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Organisations > All

Find below organisations from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Listed are companies, research institutions and governmental agencies.

Total search results: 8431 | Ordered by Organisation (ascending)
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order ascendingorder descendingOrganisation order ascendingorder descendingGroup order ascendingorder descendingIndustry order ascendingorder descendingRegion
Bex-Biotec Verwaltungs GmbH Bex-Biotec (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Bey Pharma GmbH Bey Pharma GmbH pharmaceutical Austria
Beyond Impact Adivsors Sàrl Beyond Impact Adivsors Sàrl finance Switzerland
Beyontics GmbH Beyontics GmbH bioinformatics (biological software and databases) Germany
BF Holding (Group) BF Holding (Group) finance Germany
BF Holding GmbH BF Holding (Group) finance Germany
BfArM (Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices) (DE) Germany (govt) pharmaceutical Germany
BFB Frühphasenfonds Brandenburg GmbH Brandenburg (govt region) finance Germany
BFCC – Baltic Fracture Competence Centre project (EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme) BFCC – Baltic Fracture Competence Centre project (EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme) LIFE SCIENCES Germany
BGI Biotechpark Gatersleben Infrastrukturgesellschaft mbH BGI Biotechpark Gatersleben Infrastrukturgesellschaft mbH services (excl. financial) Germany
BI X (Boehringer Ingelheim Digital Lab) Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) healthcare Germany
BIA Separations GmbH Sartorius (Group) sample preparation / sample handling (excl liquid handling) Austria
Biaffin (Group) Biaffin (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Biaffin GmbH & Co. KG Biomolekulare Affinitätsanalysen Biaffin (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Biaffin Verwaltungs GmbH Biaffin (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Biametrics GmbH Biametrics GmbH laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
BianoScience GmbH BianoScience GmbH Germany
BIAS Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH BIAS Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH machinery (excl laboratory) Germany
BiBiTec GmbH Charles River (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Bicoll (Group) Bicoll (Group) drug discovery Germany
Bicoll GmbH Bicoll (Group) drug discovery Germany
Bicomer (DE) Bicomer (DE) BIOTECH Germany
Bideco AG Bideco AG machinery (excl laboratory) Switzerland
BIF Partners (B.I.F. GmbH) BIF Partners (B.I.F. GmbH) finance Germany
bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH BIOTECH Germany
BiFlow Systems GmbH BiFlow Systems GmbH laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
BigOmics Analytics S.A. BigOmics Analytics S.A. software Switzerland
BIH Center for Regenerative Therapies (Berlin Institute of Health / Charité) Humboldt University Berlin BIOTECH Germany
Bilacon GmbH (Gesellschaft für Laboranalytik, Lebensmittelhygiene und Prozeßmanagement mbH) Bilacon GmbH (Gesellschaft für Laboranalytik, Lebensmittelhygiene und Prozeßmanagement mbH) pharmaceutical Germany
Bilacon GmbH, Lohne Bilacon GmbH (Gesellschaft für Laboranalytik, Lebensmittelhygiene und Prozeßmanagement mbH) pharmaceutical Germany
Bildungsministerium (A) Austria (govt) services (excl. financial) Austria
Bildungsministerium (DE) Germany (govt) Germany
Bilfinger (Group) Bilfinger (Group) machinery (excl laboratory) Germany
Bilfinger SE Bilfinger (Group) machinery (excl laboratory) Germany
Bilfinger Venture Capital GmbH Bilfinger (Group) finance Germany
Bimyo (DE) Bimyo (DE) BIOTECH Germany
Bind-X (Group) Bind-X (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Bind-X GmbH Bind-X (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Binding Site GmbH, The Thermo Fisher (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Binomed GmbH Binomed GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Binz Biotech Consulting GmbH Binz Biotech Consulting GmbH services (excl. financial) Switzerland
BIO Clustermanagement NRW GmbH Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) services (excl. financial) Germany
BIO Deutschland e. V. BIO Deutschland e. V. BIOTECH Germany
Bio Innovations GmbH (CH) Bio Innovations GmbH (CH) LIFE SCIENCES Switzerland
Bio Nord Biotechnologiezentrum Bremerhaven Bremen (govt region) services (excl. financial) Germany
Bio Sensor Technologie GmbH Bio Sensor Technologie GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Bio&SELL e.K. (Uwe Scheiwen) Bio&SELL e.K. (Uwe Scheiwen) Germany
Bio-Budget Technologies GmbH Bio-Budget Technologies GmbH laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
bio-ferm biotechnologische Entwicklung und Produktion GmbH bio-ferm biotechnologische Entwicklung und Produktion GmbH BIOTECH Austria
Bio-Gate (Group) Bio-Gate (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Bio-Gate AG Bio-Gate (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Bio-Gate AG, Niederlassung Bremen Bio-Gate (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Bio-Gate Bioinnovative Materials GmbH Bio-Gate (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Bio-Mar GbR (Düsseldorf) Bio-Mar GbR (Düsseldorf) BIOTECH Germany
BIO-NET Leipzig Technologietransfergesellschaft mbH (Bio City Leipzig) BIO-NET Leipzig Technologietransfergesellschaft mbH (Bio City Leipzig) services (excl. financial) Germany
Bio-Products & Bio-Engineering AG Bio-Products & Bio-Engineering AG pharmaceutical Austria
Bio-Protect Gesellschaft für biologischen Pflanzenschutz mbH Bio-Protect Gesellschaft für biologischen Pflanzenschutz mbH BIOTECH Germany
Bio-Rad AbD Serotec GmbH Bio-Rad (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Bio-Rad Germany Holding GmbH Bio-Rad Medical Diagnostics GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Bio-Rad Laboratories AG (CH) Bio-Rad (Group) LIFE SCIENCES Switzerland
Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH Bio-Rad (Group) BIOTECH Germany
Bio-Rad Medical Diagnostics GmbH Bio-Rad Medical Diagnostics GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Bio-Security Management GmbH Bio-Security Management GmbH services (excl. financial) Germany
Bio-Tech-Region OstWestfalenLippe e. V. (BIO OWL) Bio-Tech-Region OstWestfalenLippe e. V. (BIO OWL) services (excl. financial) Germany
Bio-Technopark Schlieren-Zürich Bio-Technopark Schlieren-Zürich services (excl. financial) Switzerland
Bio.Aspekte – Dr. Julia Schüler Bio.Aspekte – Dr. Julia Schüler BIOTECH Germany
Bio.Impact (DE) Bio.Impact (DE) BIOTECH Germany
bio.logis (Group) bio.logis (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
bio.logis Genetic Information Management GmbH bio.logis (Group) BIOTECH Germany
bio.logis Genomic Healthcare GmbH bio.logis Genomic Healthcare GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
bio.logis Zentrum für Humangenetik – Prof. Dr. med. Daniela Steinberg bio.logis Zentrum für Humangenetik – Prof. Dr. med. Daniela Steinberg diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
BIO.NRW Cluster Biotechnologie NRW Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) services (excl. financial) Germany
Bioactiva Diagnostica GmbH Bioactiva Diagnostica GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
BioAgency (Group) BioAgency AG services (excl. financial) Germany
BioAgency AG BioAgency AG services (excl. financial) Germany
BioAgilytix Europe GmbH BioAgilytix Europe GmbH pharmaceutical Germany
BioAlps Association (Lake Geneva Life Science Cluster) BioAlps Association (Lake Geneva Life Science Cluster) LIFE SCIENCES Switzerland
Bioanalytic GmbH Bioanalytic GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Bioanalytics-Gatersleben UG Bioanalytics-Gatersleben UG BIOTECH Germany
BioArk S.A. BioArk S.A. services (excl. financial) Switzerland
Bioassay Labor für biologische Analytik GmbH Bioassay Labor für biologische Analytik GmbH pharmaceutical Germany
Biocam GmbH Biocam GmbH BIOTECH Germany
BioCampus Cologne Grundbesitz GmbH & Co . KG BioCampus Cologne Management GmbH services (excl. financial) Germany
BioCarta Europe GmbH BioCarta Europe GmbH LIFE SCIENCES Germany
Biocartis S.A. Biocartis (Group) diagnostics (medical/biological) Switzerland
BioCat GmbH BioCat GmbH BIOTECH Germany
Biocentiv GmbH Biocentiv GmbH BIOTECH Germany
BioCheck GmbH BioCheck GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
BioCheck Labor für Veterinärdiagnostik und Umwelthygiene GmbH BioCheck Labor für Veterinärdiagnostik und Umwelthygiene GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Biochem Immuno Systems GmbH Biochem Immuno Systems GmbH diagnostics (medical/biological) Germany
Biochem ImmunoSystems GmbH Takeda (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
Biochrom AG Merck (DE) (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Germany
Biocius, European Sales Office Agilent (Group) laboratory equipment and instruments Switzerland
BioClinica GmbH BioClinica (Group) pharmaceutical Germany
BioCologne e. V. BioCologne e. V. services (excl. financial) Germany
Biocom (Group) Biocom (Group) services (excl. financial) Germany
Biocom AG Biocom (Group) services (excl. financial) Germany
Biocom Interrelations GmbH Biocom (Group) services (excl. financial) Germany
Biocom Media AG Biocom (Group) services (excl. financial) Germany
BioCon Valley GmbH BioCon Valley GmbH BIOTECH Germany
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