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Organisations > All

Find below organisations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Listed are companies, research institutions and governmental agencies.

Total search results: 8431 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
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order ascendingorder descendingOrganisation order ascendingorder descendingGroup order ascendingorder descendingIndustry order ascendingorder descendingRegion
Nordmark Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG [neu, ab 2001] BASF (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Nordmark Pharma GmbH Nordmark Pharma GmbH pharmaceutical Germany
Nordmark Werke BASF (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) ALL Germany
Nordverbund Marine Biotechnologie – Wirk- und Wertstoffe aus Marinen Organismen Nordverbund Marine Biotechnologie – Wirk- und Wertstoffe aus Marinen Organismen BIOTECH Germany
Norganoid GmbH Norganoid GmbH BIOTECH Austria
Norgenta Norddeutsche Life Science Agentur GmbH, Office Kiel Hamburg (govt region) services (excl. financial) Germany
Norgine GmbH (DE) Norgine (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Norgine Pharma GmbH (AT) Norgine (Group) pharmaceutical Austria
Norma Diagnostika GmbH Norma Diagnostika GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Austria
North Data GmbH North Data GmbH services (excl. financial) Germany
Noscendo GmbH Noscendo GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Noselab GmbH Noselab GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Nostos Genomics (DE) Nostos Genomics (DE) BIOTECH Germany
Nouscom (Group) Nouscom (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Nouscom AG Nouscom (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Nova Biomedical GmbH Nova Biomedical (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Nova- Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH Nova- Institut für politische und ökologische Innovation GmbH BIOTECH Germany
NovaGo Therapeutics AG NovaGo Therapeutics AG pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novagreen GmbH Novagreen GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Novaliq GmbH HOPP Group (family of Dietmar Hopp) pharmaceutical Germany
Novalung GmbH Novalung GmbH Germany
NovaPump GmbH NovaPump GmbH MedTech (medical technology) Germany
Novaramed AG Novaramed AG pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis (Group) Novartis (Group) CHEMICALS Switzerland
Novartis AG (NYSE: NVS) Novartis (Group) LIFE SCIENCES Switzerland
Novartis Agricultural Discovery Institute Inc. Novartis (Group) LIFE SCIENCES Switzerland
Novartis Deutschland GmbH Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development Novartis (Group) Switzerland
Novartis Holding AG Novartis Holding AG pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Innovative Medicines Division (since 7/16) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Innovative Therapies AG Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research (NIBR), Basel Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research GmbH (NIBR), Vienna Novartis (Group) drug discovery Austria
Novartis International AG Novartis (Group) CHEMICALS Switzerland
Novartis Oncology (business unit, since 7/16) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Ophtalmics (business unit) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Pharma AG Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Pharma GmbH (DE) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Novartis Pharma Oncology GmbH (DE) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Novartis Pharmaceuticals (business unit, since 7/16) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Pharmaceuticals (division, until 6/16) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novartis Seeds GmbH Novartis (Group) LIFE SCIENCES Germany
Novartis Venture Fund (NVF) Novartis (Group) finance Switzerland
Novasep Deutschland GmbH Novasep (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Novassay S.A. Novassay S.A. BIOTECH Switzerland
NovaTec Immundiagnostika GmbH NovaTec Immundiagnostika GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Novator (Switzerland) AG Novator Partners (Group) finance Switzerland
November (Group) November (Group) BIOTECH Germany
November AG November (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Noventi (Group) Noventi (Group) healthcare Germany
Noventi Health SE Noventi (Group) healthcare Germany
Novex GmbH Thermo Fisher (Group) Germany
Novia Chromatographie- und Messverfahren GmbH Infraserv Höchst (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Novigenix S.A. Novigenix S.A. diagnostics (medical/biological) Switzerland
Novimmune S.A. Novimmune S.A. pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novimmune S.A., Basel office Novimmune S.A., Basel office pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novo Nordisk Pharma AG Novo Group (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novo Nordisk Pharma GmbH (AT) Novo Group (Group) pharmaceutical Austria
Novo Nordisk Pharma GmbH (DE) Novo Group (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Novocure GmbH Novocure (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Novodirect GmbH Novodirect GmbH laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
NovoGel (Group) NovoGel (Group) foods & beverages Switzerland
NovoGel AG NovoGel (Group) foods & beverages Switzerland
Novogene GmbH Novogene (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Novogene GmbH, Labortary at IZB Martinsried Novogene (Group) BIOTECH Germany
NovoLogiX GmbH NovoLogiX GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Novopharm Vertriebs (Division of Taurus Pharma) (DE) Almirall (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Novoplant GmbH Novoplant GmbH LIFE SCIENCES Germany
NovoScreen (DE, not yet incorporated) NovoScreen (DE, not yet incorporated) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Novosis AG Schweizerhall (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Novosom AG Novosom AG BIOTECH Germany
Novotectid GmbH Novotectid GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Novozymes Berlin GmbH Novonesis (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Novozymes Deutschland GmbH Novonesis (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Novumed / Effimed (Group) Novumed / Effimed (Group) services (excl. financial) Germany
Novumed GmbH Life-Science Consulting & Adivsory Novumed / Effimed (Group) services (excl. financial) Germany
NOWEL Network (North-East-West Lung Network, DE) NOWEL Network (North-East-West Lung Network, DE) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
NPZ Innovation GmbH NPZ Innovation GmbH BIOTECH Germany
NRW.Bank Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) finance Germany
NRW.Bank Münster Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) finance Germany
NSCI Novel Science International GmbH NSCI Novel Science International GmbH software Germany
NSF Deutschland GmbH NSF International services (excl. financial) Germany
NUA-Umweltanalytik GmbH Eurofins (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Austria
Nuance Communications Austria GmbH Nuance (Group) software Austria
Nuance Communications Deutschland GmbH Nuance (Group) software Germany
Nuance Communications Switzerland AG Nuance (Group) software Switzerland
nuclitec GmbH Eckert & Ziegler Strahlen- und Medizintechnik AG Germany
Numab (Group) Numab (Group) drug discovery Switzerland
Numab AG Numab (Group) drug discovery Switzerland
Numab Innovation AG Numab (Group) drug discovery Switzerland
Numab Therapeutics AG Numab (Group) drug discovery Switzerland
Numaferm GmbH Numaferm GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Numares (Group) Numares (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Numares AG Numares (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Nutrichem GmbH Nutrichem GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Nutrinova Nutrition Specialities & Food Ingredients GmbH Celanese (Group) foods & beverages Germany
Nuuron GmbH Nuuron GmbH MedTech (medical technology) Germany
NuVasive Europe GmbH NuVasive (Group) MedTech (medical technology) Germany
Nuvisan (Group) Nuvisan (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
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