
Organisations > All
Find below organisations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Listed are companies, research institutions and governmental agencies.Total search results: 8442 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
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Wolf Biotech GmbH | Wolf Biotech GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
Wolff Walsrode (Group) | Dow Chemical (Group) | chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals) | Germany |
Wolfgang Bock Pflanzenexport KG | Bock Bio Science (Group) | LIFE SCIENCES | Germany |
Wolfgang Bock, Gartenbaubetrieb | Bock Bio Science (Group) | LIFE SCIENCES | Germany |
World Class Business Leaders Deutschland GmbH | World Class Business Leaders Institute (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
WR Pharmaceuticals Vertriebs GmbH | BBG/Braun Group (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
WTSH Wirtschaftsförderung und Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH | Schleswig-Holstein (govt region) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
WULF Group (family of Karsten Wulf / zwei.7) | WULF Group (family of Karsten Wulf / zwei.7) | finance | Germany |
WuXi STA, pharma manufacturing facility in Couve, Neuchâtel, CH (formerly BMS) | WuXi PharmaTech (Group) | pharmaceutical | Switzerland |
Wyatt Technology Europe GmbH | Waters (Group) | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
Wyss Center for Bio- and Neuro-Engineering, Geneva (EPFL & Univ Geneva) | EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) | healthcare | Switzerland |
Wyss Zurich Translational Center | University of Zurich (UZH) | LIFE SCIENCES | Switzerland |
X-Zell Europe (DE) | X-Zell (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Xantec Analysensysteme | Xantec Analysensysteme | BIOTECH | Germany |
XanTec Bioanalytics GmbH | XanTec Bioanalytics GmbH | biochip system | Germany |
Xantos Biomedicine AG | Xantos Biomedicine AG | drug discovery | Germany |
xbird GmbH | Glooko (Group) | healthcare | Germany |
Xell AG | Sartorius (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Xellutec GmbH | Xellutec GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
Xeltis (Group) | Xeltis (Group) | MedTech (medical technology) | Switzerland |
Xeltis AG | Xeltis (Group) | MedTech (medical technology) | Switzerland |
Xendo Deutschland GmbH | Xendo (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Xiber Science GmbH | Xiber Science GmbH | pharmaceutical | Austria |
Xigen S.A. | Xigen S.A. | pharmaceutical | Switzerland |
Xiril AG | Tecan (Group) | liquid handling technology | Switzerland |
Xista Science Park (Klosterneuburg) | Xista Science Park (Klosterneuburg) | services (excl. financial) | Austria |
Xista Science Ventures (fomerly IST cube) | Xista Science Ventures (fomerly IST cube) | finance | Austria |
Xitra Therapeutics GmbH | Xitra Therapeutics GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
XL-protein GmbH (XLp) | XL-protein GmbH (XLp) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Xlife Sciences AG (SIX: XLS) | Xlife Sciences AG (SIX: XLS) | finance | Switzerland |
XO Life GmbH | XO Life GmbH | healthcare | Germany |
XO Life GmbH, Berlin | XO Life GmbH | healthcare | Germany |
Xolaris Service Kapitalverwaltungs-AG | Xolaris Service KVG (Group) | finance | Germany |
Xolaris Service KVG (Group) | Xolaris Service KVG (Group) | finance | Germany |
XotonicsMED GmbH | XotonicsMED GmbH | MedTech (medical technology) | Germany |
Xpomet Innovation in Medicine GmbH | Xpomet Innovation in Medicine GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Xtal Concepts GmbH | Xtal Concepts GmbH | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
XTransplant GmbH | XTransplant GmbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Xund Solutions GmbH | Xund Solutions GmbH | healthcare | Austria |
Xytis Pharmaceuticals Sàrl. | Xytis Pharmaceuticals Sàrl. | pharmaceutical | Switzerland |
Yabeo Capital GmbH | Yabeo Capital GmbH | finance | Germany |
Yasara Biosciences GmbH | Yasara Biosciences GmbH | bioinformatics (biological software and databases) | Austria |
Yaya Diagnostics GmbH | Yaya Diagnostics GmbH | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Yendou GmbH | Yendou GmbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Ygion Biomedical GmbH | Ygion Biomedical GmbH | pharmaceutical | Austria |
YMC Europe GmbH | YMC (Group) | sample preparation / sample handling (excl liquid handling) | Germany |
Ymmunobio AG | Ymmunobio AG | pharmaceutical | Switzerland |
Yokogawa Innovation Switzerland GmbH | Yokogawa Innovation Switzerland GmbH | laboratory equipment and instruments | Switzerland |
Yumab (Group) | Yumab (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Yumab GmbH | Yumab GmbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
YXLON International (Group) | COMET (Group) | Germany | |
YXLON International X-Ray GmbH | COMET (Group) | Germany | |
YZR Venture Capital | YZR Venture Capital | finance | Germany |
Z Impact Ventures (d/b/a Zebra Impact Ventures) | Z Impact Ventures (d/b/a Zebra Impact Ventures) | finance | Switzerland |
Z+L | Z+L | BIOTECH | Germany |
ZAFH ABIMAS (Centre for Applied Research – Applied Biomedical Mass Spectrometry) | Hochschule Mannheim (Mannheim University of Applied Sciences, MUAS) | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
ZAR (Group) | ZAR (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
ZAR Development GmbH | ZAR (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
ZAR Real Estate Holding GmbH & Co. KG | ZAR (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
ZARWEB GmbH | ZAR (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Zedira GmbH | Zedira GmbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Zeeb Kommunikation GmbH | Zeeb Kommunikation GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Zeeb Kommunikation publizz media services | Zeeb Kommunikation GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Zeiss Ventures | Zeiss Ventures | finance | Germany |
zell-kontakt GmbH | zell-kontakt GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
Zellkraftwerk GmbH | Bruker (Group) | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
Zellmechanik Dresden GmbH | Zellmechanik Dresden GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
Zellwerk GmbH | HiPer (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Zenteris GmbH | Zenteris GmbH | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Zentrale Beteiligngsgesellschaft der Stadt Mainz mbH (ZBM) | Mainz (govt city) | ALL | Germany |
Zentrale Ethikkommission (DE) | Zentrale Ethikkommission (DE) | healthcare | Germany |
Zentrale Forschung (Bayer) | Bayer (Group) | Germany | |
Zentrale Forschung (Bayer, Leverkusen) | Bayer (Group) | Germany | |
Zentrale Forschung (Bayer, Uerdingen) | Bayer (Group) | Germany | |
Zentrale für Produktivität und Technologie Saar e. V. | Zentrale für Produktivität und Technologie Saar e. V. | Germany | |
Zentrale Kommission für die Biologische Sicherheit (ZKBS) | Zentrale Kommission für die Biologische Sicherheit (ZKBS) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit (ZI Mannheim) | Zentralinstitut für Seelische Gesundheit (ZI Mannheim) | healthcare | Germany |
Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und -information (ZADI) | Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und -information (ZADI) | resources, natural | Germany |
Zentralverlag GmbH | Biocom (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Zentralverlag GmbH & Co. KG | Biocom (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
ZentriForce Pharma (DE) | ZentriForce Pharma (DE) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Zentrum für Biodiversität und Ökologie (Göttingen) | University of Göttingen (Georg August University) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Zentrum für chemische Genomik (CGC) (Dortmund) | Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science | BIOTECH | Germany |
Zentrum für Gentechnologie (RKI) | Robert Koch Institute (RKI) | Germany | |
Zentrum für Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein und Dr. Rost | Zentrum für Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein und Dr. Rost | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Zentrum für Infektionsmanagement und Hygiene GbR (Laborzentrum Bremen) | Ärztliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bremen Süd GbR MAZ Labor Delmenhorst | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Zentrum für Life Sciences (Leverkusen, Bioplex) | Zentrum für Life Sciences (Leverkusen, Bioplex) | LIFE SCIENCES | Germany |
Zentrum für medizinische Genomforschung Basel (Roche) | Roche (Group) | BIOTECH | Switzerland |
Zentrum für Molekulare Diagnostik und Bioanalytik (ZMDB) | Berlin (govt region) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Zentrum für molekulare Evolution und Biodiversität (ZEB) | Zentrum für molekulare Evolution und Biodiversität (ZEB) | Germany | |
Zentrum für Molekulare Neurobiology (ZMNH, UKE, Hamburg) | University of Hamburg | healthcare | Germany |
Zentrum für Seltene Erkrankungen Universitätsmedizin Heidelberg | University of Heidelberg (Ruperto Carola) | healthcare | Germany |
Zentrum für Wirkstoff- und Funktionelle Genomforschung (Braunschweig) | Zentrum für Wirkstoff- und Funktionelle Genomforschung (Braunschweig) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Zeta Holding GmbH | Zeta Holding GmbH | BIOTECH | Austria |
Zeta Partikelanalytik GmbH | Zeta Partikelanalytik GmbH | CHEMICALS | Germany |
ZFHN Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn GmbH | Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn (Group) | finance | Germany |
ZFHN Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn GmbH & Co. KG | Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn (Group) | finance | Germany |
ZfK Zentrum für Klinische Massenspektrometrie GmbH | ZfK Zentrum für Klinische Massenspektrometrie GmbH | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
ZIM Plant Technology GmbH | ZIM Plant Technology GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
Zimmer BioTech GmbH | Zimmer BioTech GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |


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