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Organisation › Details

Genentech Inc.

Founded 30 years ago, Genentech is a leading biotechnology company that discovers, develops, manufactures and commercializes biotherapeutics for significant unmet medical needs. A considerable number of the currently approved biotechnology products originated from or are based on Genentech science. Genentech manufactures and commercializes multiple biotechnology products and licenses several additional products to other companies. The company has headquarters in South San Francisco, California and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol DNA. *


Period Start 1990-01-01 existent
  Group Roche (Group)
Product Industry BIOTECH
Person Person Magargee, Ashley (Roche 202404 CEO of Genentech)
  Street One DNA Way
  City 94080-4990 South San Francisco, CA
    Address record changed: 2020-12-02
Basic data Employees n. a.
  Currency USD
  Annual sales 9,284,000,000 (revenues, total operating, consolidated (2006) 2006-12-31)
  Profit 2,113,000,000 (2006-12-31)
  Cash 2,493,000,000 (2006-12-31)
    * Document for »About Section«: 
Record changed: 2024-10-01


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