Vornlocher, Hans-Peter (Roche Kulmbach 200809 CSO) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
LGC (Group) |
Germany |
Vorwachs, Viktoria (Niedersachsen (govt) 202407 Investment Manager at NBank Capital) |
Investment Manager |
Niedersachsen (govt region) |
Germany |
Vos, Alexander (VectorY 202106– CEO before VarmX + Paion + Genzyme Europe + PharmaCell) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
VectorY (Group) |
Netherlands |
Voss, Hartmut (MCG Motion Capture 201910 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
MCG Motion Capture GmbH (Motion Capture Group) |
Germany |
Voss, Jörn (Fassisi 201102 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Fassisi, Gesellschaft für Veterinärdiagnostik und Umweltanalysen mbH |
Germany |
Voswinkel, Stephan (MLM Medical Labs 202010 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
MLM Medical Labs (Group) |
Germany |
Vuagniaux, Gregoire (Debiopharm 201905 Director of Translational Science) |
n. a. |
Debiopharm (Group) |
Switzerland |
Vujevic, Manuela (InSphero 201311 Head of Marketing Communications) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
InSphero (Group) |
Switzerland |
Vulto, Paul (Mimetas 201708 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Mimetas B.V. |
Netherlands |
Vunder, Kadri (Aravis 201307– Partner in life science team before LSVenture) |
Managing Partner (investment firm) |
Aravis (Group) |
Switzerland |
Vögtli, Martin (Sal Oppenheim 200809 Analyst) |
Analyst (Financial / Industry) |
Sal. Oppenheim (Group) |
Germany |
Völker, Lutz (Molecular Health 201511 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Molecular Health (Group) |
Germany |
Völker, Sonja (Bayern (govt) 201301 Project Manager at IBB Netzwerk GmbH) |
n. a. |
Bavaria (govt region) |
Germany |
Völker-Albert, Moritz (EpiQMAx GmbH 201903 Managing Director + Co-Founder) |
Managing Director |
Moleqlar Analytics GmbH |
Germany |
Vössing, Dagmar (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 201307 Head Business Development) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) |
Germany |
Wachenfeld, Joachim (Vossius & Partner 200310–200708–) |
n. a. |
Vossius & Partner patent attorneys |
Germany |
Wachsmuth, Malte (Bruker 202301 Managing Director for Luxendo Light Sheet Microscopy Business) |
Managing Director |
Bruker (Group) |
Germany |
Wacker, Michael (BioMedPartners 202007 before Polyneuron 201805– CBO before GlycoVaxyn CSO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Business Officer (CBO) |
BioMedPartners (Group) |
Switzerland |
Wacker, Peter-Alexander (Wacker 200501 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Wacker (Group) |
Germany |
Wacker, Ron (SGS 201106– Global BusDev Manager Food Testing before Danone + Chimera Biotec) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
SGS (Group) |
Switzerland |
Waddington, Simon (Evolva 201707–201807 CEO before COO before Abunda Nutrition CEO RESIGNED 7/18) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Lallemand (Group) |
Switzerland |
Wadsworth-Hansen, Victoria (Agilent 201506 Director Global Business Public Relations) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Agilent (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Wadzack, Jörg |
n. a. |
Humangenomprojekt (DE) |
Germany |
Wagemann, Bernd (Scienion 200312 Scientific Advisory Board) |
Advisory Board member |
Bico (Group) |
Germany |
Wagenbauer, Klaus (Plectonic Biotech 202211 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Plectonic Biotech (Group) |
Germany |
Wagener, Michael (Bio-Gate AG 201104 CTO) |
Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) |
Bio-Gate (Group) |
Germany |
Wager, Jeffrey D. (EnBiotix 201611 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Spexis (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Wagner, Amanda (Immunitas Therapeutics 202108– promoted to CBO joined 201910 as VP of Strategy before Q32 Bio + Concert) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Immunitas Therapeutics Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Wagner, Anke (BioNukleo GmbH 201808 Managing Partner) |
Managing Director |
BioNukleo GmbH |
Germany |
Wagner, Carola (Siemens 200909 Senior Manager Sientific Marketing Siemens Healthcare) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Siemens (Group) |
Germany |
Wagner, Charles F., Jr. (JnJ 201506– CFO at Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics before CFO at Bruker + Millipore + Bain & Co) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Quidel (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Wagner, Christina (Temedica 202110– CFO before coliquio + OmniaMed Holding + Ventac Partners + Inveni Capital + MWG) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Temedica GmbH |
Germany |
Wagner, Florian (Biopharm GmbH 201311 Managing Director + PW Technologies 201402 Managin Director) |
Managing Director |
Biopharm (Group) |
Germany |
Wagner, Gerhard (Harvard Univ 1990– Prof at Harvard Medical School before Univ Michigan + ETHZ) |
Professor |
Harvard University |
United States (USA) |
Wagner, Günter (Kibion 201108 Exec Sales + Marketing Director ISIS before Wagner Analysen 1990–201107 Managing Director) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Mayoly Spindler (Group) |
Sweden |
Wagner, Harro (Biotest 201103 Managing Director of Heipha Dr Müller GmbH) |
Managing Director |
Merck (DE) (Group) |
Germany |
Wagner, Julian (Pevion Biotech 201110 Business Development) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Pevion Biotech AG |
Switzerland |
Wagner, Nicole (Applied Biosystems D 200512) |
n. a. |
Thermo Fisher (Group) |
Germany |
Wagner, Ralf (Lophius 201301– Managing Director before Geneart AG 1999– founder + CEO + CSO) |
Managing Director |
Mikrogen GmbH |
Germany |
Wagner, Thomas (Hannover Capital 201104 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Hannover Capital Partners Management GmbH (HCP) |
Germany |
Wagner, Thorsten (Carl Roth 201705 Marketing Director) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Carl Roth GmbH + Co. KG |
Germany |
Wagner, Thorsten (Global Derivative Trading GmbH 201609 Managing Director) |
n. a. |
Global Derivative Trading GmbH (GDT) |
Germany |
Wagner-Solbach, Volker (AMSilk 201704– Procurement + Supply Chain Manager before AVA-CO2 AG + Bayern Innovativ GmbH) |
management (personnel) |
AMSilk GmbH |
Germany |
Wahlicht, Tom (Inscreenex 201907 Business Development) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Inscreenex GmbH |
Germany |
Wahr, Christine M. (McDermott Will & Emery 201709 Associate in Boston) |
Attorney / Lawyer |
McDermott Will & Emery (MWE) (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Waibel, Nina (Hookipa 201902 Head of Communications) |
public relations / investor relations |
Hookipa (Group) |
Austria |
Walch, Axel (Helmholtz 200905 Pathologist at Helmholtz Centre Munich) |
n. a. |
Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) |
Germany |
Walcher, Wilhelm (Univ Marburg 1947–1978 Prof before Univ Göttingen +2005) |
Professor |
University of Marburg (Philipps-Universität Marburg) |
Germany |
Walczak, Rudolf (Eppendorf 201605 Global Product Manager Cell + Liquid Handling) |
Product Manager (personnel) |
Eppendorf (Group) |
Germany |
Waldhoer, Maria (InterAx Biotech 201804 CSO) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
InterAx Biotech AG |
Switzerland |
Waldmann, Herbert (MPI für molekulare Physiologie 200503) |
n. a. |
Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science |
Germany |
Waldmann, Thomas (Proteros 201110 Director Business Development before Sloning 200607–201108– BusDev Manager) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Proteros (Group) |
Germany |
Walek, Josef (Baden-Württemberg (govt) 202407 Investment Manager at MBG) |
Investment Manager |
Baden-Württemberg (govt region) |
Germany |
Wales, Martin (UBS 200809 Analyst) |
Analyst (Financial / Industry) |
UBS (Group) |
Switzerland |
Walger, Martin (VDGH 202001 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
VDGH (Verband der Diagnostica-Industrie e. V.) |
Germany |
Walkenhorst, Jürgen (Hamburg (govt) 202206–202312 Managing Director of Life Science Nord before PROvendis RESIGNED) |
Cluster Manager |
Hamburg (govt region) |
Germany |
Walker, Adam (Informa 201307 Finance Director) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Informa (Group) [NEW] |
Switzerland |
Walker, Anthony (Alacrita 2009– Founding Partner before Onyvax CEO + co-founder before consultant) |
Company Founder |
Alacrita (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Walker, Oliver (Evolva 201807–202202 CEO before CFO before Sivantos + Nobel Biocare + Sonova + Stratec) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Lallemand (Group) |
Switzerland |
Wall, Brian (Calibre Scientific 202303 Executive Chair + Founder plus CEO + Founder of StoneCalibre) |
Board member, executive |
Calibre Scientific (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Wallace, Wallace (Univ Oxford 202203– Associate LS at Oxford Science Enterprises before M Ventures + Accenture) |
venture capital |
Oxford Science Enterprises (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Wallasch, Christian (Atriva Therapeutics 201901 COO before Axxima + U3 + Intercell/Valneva) |
Chief Operating Officer (COO) |
Atriva Therapeutics GmbH |
Germany |
Walldén, Erik (Gyros 200903–201310 CEO RESIGNED 10/13 before Affibody CEO + Biacore CEO + Pyrosequencing CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Mesa Laboratories (Mesa Labs) (Group) |
Sweden |
Waller, Ivana (Accovion 201010 COO) |
Chief Operating Officer (COO) |
Clinipace (Group) |
Germany |
Wallis, Tim (Ridgeway Biologicals 201701 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Klocke (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Wallnöfer, Andreas (Jeito Capital 202202– Partner Investor before BioMedPartners + Roche) |
Partner (venture partner) |
Jeito Capital (Group) |
France |
Walrafen, Pierre (Scipio Bioscience 201711 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Scipio Bioscience SAS |
France |
Walser, Charles (Tanovis 202101 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Tanovis AG |
Switzerland |
Walser, Rudolf (LTF-Labortechnik 200512) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
LTF Labortechnik (Group) |
Germany |
Walsh, Kellie (KWM Communications 2007– Founder) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
KWM Communications LLC |
United States (USA) |
Walsh, Matthew (Organon 202409 CFO) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Organon (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Walsh, Patrick (Immunic 202110– CBO before Akebia Therapeutics + Aveo Oncology + Capgemini + Leerink Partners) |
Chief Business Officer (CBO) |
Immunic (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Walte, Andreas (Airsense Analytics 200911 Managing Director + Photonion 200911 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Airsense Analytics GmbH |
Germany |
Walter, Jörn (Univ Saarland 201208 Professor + Co-ordinator of German Epigenome Program DEEP) |
Professor |
Saarland University (Universität des Saarlandes) |
Germany |
Walter, Monika (Hyglos 2010 Manager Operations) |
Chief Operating Officer (COO) |
Mérieux (Group) |
Germany |
Walther, Hansjörg (Solvias 2003–201402 CEO joined 1999 RETIRED 3/14) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Solvias (Group) |
Switzerland |
Walther, Johannes (IPM AG 2022 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
IPM AG – Institut für Produktionsmanagement |
Germany |
Walz, Stephan (Invent Pharma / Neuraxpharm 201706 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
NuPharm (Group) |
Spain (España) |
Walz-Tylla, Birgitt (Bayer CropSciences 200802 Head Food Chain Management) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Bayer (Group) |
Germany |
Wambutt, Rolf (AGOWA 200503) |
n. a. |
LGC (Group) |
Germany |
Wamser, Jörg (ProteoPlex GmbH 201805 Managing Director before KonTEM GmbH 201202 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
ProteoPlex GmbH |
Germany |
Wanczek, Karl-Peter (Univ Bremen 1976– Professor for Anorganic Chemistry before Univ Frankfurt/M) |
Professor |
University of Bremen |
Germany |
Wandeler, Roland (MorphoSys 202005– Chief Commercial Officer before Amgen + Boston Consulting Group) |
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) |
Novartis (Group) |
Germany |
Wanderer, Gaby (Xiril 201204 Product Manager) |
Product Manager (personnel) |
Tecan (Group) |
Switzerland |
Wandersee, Christian (Vasopharm GmbH 201306 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Vasopharm GmbH |
Germany |
Wandrey, Sarah (Minapharm 202202 Corporate Communications at ProBioGen) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Minapharm (Group) |
Germany |
Wang, Bob (Agena Bioscience 201509– VP + General Manager Greater China before Qiagen + Hologic) |
General Manager (management) |
Agena Bioscience (Group) |
China |
Wang, Ruizhi (HexagonFab 202412 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
HexagonFab Ltd. (d/b/a Abselion) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Wang, Sarah (Sartorius 202109 Head of Sales + Services in China) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Sartorius (Group) |
China |
Wang, Suohui (China National Nuclear 202109 General Manager of CIRC) |
General Manager (management) |
China National Nuclear (Group) |
China |
Wang, Yingting (Proteona 202003 Director of Development) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Singleron (Group) |
Singapore |
Wanka, Johanna (Germany (govt) 2013 Minister of Education + Research before Niedersachsen (govt) Minister) |
Minister |
Germany (govt) |
Germany |
Wanker, Erich |
n. a. |
Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) |
Germany |
Wanko, Markus (IST Cube 202107 Managing Partner) |
Managing Partner (investment firm) |
Xista Science Ventures (fomerly IST cube) |
Austria |
Wanner, Antonia (Nestlé 202012 Head ESG Strategy + Deployment Unit) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Nestlé (Group) |
Switzerland |
Wanner, Sarah-Christine (Bayer 202003 External Innovation + Partnering) |
n. a. |
Bayer (Group) |
Germany |
Warburton, Mark (Cyprotex 201608 COO + Legal Counsel) |
Chief Operating Officer (COO) |
Evotec (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Ward, Constance (Lonza 201610 Head External Communications) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Lonza (Group) |
Switzerland |
Ward, Jonathan (Genome Biologics (DE) 201810 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Genome Biologics UG |
Germany |
Ward, Justin (Bruker 202204 Senior Director IR + Corporate Development) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Bruker (Group) |
United States (USA) |