
Organisations > All
Find below organisations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Listed are companies, research institutions and governmental agencies.Total search results: 8431 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
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Industrie-Förderung Gesellschaft mbH (IFG) | BDI (DE) (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Industrieforum Multiple Sklerose | Industrieforum Multiple Sklerose | LIFE SCIENCES | Germany |
Industrielle Biotechnologie Bayern Netzwerk GmbH (IBB Netzwerk GmbH) | Bavaria (govt region) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Industrieverbund Weiße Biotechnologie e. V. (IWBio) | Industrieverbund Weiße Biotechnologie e. V. (IWBio) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Industry Association Synthetic Biology (IASB) | Industry Association Synthetic Biology (IASB) | BIOTECH | Germany |
INFAI GmbH (Niederlassung Köln) | INFAI GmbH (Niederlassung Köln) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
INFAI Institut für biomedizinische Analytic und NMR Imaging GmbH | INFAI Institut für biomedizinische Analytic und NMR Imaging GmbH | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
InfanDx (Group) | InfanDx (Group) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
InfanDx AG | InfanDx (Group) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
InfanDx AG, Berlin Office | InfanDx (Group) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Infarm – Indoor Urban Farming GmbH | Infarm – Indoor Urban Farming GmbH | LIFE SCIENCES | Germany |
InfectControl 2020 project (BMBF Zwanzig20 project 201307–201806) | InfectControl 2020 project (BMBF Zwanzig20 project 201307–201806) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
InfectoGnostics Research Campus Jena (InfectoGnostics Forschungscampus Jena e. V. ) | InfectoGnostics Research Campus Jena (InfectoGnostics Forschungscampus Jena e. V. ) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Infineon (Group) | Infineon (Group) | microelectronics / information technology (IT) | Germany |
Infineon Bioscience AG | Infineon (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Infineon Technologies AG | Infineon (Group) | microelectronics / information technology (IT) | Germany |
Infinit Biosystems GmbH | Infinit Biosystems GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
Inflamalps S.A. | Inflamalps S.A. | BIOTECH | Switzerland |
Inflamed Pharma GmbH | Inflamed Pharma GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
InflaRx (Group) | InflaRx (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
InflaRx GmbH | InflaRx (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
InflaRx N.V., Munich | InflaRx (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
InfoChem GmbH | InfoChem GmbH | bioinformatics (biological software and databases) | Germany |
Infogen Medizinische Genetik GmbH | Valigen (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Infor (Deutschand) GmbH | Infor (US) | software | Germany |
Informa plc [OLD] | Informa (Group) [NEW] | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
InformationsSekretariat Biotechnologie (Dechema) | DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e. V. | BIOTECH | Germany |
Informationszentrum Biologische Vielfalt (IBV) (ZADI) | Zentralstelle für Agrardokumentation und -information (ZADI) | resources, natural | Germany |
Informaxx AG | HWAG Hanseatisches Wertpapierhandelshaus AG | finance | Germany |
Infoteam Software (Group) | Infoteam Software (Group) | software | Germany |
Infoteam Software AG | Infoteam Software (Group) | software | Germany |
Infoteam Software AG (CH) | Infoteam Software (Group) | software | Switzerland |
Infozentrum für Prävention und Früherkennung (IPF) | Infozentrum für Prävention und Früherkennung (IPF) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Infrareal (Group) (joint venture of Swiss Life AM + Gelsenwasser) | Infrareal (Group) (joint venture of Swiss Life AM + Gelsenwasser) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Infrareal GmbH | Infrareal (Group) (joint venture of Swiss Life AM + Gelsenwasser) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Infrareal Holding GmbH & Co. KG | Infrareal (Group) (joint venture of Swiss Life AM + Gelsenwasser) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Infrareal Holding Verwaltungs-GmbH | Infrareal (Group) (joint venture of Swiss Life AM + Gelsenwasser) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG (Industriepark Höchst) | Infraserv Höchst (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Infraserv Höchst (Group) | Infraserv Höchst (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Infraserv Verwaltungs GmbH | Infraserv Höchst (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
InGeneron (Group) | InGeneron (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
InGeneron Equine GmbH | InGeneron (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
InGeneron GmbH | InGeneron (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Ingenetix GmbH | Ingenetix GmbH | BIOTECH | Austria |
Ingenium Digital Diagnostics GmbH | Ingenium Digital Diagnostics GmbH | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Inhale Therapeutic Systems Deutschland GmbH | Nektar Therapeutics (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Inhive Group (Germany) GmbH & Co. KG | Inhive Group (Group) | bioinformatics (biological software and databases) | Germany |
Inhive Group (Group) | Inhive Group (Group) | bioinformatics (biological software and databases) | Germany |
Inhive Group GmbH | Inhive Group (Group) | bioinformatics (biological software and databases) | Germany |
Initiative Capital Romandie (ICR) | DEFI Gestion S.A. | finance | Switzerland |
Initiative for Industrial Innovators (programme offered by UnternehmerTUM) | Technical University Munich (TU München, TUM) | finance | Germany |
INiTS Universitäres Gründerservice Wien GmbH | University of Vienna (Universität Wien) | services (excl. financial) | Austria |
Iniuva GmbH | Iniuva GmbH | drug discovery | Germany |
Injex Pharma AG | Injex Pharma AG | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Innerspace GmbH | Innerspace GmbH | software | Austria |
Innervation Pharmaceuticals (CH) | Innervation Pharmaceuticals (CH) | pharmaceutical | Switzerland |
INNO Innovationscampus GmbH & Co. KG (Innovation Campus Offenbach) | Offenbach am Main (govt city) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innocent Meat GmbH | Innocent Meat GmbH | foods & beverages | Germany |
InnoCyte GmbH | InnoCyte GmbH | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
InnoGel AG | NovoGel (Group) | foods & beverages | Switzerland |
Innogenetics GmbH | H.U. Group (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
InnoLas (Group) | InnoLas (Group) | machinery (excl laboratory) | Germany |
InnoLas Holding GmbH | InnoLas (Group) | machinery (excl laboratory) | Germany |
InnoLas Laser GmbH | InnoLas (Group) | machinery (excl laboratory) | Germany |
InnoLas Systems GmbH | InnoLas (Group) | machinery (excl laboratory) | Germany |
Innolume (Group) | Innolume (Group) | machinery (excl laboratory) | Germany |
Innolume GmbH | Innolume (Group) | machinery (excl laboratory) | Germany |
InnoMMT (DE) | InnoMMT (DE) | Germany | |
Innoplanta e. V. | Innoplanta e. V. | LIFE SCIENCES | Germany |
Innoplexus (Group) | Partex (Group) | IT (information technology) | Germany |
Innoplexus AG | Partex (Group) | IT (information technology) | Germany |
InnoRa GmbH | InnoRa GmbH | MedTech (medical technology) | Germany |
Innos – Sperlich GmbH | Innos – Sperlich GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
INNOspace network Space2Agriculture | INNOspace network Space2Agriculture | Luft- & Raumfahrt | Germany |
Innosuisse (Swiss Innovation Agency, formerly KTI/CTI) | Switzerland (govt) | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
Innovacell AG | Innovacell (Group) | BIOTECH | Austria |
Innovand Consulting GmbH | Innovand Consulting GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innovation Centre Denmark Munich | Denmark (govt) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
InnovationLabz Mainz (managed by Innovationspark Mainz GmbH & Co. KG) | Molitor Immobilien (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Würzburg (IGZ/TGZ) GmbH | Innovations- und Gründerzentrum Würzburg (IGZ/TGZ) GmbH | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innovationsnetzwerk PPA (Produkt- und Prozesssicherheit mittels spektroskopischer Analytik, ZIM-Netzwerk) | Innovationsnetzwerk PPA (Produkt- und Prozesssicherheit mittels spektroskopischer Analytik, ZIM-Netzwerk) | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
Innovationspark Mainz GmbH & Co. KG | Molitor Immobilien (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innovationspark Wuhlheide Managementgesellschaft mbH (IPW) | Innovationspark Wuhlheide Managementgesellschaft mbH (IPW) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innovationsstiftung Hamburg | Hamburg (govt region) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innovationszentrum Niedersachsen GmbH | Niedersachsen (govt region) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innovative Molecules GmbH | Innovative Molecules GmbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Innovative Tomography Products GmbH (ITP Innotom) | Innovative Tomography Products GmbH (ITP Innotom) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Innoveas (Group) | Innoveas (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innoveas AG | Innoveas (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innovectis Gesellschaft für Innovations-Dienstleistungen mbH | University of Frankfurt (Goethe-Universität) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
InnoWi GmbH | Bremen (govt region) | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Innutrigel AG | NovoGel (Group) | foods & beverages | Switzerland |
InnVentis Ltd. | InnVentis Ltd. | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
InnVentis – Dr. Thomas Wilckens | InnVentis Ltd. | services (excl. financial) | Germany |
Inofea AG | Inofea AG | chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals) | Switzerland |
Inositec AG | Vifor Pharma (Group) | drug discovery | Switzerland |
Inotech Biotechnologies Ltd. | Inotech Biotechnologies Ltd. | pharmaceutical | Switzerland |
Inovedis GmbH | Inovedis GmbH | MedTech (medical technology) | Germany |
InovisCoat GmbH | InovisCoat GmbH | LIFE SCIENCES | Germany |
Inoxia Lifesciences GmbH | Inoxia Lifesciences GmbH | drug discovery | Austria |


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