EMA-APAC Lab + Distribution Services) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Avantor (Group) United States (USA)
Claussen, Carsten (Fraunhofer IME ScreeningPort before European ScreeningPort + Evotec Technologies) Managing Director Fraunhofer (Group) Germany
Claussen, Ralf (Eppendorf 201705 Head of Advertising + Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Eppendorf (Group) Germany
Clayman, Michael (Flexion Therapeutics 201712 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Flexion Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: FLXN) United States (USA)
Cleary, Alan (London Premier College 201203) n. a. London Premier College United Kingdom (GB)
Cleiftie, Jean-Sébastien (Erytech 201610– CBO before Sanofi + Innoven Partners + Aventis) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Erytech (Group) France
Clein, Mark P. (Precision for Medicine 2012– CEO + Co-Founder before United BioSource Corp) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Precision Medicine Group (Group) United States (USA)
Clémençon, Paul (InSphero 202312– CBO joined 2022 as Head of Business Development) Chief Business Officer (CBO) InSphero (Group) Switzerland
Clemens, Ralf (CureVac 201603 SAB + Supervisory Board Member before GSK Biologicals + Novartis) scientific advisory board (SAB)
Clement, Tom (Qiagen 200901– VP Regulatory and Clinical Affairs before Roche + bioMérieux + Amersham) Regulatory Affairs Manager Qiagen (Group) Netherlands
Clement, Wolfgang (BMWA 200501) n. a. Germany (govt) Germany
Clevers, Johannes (Hans) (Roche 202202– Head of Roche pRED before Board Durector + Prof at Univ Utrecht) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Roche (Group) Switzerland
Clifford, Matt (Entrepreneur First 2020 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Entrepreneur First (EF) United Kingdom (GB)
Cline, Timothy (Bruker Corp 201804 VP Global Sales at Bruker AXS) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Bruker (Group) Germany
Cloppenburg, Conny (4 Animals AlsterScience GmbH 201409 Managing Director) Managing Director 4 Animals AlsterScience GmbH Germany
Close, Sven (EnjoyVenture 201208 Senior Investment Manager) Investment Manager EnjoyVenture (Group) Germany
Clouston, Myles (MorphoSys 202012 Senior Director Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Novartis (Group) Germany
Clozel, Jean-Paul (Idorsia 20403 CEO + Co-Founder before Actelion) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Idorsia (Group) Switzerland
Clozel, Martine (Actelion 201108 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) Switzerland
Cmiljanovic, Vladimir (Piqur Therapeutics 201507 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Piqur Therapeutics AG Switzerland
Coats, Fiona (Sartorius 202404 Head of Marketing at Lab Products + Services division) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Sartorius (Group) Germany
Cobb, Samantha (AdAlta Pty Ltd 201412 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) AdAlta Pty Ltd. Australia
Cocero, Nanette (Pfizer 202004 Global President of Pfizer Vaccines) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Pfizer (Group) United States (USA)
Cochlovius, Björn (Eleva 202409 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Eleva GmbH Germany
Coego Rios, Miguel (Centogene 202206– CFO joined as EVP Finance + Legal in 2/22 before Orphazyme + Mundipharma + Shire) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Centogene (Group) Germany
Coesfeld, Carsten (Bertelsmann 202411 CEO of Bertelsmann Investments) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bertelsmann (Group) Germany
Cohen, Jon R. (Quest Diagnostics 201103 SVP + CMO) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Quest Diagnostics (Group) United States (USA)
Cohen, Katherine (Panacea Venture 202205 Venture Partner formerly Hookipa Biotech 2011–201606 CEO + Founder + Intercell) Managing Director Panacea Venture (CN) China
Cohen-Dayag, Anat (Compugen 201112 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Compugen (Group) Israel
Cohen-Kutner, Moshik (Omnix Medical 202101 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Omnix Medical Ltd. Israel
Cohen-Tanugi, Ivan (Eyevensys 201303– CEO before Teva US + Roche Pharma + Amgen) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Eyevensys (Group) France
Colarusso, Thomas (Definiens 201106 VP Sales + Operations at Definiens Inc.) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager AstraZeneca (Group) United States (USA)
Colatrella, Philomena (CSS 202310 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) CSS (CH) (Group) (Swiss health insurance) Switzerland
Cole, Alun (Markes International 200908 Director of ALMSCO International division) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Schauenburg (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Coleman, Michael (InGeneron 201005 Managing Director) n. a.
Coles, Anthony (Tony) (Cerevel 201909– CEO before Yumanity Therapeutics + Onyx + NPS + Vertex + BMS + Merck US) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) AbbVie (Group) United States (USA)
Colinge, Jacques (Austrian Academi of Sciences 201202 Ce-M-M-Research Center for Molecular Medicine) Researcher (university / research institute) Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ÖAW) Austria
Collan, Robert (FRIBA Investment 202106 Managing Director) Managing Director FRIBA Investment
Collasius, Michael (Hombrechtikon Systems Engineering 202406 CEO + Co-Owner before Qiagen 200705 VP Automated Systems) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Hombrechtikon Systems Engineering AG (HSE·AG) Switzerland
Collins, John n. a. Cosmix (Group) Germany
Collins, Peter (4titude Ltd 201710 Co-Founder) Company Founder Azenta (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Collins, Peter (Inivata 202009– CBO before Yourgene Health + GSK + Qiagen + DxS) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager NeoGenomics (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Collins, Ryan (MassMutual 202306 Managing Partner at MassMutual Ventures) Managing Partner (investment firm) MassMutual (Group) United States (USA)
Colloca, Stefano (Nouscom 201806 CTO) Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) Nouscom (Group) Switzerland
Colpan, Metin (Qiagen CEO + co-founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Qiagen (Group) Germany
Colsman, Wolfgang (Zontal 202305 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Comb, Michael J. (Cell Signaling Technology 200907 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Cell Signaling Technology (CST) (Group) United States (USA)
Combal, Jean-Philippe (Vivet Therapeutics 201705 CEO + Co-Founder before Gensight Biologics + Sanofi) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vívet Therapeutics (Group) France
Combé, Nicolas (Formycon CFO before Nanohale 201102 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Formycon (Group) Germany
Compton, Carolyn (Arizon State Univ + Mayo Clinic 201502 Professor + former Director of NCI OBBR) Professor Arizona State University (ASU) United States (USA)
Conca, James (RJ Lee Group 201306 Director Analytical Services) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division RJ Lee Group Inc. United States (USA)
Condie, Jamie (BD Diagnostics 200807 VP + General Manger) n. a. Becton, Dickinson (Group) United States (USA)
Condon, Liam (Bayer 201212– CEO of Bayer CropScience before Managing Director Bayer Vital before Schering) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bayer (Group) Germany
Connelly, Robert T. (Elicio Therapeutics 201903– CEO before Pronutria + Pulmatrix + Diversys/Domantis + IGEN Intl) Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Conni, Mario (Eurofins 201410– Managing Director of Eurofins Genomics Srl) Managing Director Eurofins (Group) Italy
Connor, Ed (Peak Scientific 201302– GC/MS Product Specialist before ETHZ + Univ Zürich) Support Manager / Service Manager Peak Scientific (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Conquet, Francois (Prexton Therapeutics 201207– CEO + founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lundbeck (Group) Switzerland
Conradt, Monika (Evotec 201606– Global Head Human Resources before Boehringer HR Manager Europe) Human Resources Manager Evotec (Group) Germany
Constant, Samuel (Epithelix 201207 COO + Co-founder) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Epithelix Sàrl Switzerland
Conterno, Enrique (Eli Lilly 199201– President Lilly USA) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Eli Lilly (Group) United States (USA)
Conway, Christopher (ABCell-Bio SAS 201508 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ABCell-Bio SAS France
Conway, Martin (Randox 202404 Sales Manager) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Randox (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Cook, Kathryn (NuCicer 202211 CEO + Co-Founder) n. a.
Cook, Mondana (PBD Biotech 202207– COO before Kinomica + Qiagen) Chief Operating Officer (COO) PBD Biotech (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Cooley, Margaret M. (Photonis 201512 International Marketing Manager at Photonis USA) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Photonis (Group) United States (USA)
Coon, Joshua (Univ Wisconsin 201506 Professor) Professor University of Wisconsin System United States (USA)
Cooper, Ashley (Reinnervate 200709– CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ReproCell (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Coorey, David (Agena Bioscience 201607– VP + Managing Director EMEA before BD + Affymetrix + Gambro + Fresenius Kabi) Regional manager Agena Bioscience Inc. United States (USA)
Coppard, Nicholas (Santhera 201502– appointed SVP Head Development) Research & Development Manager Santhera (Group) Switzerland
Coquoz, Didier (Oncalis 200810 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Oncalis AG Switzerland
Corazza, Sabrina (Axxam 201603 Director Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Axxam S.p.A. Italy
Corbett, Jim (Emulate 202003– CEO before PerkinElmer + ViaCell CADx Systems + Abbott) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Emulate Inc. United States (USA)
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