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White, James R. (Active Spectrum 201612 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Whitehead, Carlene (Danaher 201204 European MarCom Specialist at Molecular Devices UK) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Danaher (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Whitmire, Jason D. (BY Capital 201509– Managing Director) Managing Partner (investment firm) BY Capital (BlueYard Capital) (Group) Germany
Whitson, Todd (Karius 201706– CCO before CareDx + Ariosa Diagnostics + Genzyme Genetics) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Karius Inc. United States (USA)
Wibbelmann, Jobst (Wuesthoff & Wuesthoff 200809 Munich) n. a. Wuesthoff & Wuesthoff Patent- und Rechtsanwälte (Munich) Germany
Wichert, Burkhard (Baxter 201302 Managing Director of Baxter Oncology GmbH) Managing Director Baxter (Group) Germany
Wichert, Christian (Evolva 202202– CEO before Johson Matthey + Innovative Water Care) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lallemand (Group) Switzerland
Wichert, Sven (Systasy Bioscience GmbH 201405 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Systasy Bioscience GmbH Germany
Wick, Wolfgang (Univ Heidelberg 201410 Professor + Chair of Neurology Clinic) Professor University of Heidelberg (Ruperto Carola) Germany
Wicke, Ilka (Boehringer 201203 Director at Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund) Investment Manager Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Wicki, Andreas (HBM Healthcare Investments 201402 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) HBM (Group) Switzerland
Wicklandt, Petra (Merck (DE) 201801– Head of newly created Corporate Affairs unit joined Merck 1994) Business Manager Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Wicks, Frank (SAFC 200610 President) n. a. Merck (DE) (Group) United States (USA)
Widdowson, Caroline (Schauenburg 201412 promoted Produt Marketing Manager Thermal Desorption at Markes) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Schauenburg (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Widera, Ludwig Nicolaus (Katana Labs 202306– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Katana Labs GmbH Germany
Widmaier, Simon (faCellitate 202209 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director faCellitate GmbH Germany
Widmann, Rudolf (AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals AG 201110 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Élan (Group) Austria
Widmann, Thomas n. a. Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) Switzerland
Wiech, Hans (Camoleon Knowledge Brokerage 201108) n. a.
Wiechmann, Volker (Medways e. V. 201112 Managing Director) Managing Director Medways e. V. Germany
Wiedemann, Mathias (Wacker 202501– President of Wacker Biosolutions joined Wacker in 2011) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Wacker (Group) Germany
Wiedemann, Sonja (Eurofins 201801 Managing Director at Eurofins Genomics GmbH) Managing Director Eurofins (Group) Germany
Wiedenfels, Matthias (BioCopy 2023Q4– CEO formerly CEO of Stada Arzneimittel AG) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) BioCopy (Group) Switzerland
Wiedey, Klaus (Manipal 201403 Managing Director of Ecron Acunova GmbH) Managing Director Manipal (Group) Germany
Wiedow, Oliver (Proteo Biotech 201411 Director of Proteo Inc) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Proteo Biotech (Group) United States (USA)
Wiegeler, Nikola (Immatics 201708 Media Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Immatics (Group) Germany
Wiegelmann, Alexander M. (KWS 2020 Head of Transactions) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager KWS Saat (Group) Germany
Wiegman, Al (Fresenius 201911 Head of Ventures at FMCV) Investment Manager Fresenius (Group) Germany
Wiehler, Klaus (Sierra Sensors 201010 Managing Director) Managing Director Bruker (Group) Germany
Wieland, Robert (Wieland Capital 201811 Managing Partner before CSFB + DLJ + Bayer) Managing Partner (investment firm) Wieland Capital GmbH & Co. KG Germany
Wieloch, Peter (Ingenium Medical Diagnostics 202012 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Ingenium Digital Diagnostics GmbH Germany
Wienand, Wolfgang (Lonza 202407c– CEO before Siegfried since 2010 before Evonik Industries) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lonza (Group) Switzerland
Wienhold, Daniel (Deutsche Bank 201701 Head of Expert Team Life Sciences joined 200808 before IDT Biologika) n. a. Deutsche Bank (Group) Germany
Wieschaus, Eric (European Molecular Biology Laboratory, 201503) n. a. EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) Germany
Wiese, Hanns-Peter (Global Life Science Ventures 201105 Managing Director) Managing Director Global Life Science Ventures (Group) Germany
Wiesel, Philippe (AgomAb Therapeutics 202103– CMO before Genkyotex + Serono in US + CH) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Asahi Kasei (Group) Switzerland
Wieser, Jochen (Optimare 201003 Dept of Science) Researcher (industry) Aerodata (Group) Germany
Wiesler, Armin (Boehringer 202410– Managing Director Animal Health Business Unit joined 2008) Managing Director Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Wiesmüller, Karl-Heinz (EMC microcollections CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) EMC microcollections GmbH Germany
Wiessner, Christoph (Asceneuron 201509 COO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Asceneuron S.A. Switzerland
Wiest, Christian (iThera Medical 201110 Managing Director) Managing Director iThera Medical GmbH Germany
Wiest, Joachim (Cellasys GmbH 201201 Managing Director) Managing Director Cellasys GmbH Germany
Wiest, Kajo (Humedics 202302 Manager Finance + Controlling) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Humedics GmbH Germany
Wiestler, Otmar D. (Helmholtz 201211 Head of DKFZ) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
Wiestler, Otmar D. (Helmholtz 202306 President of Helmholtz Association) President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
Wigerinck, Piet (Galapagos 201304 CSO before SVP Developm before Tibotec) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Galapagos (Group) Belgium
Wiggenhorn, Michael (Coriolis Pharma 2008– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Coriolis Pharma (Group) Germany
Wiggenhorn, Thomas (Coriolis Pharma 2008– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Coriolis Pharma (Group) Germany
Wiggins, Dale (Philips 201810 Business Leader HealthSuite Digital Platform) Product Manager (personnel) Philips (Group) Netherlands
Wijlands, Bram (Max Planck 202412 Managing Director at Max Planck Innovation GmbH) Managing Director Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Germany
Wijn, Annemieke n. a. Kraft Foods (Group) Germany
Wiklund, Fredrik (Bright Peak Therapeutics 202406 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bright Peak Therapeutics AG Switzerland
Wiklund, Jesper P. (Index Pharmaceuticals 201109– CEO before Sobi before Affectis + Evotec OAI + DeveloGen + Elan) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) InDex Pharmaceuticals (Group) Sweden
Wilbur, Christina (Roche 201603– Head of Global Human Resources + Member of Corp Executive Committe joined Roche 2002) Human Resources Manager Roche (Group) Switzerland
Wilcke, Ulf n. a. Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (DE) [FICTIVE UNIT, NOT OFFICIAL GROUP!] (Group) Germany
Wilckens, Thomas (InnVentis 201409) n. a. InnVentis Ltd. Germany
Wild, Alexander (Innerspace 202111 Managing Director) Managing Director Innerspace GmbH Austria
Wild, Anthony H. (Bows Pharmaceuticals AG 200610– General Partner before MedPointe Pharma CEO before Warner-Lambert) General Partner (venture partner) Bows Pharmaceuticals AG Switzerland
Wild, Hanno (Bayer 201312 SVP + Head Candidate Generation + Exploration at Bayer HealthCare Global Drug Discovery) Research & Development Manager Bayer (Group) Germany
Wild, Hans-Peter (Wild Group 201509 Owner + Chairman) Board member Wild Group (Group)
Wildanger, Oliver (Genetics Company 200512) n. a. Genetics Company Inc., The Switzerland
Wilde, Lars Christian (Compass Pathways 202004 CBO + Co-Founder) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Compass Pathways (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Wilde, Matthias (Sachsen (govt) 202207 Saxony Trade + Invest Life Sciences) Trade Promotion Manager / Regional Business Development Manager Saxony (govt region) Germany
Wilde, Sandra (Formo Bio 202409 VP of Food) n. a. Formo Bio (Group) Germany
Wilden, Peter (PolyPeptide 202304 Executive Chair) Board member PolyPeptide (Group) Switzerland
Wilhelm, Andreas (Tecan 2012 promoted General Counsel + Management Board Member before Head Legal Affairs) General Counsel / Chief Legal Officer (CLO) Tecan (Group) Switzerland
Wilhelm, Olaf Georg (Therawis 201405– Managing Director before Wilex 2001–201403 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Therawis (Group) Germany
Wilhelmsson, Claes Investment Manager Investor AB (Wallenberg) (Group) Sweden
Wilkens, Jochen (Chemie Nord 201010 Managing Director) Managing Director Chemie Nord – Arbeitgeberverband für die Chemische Industrie in Norddeutschland e. V. Germany
Wilkes, Christian H. (PL Bioscience 202408 CFO + Co-Founder) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) PL BioScience GmbH Germany
Wilkinson, Malcolm (Kirkstall 201802 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kirkstall (GB) United Kingdom (GB)
Wilkinson, Michael (MiniFAB 201906 Executive Director + acting CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Schott (Group) Australia
Wilks, Chris (Sonic Healthcare 201701 CFO + Finance Director) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Sonic Healthcare (Group) Australia
Willbold, Dieter (Univ Düsseldorf + FZ Jülich 202102 Prof + Co-Founder of Priavoid) Professor University of Düsseldorf (Heinrich-Heine-Universität) Germany
Willems, Frank (NonWoTecc Medical 201107 Managing Director) Managing Director NonWoTecc Medical GmbH Germany
Williams, Antony (RSC 200905– VP Strategic Development before ChemZoo 200804 President) n. a. Royal Society of Chemistry, The (RSC) United Kingdom (GB)
Williams, David (Nanna Therapeutics 202004 CEO before Discuva) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Astellas (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Williams, James (Siemens 201304 CEO of Siemens Molecular Imaging business unit) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Siemens (Group) Germany
WIlliams, Jeff (Clinipace 201504 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Clinipace (Group) United States (USA)
Williams, Jeff (NeuMoDx 201809 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) NeuMoDx Moleuclar Inc. United States (USA)
Williams, Jon (Aquapharm Biodiscovery 201207 VP Commercial) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Aquapharm Biodiscovery Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Williams, Lewis T. (Five Prime –200910– Founder + Executive Chairman) Company Founder Five Prime Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: FPRX) (FivePrime) United States (USA)
Williamson, Anna (Roche 202106 Executive Director Business Development + Head UK BusDev at Roche/Genentech) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Roche (Group) Switzerland
Willing, Lydia (BioEcho 202209– General Manager of BioEcho Life Sciences Inc.) General Manager (management) BioEcho (Group) United States (USA)
Willinger, Peter (Apogenix 201506– CFO before Sygnis Pharma + Lion Bioscience) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Apogenix AG Germany
Willinger, Thomas R. (ZFHN Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn 201105 Managing Director) Managing Director Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn (Group) Germany
Willinsky, Brian (PerkinElmer 201403) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager PerkinElmer (Group) United States (USA)
Willkommen, Hannelore (NewLab BioQuality 200504– VP Regulatory Affairs before Clearant before Paul Ehrlich Institute) Regulatory Affairs Manager Charles River (Group) Germany
Willmitzer, Lothar (Max Planck 201006 Managing Director MPI for Molecular Plant Physiology) President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Germany
Willms, Andrea (Norgenta 200602) n. a. Hamburg (govt region) Germany
Wills, Robert J. (Rob) (at JnJ 25 years before Roche) Board member, non-executive Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) United States (USA)
Wilmanns, Max (GSK Stockmann 201704 Lawyer + Partner at Hamburg Office) Attorney / Lawyer
Wilson, Charles (Chuck) (Novartis 201204 Global Head Strategic Alliances before Archemix + Univ California Santa Cruz) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Novartis (Group) Switzerland
Wilson, Dow R. (Varian Medical Systems 201412 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Varian Medical Systems (Group) United States (USA)
Wilson, Julia (Achilles Therapeutics 202011 Head of Communications + JW Communications 201209– before Vectura Group) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager JW Communications Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Wilson, O’Patrick (O Public Relations 202302 Managing Partner + Owner before Syngenta + Ciba Specialty Chemicals) Managing Partner O Public Relations GmbH Germany
Wilton, Jane (Philogen SpA 201510 Director Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Philogen (Group) Italy
Wimmer, Bartl (Synlab 201408 Managing Director) Managing Director Synlab (Group) Germany
Wimmer, Bernhard (BioM AG 200603) Investment Manager Bavaria (govt region) Germany
Wimmer, Sylvia (Heidelberg Pharma 202203 Corporate Communciations formerly Wilex 201403 Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Heidelberg Pharma (Group) Germany
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