
Organisations > All
Find below organisations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Listed are companies, research institutions and governmental agencies.Total search results: 8431 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
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Creathor Fund III Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG | Creathor Ventures (Group) | finance | Germany |
Creathor GmbH (Creathor Ventures) | Creathor Ventures (Group) | finance | Germany |
Creathor Venture Fonds 1 GmbH | Creathor Ventures (Group) | finance | Germany |
Creathor Venture Fund II GmbH & Co. KG | Creathor Ventures (Group) | finance | Germany |
Creathor Venture Fund II GmbH & Co. Parallel-KG | Creathor Ventures (Group) | finance | Germany |
Creathor Venture Management GmbH | Creathor Ventures (Group) | finance | Germany |
Creathor Ventures (Group) | Creathor Ventures (Group) | finance | Germany |
Creathor Verwaltungs GmbH | Creathor Ventures (Group) | finance | Germany |
Creative Quantum GmbH | Creative Quantum GmbH | chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals) | Germany |
Creative-Therapeutics GmbH | Creative-Therapeutics GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
Creatogen Laboratories GmbH | Creatogen Laboratories GmbH | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Credit Suisse (Group) | UBS (Group) | finance | Switzerland |
Crelux GmbH | WuXi PharmaTech (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Creon Lab Control AG | Waters (Group) | bioinformatics (biological software and databases) | Germany |
Creoptix AG | Spectris (Group) | laboratory equipment and instruments | Switzerland |
Crinotec GmbH | Crinotec GmbH | Germany | |
CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) | CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) | BIOTECH | Switzerland |
CRISPR Therapeutics AG (Nasdaq: CRSP) | CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) | BIOTECH | Switzerland |
CRM Clinical Trials GmbH | Venn Life Sciences (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Croma-Pharma GmbH | Croma-Pharma GmbH | pharmaceutical | Austria |
CropEnergies AG | Südzucker (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Cross Equity (Group) | Cross Equity (Group) | finance | Switzerland |
Cross Equity Fund | Cross Equity (Group) | finance | Switzerland |
Cross Equity Partners AG | Cross Equity (Group) | finance | Switzerland |
CRS Clinical Research Services (Group) | CRS Clinical Research Services (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CRS Clinical Research Services Andernach GmbH | CRS Clinical Research Services (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CRS Clinical Research Services Berlin GmbH | CRS Clinical Research Services (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CRS Clinical Research Services Kiel GmbH | CRS Clinical Research Services (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CRS Clinical Research Services Mannheim GmbH | CRS Clinical Research Services (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CRS Clinical Research Services Mönchengladbach GmbH | CRS Clinical Research Services (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CRS Clinical Research Services Wuppertal GmbH | CRS Clinical Research Services (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Cryo-Bank Krefeld | Air Liquide (Group) | sample preparation / sample handling (excl liquid handling) | Germany |
Cryo-Save AG (CH) | Cryo-Save AG (CH) | BIOTECH | Switzerland |
CryoShop – Holger Brian Fritzsche | CryoShop – Holger Brian Fritzsche | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
CryoTherapeutics GmbH | CryoTherapeutics GmbH | MedTech (medical technology) | Germany |
CrystAl-N GmbH | CrystAl-N GmbH | CHEMICALS | Germany |
CrystalsFirst GmbH | CrystalsFirst GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
CrystalsFirst GmbH, Göttingen | CrystalsFirst GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
CrystalsFirst GmbH, Hamburg | CrystalsFirst GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
CS – Chromatographie Service GmbH | CS – Chromatographie Service GmbH | sample preparation / sample handling (excl liquid handling) | Germany |
CSEM S.A. (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique) | CSEM S.A. (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique) | nanotechnology | Switzerland |
CSG Clinische Studien Gesellschaft mbH | CSG Clinische Studien Gesellschaft mbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CSL Behring GmbH | CSL (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CSM Instruments S.A. | Anton Paar (Group) | laboratory equipment and instruments | Switzerland |
CSM Instruments, Office Germany | Anton Paar (Group) | laboratory equipment and instruments | Germany |
CSS (CH) (Group) (Swiss health insurance) | CSS (CH) (Group) (Swiss health insurance) | finance | Switzerland |
CSS (Swiss health insurance) | CSS (CH) (Group) (Swiss health insurance) | finance | Switzerland |
CT Atlantic AG | CT Atlantic AG | pharmaceutical | Switzerland |
CTC Analytics AG | CTC Analytics AG | laboratory equipment and instruments | Switzerland |
CTC North (Group) | CTC North (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CTC North Geschäftsführungs GmbH | CTC North (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CTC North GmbH & Co. KG | CTC North (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CTI Clinical Trial and Consulting Services Europe GmbH | CTI Clinical Trial and Consulting Services (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Cube Biotech (Group) | Cube Biotech (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Cube Biotech GmbH | Cube Biotech (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Cube Dx GmbH | Cube Dx GmbH | biochip system | Austria |
Culavis GmbH | Culavis GmbH | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Cultex Laboratories GmbH | Cultex Laboratories GmbH | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Cultimate Foods GmbH | Cultimate Foods GmbH | foods & beverages | Germany |
Cultimate Foods GmbH, R&D Lab Berlin-Buch | Cultimate Foods GmbH | foods & beverages | Germany |
Cunesoft GmbH | Phlexglobal (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CUP Laboratorien Dr. Freitag GmbH | CUP Laboratorien Dr. Freitag GmbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Curacyte (Group) | Curacyte (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Curacyte AG | Curacyte (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Curacyte Chemistry GmbH | Curacyte (Group) | Germany | |
Curacyte Discovery GmbH | Novartis (Group) | drug discovery | Germany |
Curadis GmbH | Curadis GmbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Curasan AG | Curasan AG | BIOTECH | Germany |
Curefab GmbH | Curefab GmbH | MedTech (medical technology) | Germany |
Cureteq AG | Partex (Group) | drug discovery | Switzerland |
Curetis GmbH | OpGen (Group) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
CureVac (Group) | CureVac (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
CureVac N.V. (Nasdaq: CVAC) | CureVac (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
CureVac RNA Printer GmbH | CureVac (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
CureVac SE | CureVac (Group) | BIOTECH | Germany |
CureVac Swiss AG | CureVac (Group) | services (excl. financial) | Switzerland |
Curexsys GmbH | Curexsys GmbH | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Curit Biotech Holding GmbH | Curit Biotech Holding GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
CURML (Centre Universitaire Romand de Médecine Légale) | University of Lausanne (UNIL) | healthcare | Switzerland |
CURML-UTCF (Centre Universitaire Romand de Medécine Légale, Unité de Toxicologie et CHimie Forensiques) | University of Lausanne (UNIL) | healthcare | Switzerland |
Curnova microRNA Technology (DE) | Curnova microRNA Technology (DE) | BIOTECH | Germany |
Current BioData Ltd. | Science Navigation Group | bioinformatics (biological software and databases) | Switzerland |
Cutanos GmbH | Cutanos GmbH | pharmaceutical | Austria |
CUTEC-Institut GmbH | CUTEC-Institut GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |
Cutiss AG | Cutiss AG | BIOTECH | Switzerland |
Cutiss AG, R&D Laboratory Schlieren | Cutiss AG | BIOTECH | Switzerland |
CVG Capital GmbH | CVG Capital GmbH | finance | Germany |
CVUA Stuttgart (Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Stuttgart) | Baden-Württemberg (govt region) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
CVUA-MEL (Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe) | CVUA-MEL (Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe) | diagnostics (medical/biological) | Germany |
Cyagen Biosciences GmbH | Cyagen Biosciences (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Cyanamid GmbH | Pfizer (Group) | pharmaceutical | Germany |
Cyano Biotech GmbH | Cyano Biotech GmbH | chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals) | Germany |
CyanoGuard AG | CyanoGuard AG | chemicals (excl. pharmaceuticals) | Switzerland |
Cyathus Exquirere Pharmaforschungs GmbH | Cyathus Exquirere Pharmaforschungs GmbH | pharmaceutical | Austria |
Cybeles (Group) | Cybeles (Group) | sample preparation / sample handling (excl liquid handling) | Germany |
Cybeles Life Science (DE) | Cybeles (Group) | sample preparation / sample handling (excl liquid handling) | Germany |
CyBio Robotics GmbH | Endress+Hauser (Group) | machinery (excl laboratory) | Germany |
CyBio Screening GmbH | Endress+Hauser (Group) | drug discovery | Germany |
Cycle GmbH | Cycle GmbH | machinery (excl laboratory) | Germany |
Cyclize GmbH | Cyclize GmbH | BIOTECH | Germany |


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