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Vornlocher, Hans-Peter (Roche Kulmbach 200809 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) LGC (Group) Germany
Vorwachs, Viktoria (Niedersachsen (govt) 202407 Investment Manager at NBank Capital) Investment Manager Niedersachsen (govt region) Germany
Vos, Alexander (VectorY 202106– CEO before VarmX + Paion + Genzyme Europe + PharmaCell) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) VectorY (Group) Netherlands
Voss, Hartmut (MCG Motion Capture 201910 Managing Director) Managing Director MCG Motion Capture GmbH (Motion Capture Group) Germany
Voss, Jörn (Fassisi 201102 Managing Director) Managing Director Fassisi, Gesellschaft für Veterinärdiagnostik und Umweltanalysen mbH Germany
Voswinkel, Stephan (MLM Medical Labs 202010 Managing Director) Managing Director MLM Medical Labs (Group) Germany
Vuagniaux, Gregoire (Debiopharm 201905 Director of Translational Science) n. a. Debiopharm (Group) Switzerland
Vujevic, Manuela (InSphero 201311 Head of Marketing Communications) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager InSphero (Group) Switzerland
Vulto, Paul (Mimetas 201708 Managing Director) Managing Director Mimetas B.V. Netherlands
Vunder, Kadri (Aravis 201307– Partner in life science team before LSVenture) Managing Partner (investment firm) Aravis (Group) Switzerland
Vögtli, Martin (Sal Oppenheim 200809 Analyst) Analyst (Financial / Industry) Sal. Oppenheim (Group) Germany
Völker, Lutz (Molecular Health 201511 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Molecular Health (Group) Germany
Völker, Sonja (Bayern (govt) 201301 Project Manager at IBB Netzwerk GmbH) n. a. Bavaria (govt region) Germany
Völker-Albert, Moritz (EpiQMAx GmbH 201903 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Moleqlar Analytics GmbH Germany
Vössing, Dagmar (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 201307 Head Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Germany
Wachenfeld, Joachim (Vossius & Partner 200310–200708–) n. a. Vossius & Partner patent attorneys Germany
Wachsmuth, Malte (Bruker 202301 Managing Director for Luxendo Light Sheet Microscopy Business) Managing Director Bruker (Group) Germany
Wacker, Michael (BioMedPartners 202007 before Polyneuron 201805– CBO before GlycoVaxyn CSO + Co-Founder) Chief Business Officer (CBO) BioMedPartners (Group) Switzerland
Wacker, Peter-Alexander (Wacker 200501 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Wacker (Group) Germany
Wacker, Ron (SGS 201106– Global BusDev Manager Food Testing before Danone + Chimera Biotec) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager SGS (Group) Switzerland
Waddington, Simon (Evolva 201707–201807 CEO before COO before Abunda Nutrition CEO RESIGNED 7/18) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lallemand (Group) Switzerland
Wadsworth-Hansen, Victoria (Agilent 201506 Director Global Business Public Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Agilent (Group) United States (USA)
Wadzack, Jörg n. a. Humangenomprojekt (DE) Germany
Wagemann, Bernd (Scienion 200312 Scientific Advisory Board) Advisory Board member Bico (Group) Germany
Wagenbauer, Klaus (Plectonic Biotech 202211 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Plectonic Biotech (Group) Germany
Wagener, Michael (Bio-Gate AG 201104 CTO) Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) Bio-Gate (Group) Germany
Wager, Jeffrey D. (EnBiotix 201611 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Spexis (Group) United States (USA)
Wagner, Amanda (Immunitas Therapeutics 202108– promoted to CBO joined 201910 as VP of Strategy before Q32 Bio + Concert) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Immunitas Therapeutics Inc. United States (USA)
Wagner, Anke (BioNukleo GmbH 201808 Managing Partner) Managing Director BioNukleo GmbH Germany
Wagner, Carola (Siemens 200909 Senior Manager Sientific Marketing Siemens Healthcare) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Siemens (Group) Germany
Wagner, Charles F., Jr. (JnJ 201506– CFO at Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics before CFO at Bruker + Millipore + Bain & Co) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Quidel (Group) United States (USA)
Wagner, Christina (Temedica 202110– CFO before coliquio + OmniaMed Holding + Ventac Partners + Inveni Capital + MWG) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Temedica GmbH Germany
Wagner, Florian (Biopharm GmbH 201311 Managing Director + PW Technologies 201402 Managin Director) Managing Director Biopharm (Group) Germany
Wagner, Gerhard (Harvard Univ 1990– Prof at Harvard Medical School before Univ Michigan + ETHZ) Professor Harvard University United States (USA)
Wagner, Günter (Kibion 201108 Exec Sales + Marketing Director ISIS before Wagner Analysen 1990–201107 Managing Director) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Mayoly Spindler (Group) Sweden
Wagner, Harro (Biotest 201103 Managing Director of Heipha Dr Müller GmbH) Managing Director Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Wagner, Julian (Pevion Biotech 201110 Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Pevion Biotech AG Switzerland
Wagner, Nicole (Applied Biosystems D 200512) n. a. Thermo Fisher (Group) Germany
Wagner, Ralf (Lophius 201301– Managing Director before Geneart AG 1999– founder + CEO + CSO) Managing Director Mikrogen GmbH Germany
Wagner, Thomas (Hannover Capital 201104 Managing Director) Managing Director Hannover Capital Partners Management GmbH (HCP) Germany
Wagner, Thorsten (Carl Roth 201705 Marketing Director) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Carl Roth GmbH + Co. KG Germany
Wagner, Thorsten (Global Derivative Trading GmbH 201609 Managing Director) n. a. Global Derivative Trading GmbH (GDT) Germany
Wagner-Solbach, Volker (AMSilk 201704– Procurement + Supply Chain Manager before AVA-CO2 AG + Bayern Innovativ GmbH) management (personnel) AMSilk GmbH Germany
Wahlicht, Tom (Inscreenex 201907 Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Inscreenex GmbH Germany
Wahr, Christine M. (McDermott Will & Emery 201709 Associate in Boston) Attorney / Lawyer McDermott Will & Emery (MWE) (Group) United States (USA)
Waibel, Nina (Hookipa 201902 Head of Communications) public relations / investor relations Hookipa (Group) Austria
Walch, Axel (Helmholtz 200905 Pathologist at Helmholtz Centre Munich) n. a. Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
Walcher, Wilhelm (Univ Marburg 1947–1978 Prof before Univ Göttingen +2005) Professor University of Marburg (Philipps-Universität Marburg) Germany
Walczak, Rudolf (Eppendorf 201605 Global Product Manager Cell + Liquid Handling) Product Manager (personnel) Eppendorf (Group) Germany
Waldhoer, Maria (InterAx Biotech 201804 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) InterAx Biotech AG Switzerland
Waldmann, Herbert (MPI für molekulare Physiologie 200503) n. a. Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Germany
Waldmann, Thomas (Proteros 201110 Director Business Development before Sloning 200607–201108– BusDev Manager) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Proteros (Group) Germany
Walek, Josef (Baden-Württemberg (govt) 202407 Investment Manager at MBG) Investment Manager Baden-Württemberg (govt region) Germany
Wales, Martin (UBS 200809 Analyst) Analyst (Financial / Industry) UBS (Group) Switzerland
Walger, Martin (VDGH 202001 Managing Director) Managing Director VDGH (Verband der Diagnostica-Industrie e. V.) Germany
Walkenhorst, Jürgen (Hamburg (govt) 202206–202312 Managing Director of Life Science Nord before PROvendis RESIGNED) Cluster Manager Hamburg (govt region) Germany
Walker, Adam (Informa 201307 Finance Director) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Informa (Group) [NEW] Switzerland
Walker, Anthony (Alacrita 2009– Founding Partner before Onyvax CEO + co-founder before consultant) Company Founder Alacrita (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Walker, Oliver (Evolva 201807–202202 CEO before CFO before Sivantos + Nobel Biocare + Sonova + Stratec) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lallemand (Group) Switzerland
Wall, Brian (Calibre Scientific 202303 Executive Chair + Founder plus CEO + Founder of StoneCalibre) Board member, executive Calibre Scientific (Group) United States (USA)
Wallace, Wallace (Univ Oxford 202203– Associate LS at Oxford Science Enterprises before M Ventures + Accenture) venture capital Oxford Science Enterprises (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Wallasch, Christian (Atriva Therapeutics 201901 COO before Axxima + U3 + Intercell/Valneva) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Atriva Therapeutics GmbH Germany
Walldén, Erik (Gyros 200903–201310 CEO RESIGNED 10/13 before Affibody CEO + Biacore CEO + Pyrosequencing CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mesa Laboratories (Mesa Labs) (Group) Sweden
Waller, Ivana (Accovion 201010 COO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Clinipace (Group) Germany
Wallis, Tim (Ridgeway Biologicals 201701 Managing Director) Managing Director Klocke (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Wallnöfer, Andreas (Jeito Capital 202202– Partner Investor before BioMedPartners + Roche) Partner (venture partner) Jeito Capital (Group) France
Walrafen, Pierre (Scipio Bioscience 201711 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Scipio Bioscience SAS France
Walser, Charles (Tanovis 202101 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tanovis AG Switzerland
Walser, Rudolf (LTF-Labortechnik 200512) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager LTF Labortechnik (Group) Germany
Walsh, Kellie (KWM Communications 2007– Founder) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager KWM Communications LLC United States (USA)
Walsh, Matthew (Organon 202409 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Organon (Group) United States (USA)
Walsh, Patrick (Immunic 202110– CBO before Akebia Therapeutics + Aveo Oncology + Capgemini + Leerink Partners) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Immunic (Group) United States (USA)
Walte, Andreas (Airsense Analytics 200911 Managing Director + Photonion 200911 Managing Director) Managing Director Airsense Analytics GmbH Germany
Walter, Jörn (Univ Saarland 201208 Professor + Co-ordinator of German Epigenome Program DEEP) Professor Saarland University (Universität des Saarlandes) Germany
Walter, Monika (Hyglos 2010 Manager Operations) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Mérieux (Group) Germany
Walther, Hansjörg (Solvias 2003–201402 CEO joined 1999 RETIRED 3/14) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Solvias (Group) Switzerland
Walther, Johannes (IPM AG 2022 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) IPM AG – Institut für Produktionsmanagement Germany
Walz, Stephan (Invent Pharma / Neuraxpharm 201706 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) NuPharm (Group) Spain (España)
Walz-Tylla, Birgitt (Bayer CropSciences 200802 Head Food Chain Management) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Bayer (Group) Germany
Wambutt, Rolf (AGOWA 200503) n. a. LGC (Group) Germany
Wamser, Jörg (ProteoPlex GmbH 201805 Managing Director before KonTEM GmbH 201202 Managing Director) Managing Director ProteoPlex GmbH Germany
Wanczek, Karl-Peter (Univ Bremen 1976– Professor for Anorganic Chemistry before Univ Frankfurt/M) Professor University of Bremen Germany
Wandeler, Roland (MorphoSys 202005– Chief Commercial Officer before Amgen + Boston Consulting Group) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Novartis (Group) Germany
Wanderer, Gaby (Xiril 201204 Product Manager) Product Manager (personnel) Tecan (Group) Switzerland
Wandersee, Christian (Vasopharm GmbH 201306 Managing Director) Managing Director Vasopharm GmbH Germany
Wandrey, Sarah (Minapharm 202202 Corporate Communications at ProBioGen) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Minapharm (Group) Germany
Wang, Bob (Agena Bioscience 201509– VP + General Manager Greater China before Qiagen + Hologic) General Manager (management) Agena Bioscience (Group) China
Wang, Ruizhi (HexagonFab 202412 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) HexagonFab Ltd. (d/b/a Abselion) United Kingdom (GB)
Wang, Sarah (Sartorius 202109 Head of Sales + Services in China) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Sartorius (Group) China
Wang, Suohui (China National Nuclear 202109 General Manager of CIRC) General Manager (management) China National Nuclear (Group) China
Wang, Yingting (Proteona 202003 Director of Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Singleron (Group) Singapore
Wanka, Johanna (Germany (govt) 2013 Minister of Education + Research before Niedersachsen (govt) Minister) Minister Germany (govt) Germany
Wanker, Erich n. a. Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
Wanko, Markus (IST Cube 202107 Managing Partner) Managing Partner (investment firm) Xista Science Ventures (fomerly IST cube) Austria
Wanner, Antonia (Nestlé 202012 Head ESG Strategy + Deployment Unit) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Nestlé (Group) Switzerland
Wanner, Sarah-Christine (Bayer 202003 External Innovation + Partnering) n. a. Bayer (Group) Germany
Warburton, Mark (Cyprotex 201608 COO + Legal Counsel) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Evotec (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Ward, Constance (Lonza 201610 Head External Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Lonza (Group) Switzerland
Ward, Jonathan (Genome Biologics (DE) 201810 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Genome Biologics UG Germany
Ward, Justin (Bruker 202204 Senior Director IR + Corporate Development) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
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