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Find below organisations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Listed are companies, research institutions and governmental agencies.

Total search results: 8431 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
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order ascendingorder descendingOrganisation order ascendingorder descendingGroup order ascendingorder descendingIndustry order ascendingorder descendingRegion
MYR GmbH (MYR Pharmaceuticals) Gilead Sciences (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
MYR Pharmaceuticals (Group) Gilead Sciences (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Myriad Genetics GmbH (DE) Myriad Genetics (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Myriad Genetics GmbH (CH) Myriad Genetics (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Switzerland
Myriad Service GmbH Myriad Pharmaceuticals (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Mysthera Therapeutics AG Mysthera Therapeutics AG pharmaceutical Switzerland
mySugr GmbH Roche (Group) healthcare Austria
mytilamar mytilamar BIOTECH Germany
Myxobiotics Helmholtz Enterprise Project (HZI) Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
MZ-Analysentechnik GmbH MZ-Analysentechnik GmbH sample preparation / sample handling (excl liquid handling) Germany
mzio GmbH mzio GmbH bioinformatics (biological software and databases) Germany
Märzhäuser (Group) Märzhäuser (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Märzhäuser Verwaltungs GmbH Märzhäuser (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Märzhäuser Wetzlar GmbH & Co. KG Märzhäuser (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
möLab GmbH möLab GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
N-Zyme Biotec GmbH N-Zyme Biotec GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Nabriva (Group) Nabriva (Group) pharmaceutical Austria
Nabriva Therapeutics GmbH Nabriva (Group) pharmaceutical Austria
Nadicom – Gesellschaft für angewandte Mikrobiologie mbH Nadicom – Gesellschaft für angewandte Mikrobiologie mbH BIOTECH Germany
Nagi Bioscience S.A. Nagi Bioscience S.A. biochip system Switzerland
NAIMA Strategic Legal Services GmbH NAIMA Strategic Legal Services GmbH services (excl. financial) Germany
Nambawan Biotech GmbH Nomad Bioscience (Group) BIOTECH Germany
nAmbition GmbH Bruker (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Nanalysis GmbH Nanalysis (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Nanion (Group) Nanion (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Nanion Technologies GmbH Nanion (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Nano Analytik GmbH Nano Analytik GmbH laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Nano GmbH Nano GmbH CHEMICALS Germany
Nano-Bioanalytik-Zentrum GmbH (NBZ Münster) Nano-Bioanalytik-Zentrum GmbH (NBZ Münster) BIOTECH Germany
Nano-I-Drops project Nano-I-Drops project pharmaceutical Germany
Nano-Join GmbH Nano-Join GmbH chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals) Germany
Nano4Imaging (Group) Nano4Imaging (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Nano4Imaging GmbH Nano4Imaging (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Nanoanalytics GmbH Nanoanalytics GmbH pharmaceutical Germany
Nanobionet (Saarland/Rheinl.-Pfalz) Nanobionet (Saarland/Rheinl.-Pfalz) Germany
NanoBioTec (Group) NanoBioTec (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
NanoBioTec GmbH NanoBioTec (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Nanobiotech Association, The Nanobiotech Association, The BIOTECH Switzerland
Nanobiotix (DE) Nanobiotix (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Nanobiozentrum (Universität Kaiserslautern) University of Kaiserslautern BIOTECH Germany
NanoDel Technologies GmbH Capsulution (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Nanogami GmbH Nanogami GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Nanogate (DE) Nanogate (DE) CHEMICALS Germany
Nanolive S.A. Nanolive S.A. laboratory equipment and instruments Switzerland
Nanolytics Gesellschaft für Kolloidanalytik GmbH Nanolytics Gesellschaft für Kolloidanalytik GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
nanometis nanometis BIOTECH Germany
Nanoparc GmbH Nanoparc GmbH nanotechnology Germany
NanoPET Pharma GmbH NanoPET Pharma GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Nanopharm Nanopharm biochip system Germany
NANORA Nano Regions Alliance Canon BioMedical Inc. nanotechnology Germany
Nanorepro GmbH Nanorepro GmbH BIOTECH Germany
NanoSaar AG NanoSaar AG CHEMICALS Germany
NanoScape AG NanoScape AG nanotechnology Germany
Nanoscribe GmbH & Co. KG RAG (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Nanoscribe Verwaltungs GmbH RAG (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Nanosolutions GmbH Nanosolutions GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Nanosor (DE) Nanosor (DE) biochip system Germany
Nanostruct GmbH Nanostruct GmbH nanotechnology Germany
NanoTag Biotechnologies GmbH NanoTag Biotechnologies GmbH pharmaceutical Germany
NanotecMarin GmbH NanotecMarin GmbH nanotechnology Germany
NanoTemper (Group) NanoTemper (Group) drug discovery Germany
NanoTemper Technologies GmbH NanoTemper (Group) drug discovery Germany
NanoTools Antikörpertechnik GmbH & Co KG NanoTools Antikörpertechnik GmbH & Co KG diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Nanotype GmbH Nanotype GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Nanowired GmbH Nanowired GmbH chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals) Germany
Nanozoo GmbH Nanozoo GmbH BIOTECH Germany
NAPS Göttingen GmbH (Nucleic Acid Products Supply) Cube Biotech (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Narcoscience GmbH & Co. KG Narcoscience GmbH & Co. KG MedTech (medical technology) Germany
NascaCell (Group) NascaCell (Group) Germany
Nati Technologieagentur Niedersachsen GmbH Nati Technologieagentur Niedersachsen GmbH BIOTECH Germany
National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Dresden (Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen) National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg (Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen) healthcare Germany
National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg (Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen) National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg (Nationales Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen) healthcare Germany
National Network Computational Neuroscience (DE) National Network Computational Neuroscience (DE) healthcare Germany
Nationale Anti Doping Agentur (NADA) (DE) Nationale Anti Doping Agentur (NADA) (DE) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Nationaler Ethikrat (DE) Nationaler Ethikrat (DE) BIOTECH Germany
Nationales Genomforschungsnetz (NGFN) (DE) Nationales Genomforschungsnetz (NGFN) (DE) BIOTECH Germany
Nationales Genomforschungsnetz (NGFN) (DE), Lenkungsausschuß Nationales Genomforschungsnetz (NGFN) (DE) BIOTECH Germany
Nationales Genomforschungsnetz 2 (NGFN2) (DE) Nationales Genomforschungsnetz 2 (NGFN2) (DE) BIOTECH Germany
Nationales Zentrum für Plasmamedizin e. V. Nationales Zentrum für Plasmamedizin e. V. BIOTECH Germany
NatLifE 2020 project (Natural Life Excellence Network 2020) NatLifE 2020 project (Natural Life Excellence Network 2020) foods & beverages Germany
NaturalX Health Ventures GmbH Schwabe (Group) finance Germany
Naturin Viscofan GmbH Viscofan (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Navigo Proteins GmbH UV-Cap (Vetter family office) (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Navigo Proteins GmbH, Navigo Precision Capturing business unit UV-Cap (Vetter family office) (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Navigo Proteins GmbH, Navigo Precision Targeting business unit UV-Cap (Vetter family office) (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Navitapharm (DE) Navitapharm (DE) BIOTECH Germany
NBank Capital Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH Niedersachsen (govt region) finance Germany
NBE Therapeutics AG Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
NBS-C BioScience & Consulting GmbH NBS-C BioScience & Consulting GmbH BIOTECH Austria
NDA Regulatory Service GmbH NDA Regulatory Service GmbH services (excl. financial) Germany
Nebion AG Immunai (Group) bioinformatics (biological software and databases) Switzerland
Nebula Biocides GmbH Nebula Biocides GmbH BIOTECH Germany
NEC Bio Therapeutics GmbH NEC (Group) BIOTECH Germany
NEC Deutschland GmbH NEC (Group) ELECTRONICS Germany
NEC Laboratories Europe GmbH NEC (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Nemis Technologies AG Nemis Technologies AG diagnostics (medical/biological) Switzerland
NeMoDevices AG NeMoDevices AG MedTech (medical technology) Switzerland
Nen Life Science Products GmbH PerkinElmer (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Neode Science and Technology Park La Chaux-de-Fonds Neode Science and Technology Park Neuchâtel services (excl. financial) Switzerland
neoFroxx GmbH neoFroxx GmbH BIOTECH Germany
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