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INNO Innovationscampus GmbH & Co. KG (Innovation Campus Offenbach)

The owner of the Innovation Campus is INNO Innovationscampus GmbH & Co. KG, a real estate company owned by Stadtwerke Offenbach, which is developing and marketing the site together with its sister company OPG Offenbacher Projektentwicklungsgesellschaft mbH on behalf of the city. "26 hectares of the campus are available for commercial development," explains Daniela Matha, who is responsible for the entire real estate division at Stadtwerke and manages the INNO company together with Stadtwerke CEO Peter Walther. "More than 18 hectares, 70 percent of the developable area, have now been sold," says Matha, pleased with the rapid marketing success. More than half of this, 14.3 hectares, was acquired by Samson AG last year. BioSpring will initially set up its production as planned on just under one hectare in the east of the campus, directly next to Samson, and then expand on the newly acquired three-hectare site in the south of the industrial park. *


Period Start 2022-12-16 existent
  Group Offenbach am Main (govt city)
Product Industry business park management / science park management
Region Region Offenbach am Main
  Country Germany
  City n. a. Offenbach
    Address record changed: 2022-12-22
Basic data Employees n. a.
    * Document for »About Section«: BioSpring GmbH. (12/16/22). "Press Release: BioSpring Expands in Offenbach – up to 1,500 New Jobs". Offenbach am Main.
Record changed: 2024-12-29


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