
Picture Swiss Biotech Association Swiss Biotech Days 2025 SBD25 Basel 650x100px

Organisations > All

Find below organisations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Listed are companies, research institutions and governmental agencies.

Total search results: 8423 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
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order ascendingorder descendingOrganisation order ascendingorder descendingGroup order ascendingorder descendingIndustry order ascendingorder descendingRegion
Molzym GmbH & Co. KG Molzym GmbH & Co. KG sample preparation / sample handling (excl liquid handling) Germany
Mondelez International Genussmittel GmbH Mondelez International Inc. (Nasdaq: MDLZ) foods & beverages Germany
Monipol Clinical Researches (CH) Monipol (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Monipol Deutschland GmbH Monipol (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Monitoring Services GmbH Monitoring Services GmbH services (excl. financial) Germany
Monsanto Agrar Deutschland GmbH Monsanto (Group) LIFE SCIENCES Germany
Monte Rosa Therapeutics AG Monte Rosa Therapeutics (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Monteil International Cosmetics GmbH Wilde Cosmetics (Group) chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals) Germany
Moody’s Deutschland GmbH Moody’s (Group) finance Germany
MoonLake Immunotherapeutics (Group) MoonLake Immunotherapeutics (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
MoonLake Immunotherapeutics AG (Nasdaq: MLTX) MoonLake Immunotherapeutics (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Morphisto Evolutionsforschung und Anwendung GmbH Morphisto Evolutionsforschung und Anwendung GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Morpho Detection Germany GmbH Safran (Group) machinery (excl laboratory) Germany
Morphochem AG Deinove (Group) drug discovery Germany
MorphoMed GmbH MorphoMed GmbH BIOTECH Austria
Morphoplant GmbH Morphoplant GmbH MedTech (medical technology) Germany
MorphoSys (Group) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
MorphoSys AG (FSE: MOR; Prime Standard Segment, TecDAX; Nasdaq: MOR) Novartis (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
mosaiques diagnostics and therapeutics AG mosaiques diagnostics and therapeutics AG BIOTECH Germany
Mosanna Therapeutics AG Mosanna Therapeutics AG pharmaceutical Switzerland
Motorola DigitalDNA Laboratories Motorola (Group) microelectronics / information technology (IT) Germany
Motorola GmbH Motorola (Group) microelectronics / information technology (IT) Germany
Mountain Partners (Group) Mountain Partners (Group) finance Switzerland
Mountain Partners AG Mountain Partners (Group) finance Switzerland
Mouse Genetics Cologne Foundation (MGC Foundation) University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln) BIOTECH Germany
Movianto GmbH McKesson (Group) Germany
MP Beteiligungs-GmbH Putsch (Recaro) (Group) finance Germany
MPI (Munich) Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Germany
MPM Munich Office MPM Capital (Group) finance Germany
MPS Markt-Medien-Messe Pharma Service GmbH McKesson (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
MRI.Tools GmbH MRI.Tools GmbH MedTech (medical technology) Germany
MRSA – Netzwerk Land Bremen MRSA – Netzwerk Land Bremen diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MS Pharma International AG Alfasigma pharmaceutical Switzerland
MS Vision GmbH MS Vision (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
MS Wil GmbH MS Wil GmbH laboratory equipment and instruments Switzerland
MSD Chibropharm GmbH Merck (US) (MSD) (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH Merck (US) (MSD) (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
MSP Kofel MSP Kofel laboratory equipment and instruments Switzerland
mtg mikroglas technik AG Henkel AG & Co. KGaA laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
mti-diagnostics GmbH HS Diagnomics GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MTIP (Group) MTIP (Group) finance Switzerland
MTIP AG MTIP (Group) finance Switzerland
MTIP Fund II MTIP (Group) finance Switzerland
MTS Medizin-Technische-Systeme Schweinfurt GmbH Fresenius (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Mucosatec (DE) Mucosatec (DE) BIOTECH Germany
MukoCell GmbH MukoCell GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Mulligan Biocapital AG Mulligan Biocapital AG finance Germany
Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH Harvard Bioscience (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
multiBIND biotec GmbH multiBIND biotec GmbH BIOTECH Germany
MultiGene Biotech MultiGene Biotech BIOTECH Germany
Multimetrix GmbH Multimetrix GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Multimmune GmbH Multimmune GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Multiplexion GmbH Multiplexion GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MultiSynTech GmbH MultiSynTech GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Mummert & Company Corporate Finance GesmbH (AT) Mummert & Company (Group) services (excl. financial) Austria
Mummert & Company Corporate Finance GmbH (DE) Mummert & Company (Group) services (excl. financial) Germany
Mundipharma EDO GmbH Purdue Pharma (Group) pharmaceutical Switzerland
Mundipharma GmbH Purdue Pharma (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Mundipharma Medical GmbH Purdue Pharma (Group) Germany
Munich Accelerator Life Sciences & Medicine (MAxL) Bavaria (govt region) services (excl. financial) Germany
Munktell & Filtrak GmbH Munktell (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Munster (govt city) Munster (govt city) ALL Germany
Muvon Therapeutics AG Muvon Therapeutics AG BIOTECH Switzerland
MVCP ConsultingProjects MVIP (Group) bioinformatics (biological software and databases) Germany
MVIP (Group) MVIP (Group) bioinformatics (biological software and databases) Germany
MVIP Software+Consulting GmbH MVIP (Group) bioinformatics (biological software and databases) Germany
MVV Energie AG MVV (Group) infrastructure Germany
MVZ AescuLabor-Karlsruhe GmbH (AescuLabor Karlsruhe) Labco (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ Dortmund Dr. Eberhard & Partner GbR MVZ Dortmund Dr. Eberhard & Partner GbR diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ Dr. Krause und Kollegen (Kiel) MVZ Dr. Krause und Kollegen (Kiel) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ Dr. Stein und Kollegen (Mönchengladbach) MVZ Dr. Stein und Kollegen (Mönchengladbach) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ für Histologie, Zytologie und Molekulare Diagnostik Trier (Dr. Kriegsmann + Dr. Otto) MVZ für Histologie, Zytologie und Molekulare Diagnostik Trier (Dr. Kriegsmann + Dr. Otto) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ für Laboratoriumsmedizin am Hygiene-Institut GmbH (Hygel) Eurofins (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ für Mikrobiologie, Labordiagnostik und Hygiene Dessau GmbH MVZ für Mikrobiologie, Labordiagnostik und Hygiene Dessau GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ GenteQ GmbH Medivision (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ Labor Dr. Limbach & Kollegen GbR (Labor Limbach Heidelberg) Labor Limbach (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ Labor Limbach Hannover Labor Limbach (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ Labor PD Dr. Volkmann und Kollegen GbR (Karlsruhe) MVZ Labor PD Dr. Volkmann und Kollegen GbR (Karlsruhe) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ Labor Prof. Seelig MVZ Labor Prof. Seelig diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MVZ Ravensburg – Labor Dr. Gärtner Labor Limbach (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MWG Biotech AG (CH) Eurofins (Group) biochip system Switzerland
My Life Diagnostics GmbH (MLDx GmbH) Deutsche Biotech Innovativ (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
MyBio project (BASF et al., co-funded by BMBF) MyBio project (BASF et al., co-funded by BMBF) BIOTECH Germany
MyCartis MyCartis diagnostics (medical/biological) Switzerland
MyCartis (Group) MyCartis diagnostics (medical/biological) Switzerland
Mycoplasma Biosafety Services GmbH Mycoplasma Biosafety Services GmbH pharmaceutical Austria
Mycosafe Diagnostics GmbH Mycosafe Diagnostics GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Austria
Myelo Therapeutics GmbH Pentixapharm (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Myelo Therapeutics GmbH, Laboratory Berlin-Buch Pentixapharm (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Myelopro Diagnostics and Research GmbH Myelopro Diagnostics and Research GmbH BIOTECH Austria
Myllia Biotechnology GmbH Myllia Biotechnology GmbH drug discovery Austria
Mymetics Corporation Mymetics Corporation pharmaceutical Switzerland
MyoPax (Group) MyoPax (Group) BIOTECH Germany
MyoPax GmbH MyoPax (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Myotwin GmbH Myotwin GmbH drug discovery Germany
myPOLS Biotec GmbH Medix Biochemica (Group) BIOTECH Germany
MYR GmbH (MYR Pharmaceuticals) Gilead Sciences (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
MYR Pharmaceuticals (Group) Gilead Sciences (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Myriad Genetics GmbH (DE) Myriad Genetics (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Myriad Genetics GmbH (CH) Myriad Genetics (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Switzerland
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