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Spengler, Mark (Chimera Biotec 201402– Managing Director) Managing Director Kompass (Group) Germany
Spengler, Peter n. a. Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken (DE) (Group) Germany
Spengler, Ulrich (Astra Diagnostics 201105 Managing Director before Artus Managing Director) Managing Director ADT Altona Diagnostic Technologies GmbH (Altona Diagnostics) Germany
Sperl, Stefan (Panoptes Pharma GmbH 201309 COO + Co-founder) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Panoptes Pharma GmbH Austria
Spertini, Francois (Anergis 2007 President Board of Directors) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Anergis S.A. Switzerland
Spetea, Mariana (AlcaSynn 200606 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Sanochemia (Group) Austria
Spiecker, Heinrich (LaVision BioTec GmbH 201810 Managing Director) Managing Director Miltenyi Biotec (Group) Germany
Spiekerkötter, Jörg (Paion 201408 Chairman of Supervisory Board before Organon Bioscience 200611–200705 CFO) Supervisory Board Member Humanwell Healthcare (Group) Germany
Spiekermann, Meike (miRdetect GmbH 2016– Managing Director + Company Founder) Managing Director miRdetect GmbH Germany
Spillner, Enno (Formycon 202304– CFO before Evotec + 4SC + BioM Venture Capital GmbH) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Formycon (Group) Germany
Spinner, Thomas L. (Advent International GmbH 2003) n. a. Advent International (Group) Germany
Spitadakis, Georgios (Roche 201307 Global Head of Workflow + IT at Roche Professional Diagnostics) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Roche (Group) United States (USA)
Spiteller, Peter (Univ Bremen 201310) n. a. University of Bremen Germany
Spitra, Jonas (Schott 201906 Manager Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Schott (Group) Germany
Spitz, Charlotte (Trophic Communications 202108) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Trophic Communications GmbH Germany
Spitz, Urs (Biosynth 201905 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Biosynth (since 9/22) (Group) Switzerland
Spitzenpfeil, Thomas (Carl Zeiss 201312 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Carl Zeiss (Group) Germany
Spitznagel, Martin (Bind-X 202308 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bind-X (Group) Germany
Splawski, Igor (CureVac –202307 CSO RESIGNED 7/23) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) CureVac (Group) Germany
Spleiss, Johannes (Zeria 202307 Head Scientific Affairs Tillotts Pharma + 202307– CEO of Mage Biologics) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Zeria (Group) Switzerland
Spoerry, Robert F. (Mettler Toledo –200711– Executive Chairman) n. a. Mettler-Toledo (Mettler Toledo) (Group) Switzerland
Spohr, Anders Bendsen (Novo Group 202004 Senior Partner Prinicpal Investments at Novo Holdings) Partner (venture partner) Novo Group (Group) Denmark
Spori, Bodo (Domainex 201803– Head BusDev Europe before Cyprotex + Scottish Biomedical Ltd) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Domainex Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Spota, Donato (Basilea 201311– CFO joined 2002 before Roche) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Basilea (Group) Switzerland
Spraul, Manfred (Bruker 201307 Director Apllied NMR Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Spreitz, Peter (Trinos 1997– Managing Director + co-founder Trinos Vakuum-Systeme GmbH) Managing Director Pfeiffer Vacuum (Group) Germany
Sprenger-Haussels, Markus (Qiagen 201703 Senior Director + Head Sample Technologies Life Sciences) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Qiagen (Group) Germany
Spring, Mark (Genoptix 201703– CFO before Prometheus Laboratories) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Genoptix Inc. United States (USA)
Springer, Sebastian (Jacobs Univ Bremen 201103 Associate Professor Biochemistry and Cell Biology) Assistant Professor / Associate Professor Schaffhausen Institute of Technology (SIT) Germany
Sproll, Marlies (MorphoSys 201711– Special Adviser to CEO before 200510–201710 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Novartis (Group) Germany
Spura, Armin (Crown Bioscience 202006 CEO at Crown Bioscience Inc) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) JSR Corporation (Group) United States (USA)
Spycher, Philipp (Araris Biotech 201902– CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Araris Biotech AG Switzerland
Späth, Lothar n. a. Nationaler Ethikrat (DE) Germany
Srega, Jürgen (Bruker 201302– President Bruker CALID Group before BRAHMS + Thermo Fisher Bremen) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Bruker (Group) Germany
Srinivasan, Kumar (AstraZeneca 201602 VP SP&A before Probiodrug + Wyeth Pharma + Torrey Pines) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager AstraZeneca (Group)
Sruthi, Sudha (Kyan Technologies 202309 Corporate Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Kyan Technologies Pte Ltd. Singapore
St-Onge, Luc (Apceth Biopharma 201708 before Ganymed + Affectis CBO + DeveloGen) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Minaris Regenerative Medicine (Group) Germany
Staab, H. A. (Univ Heidelberg 1964 Prof Institute for Organic Chemistry) Professor University of Heidelberg (Ruperto Carola) Germany
Staatz-Granzer, Irina (Staatz Business Development & Strategy 2006– + U3 Pharma 200804 CEO) consulting (economic) Staatz Business Development & Strategy – Dr. Irina Staatz-Granzer Germany
Stadler, Elisabeth (Vienna Insurance Group 202005 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Vienna Insurance Group (VIG) Austria
Stadler, Herbert (Cell.Copedia 201506 CEO before Synaptic Systems + Affectis/Neuronova 2002–201003 CEO + DeveloGen CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Cell.Copedia GmbH (CellCopedia) Germany
Stadler, Moritz Philipp (Heidelberg Delivery Technologies 201707– Managing Director) Managing Director Heidelberg Delivery Technologies GmbH Germany
Stadler, Peter J. W. (Artemis 199712– Managing Director also VBU Board Member 200706) Managing Director Taconic (Group) Germany
Stadler, Volker (Pepperprint GmbH 201102 Managing Director) Managing Director Pepperprint GmbH Germany
Staehelin, Barbara (Dybly 201405 CEO before SIRS-Lab Managing Director before Global Exec Committee Roche Diagnostics) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dybly AG Switzerland
Staehelin, Matthias (Vischer 200505) n. a. Vischer – Anwälte und Notare Switzerland
Staffelbach, Thomas (Santhera 201108 Head Public + Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Santhera (Group) Switzerland
Staffler, Günther (Affiris 201706 CTO) Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) Affiris AG Austria
Stafford, Jeffrey A. (Jecure Therapeutics 201811 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Roche (Group) United States (USA)
Stafforst, Thorsten (Univ Tübingen 202309 Professor + Co-Founder of AIRNA) Professor University of Tübingen (Eberhard-Karls-Universität) Germany
Stage, Henrik (Adcendo 202107– CFO before CEO formerly Santaris Pharma 201401 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Adcendo ApS Denmark
Stahl, Eva (Mecuris 20191 Head of Marketing) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Mecuris GmbH Germany
Stahl, Hans J. (Aerodata 201303 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Aerodata (Group) Germany
Stahl, Stefan (Stahl-Electronics 201009) Company Founder Stahl-Electronics Dr. Stefan Stahl Germany
Stahlberg, Dirk (ACURIS Rechtsanwälte 200902) Patent Attorney ABK Patent, Trademark and Design Attorneys (Berlin) Germany
Stahlberg, Silke (Central BioHub GmbH 201801 Managing Director) Managing Director Central BioHub GmbH Germany
Stahnke, Bettina (Insilico Biotechnology 201402 Business Development Manager) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Yokogawa (Group) Germany
Stampe, Malte (Prolupin GmbH 202010 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Prolupin GmbH Germany
Staner, Dan (Moderna 202009– VP + Managing Director Moderna Switzerland before Eli Lilly) Managing Director Moderna (Group) Switzerland
Stanesa, Ann (Ten Bridge Communications 201704) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Ten Bridge Communications (US) United States (USA)
Stange, Mirko (SilverSky LifeSciences 2019045 Managing Director before Ventac Partners + Miacom Diagnostics) Partner (venture partner) SilverSky (Group) (Silversky Lifesciences) Germany
Stangenberg-Haverkamp, Frank (Merck (DE) 201401– Chairman of Family Board of E Merck) Supervisory Board Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Stangier, Kerstin (Azenta Life Sciences Leipzig 202205 Senior Director formerly GATC Biotech 201107 Director BusDev) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Azenta (Group) Germany
Stanjek, Antje n. a. Nationales Genomforschungsnetz (NGFN) (DE) Germany
Stapelfeldt, Dorothee (Hamburg (govt) 201104 Minister of Science, SPD) Minister Hamburg (govt region) Germany
Stapp, Ralf (Bremen (govt) 201110– Managing Director of Bremer Aubau-Bank GmbH before Sparkasse Lüneburg) Managing Director Bremen (govt region) Germany
Stark-Watzinger, Bettina (Germany (govt) 202406 Federal Minister of Education + Research) Minister Germany (govt) Germany
Starke, Joachim (TO DO Life Sciences 200912 Managing Director) Managing Director TO DO Life Sciences (Group) Germany
Starmans, Luc (Brightlands Venture Partners 202408 Partner) Partner (venture partner) Brightlands Venture Partners (BVP) Belgium
Starnecker, Alexander (Rentschler 201710 Manager Company Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Rentschler (Group) Germany
Stars, Hauke (Deutsche Börse 201611 Executive Board Member for Cash Market + Pre-IPO + Growth Financing) Board member, executive Deutsche Börse (Group) Germany
Starynska, Anna (Cardiolyse Oy 202003 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Cardiolyse Oy Finland
Stas, Philippe (Trinean 201204– CEO before Lonza + AlgoNomics 200712–2009 CEO + PerkinElmer + KeyGene) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Unchained Labs (Group) Belgium
Statnik, Michael (Biolago 201011 President) n. a. BioLAGO e. V. Germany
Staub, Uwe (Epimune 201904– Managing Director before Epigenomics + Qiagen + Digene + Abbott Diagnostics) Managing Director Epimune GmbH Germany
Stauber, Jonathan (ImaBiotech 201206 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) ImaBiotech (Group) France
Stauder, Gerhard (Antisense Pharma 200204 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Isarna Therapeutics GmbH Germany
Staudigl, Rudolf (Wacker 201602 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Wacker (Group) Germany
Staudinger, Elisabeth (Siemens 202010 President Asia Pacific at Siemens Healthineers) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Siemens (Group) Germany
Staudt, Elmer n. a. Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken (DE) (Group) Germany
Stauffer, Peter (Fielmann Group 202105 Managing Director of Fielmann Family Office) Managing Director FIELMANN Group (family Fielmann) Germany
Stavros, Pete (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts 201612 Head of Industrial Investing Team) Investment Manager KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) (Group) United States (USA)
Stec-Niemczyk, Justyna (Selvita 201503 Head of Protein Chemistry Lab) Laboratory Manager (industry) Selvita (Group) Poland
Steck, Oliver n. a. Vector Capital Germany
Steckbeck, Jonathan (Peptilogics 202012 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Peptilogics Inc. United States (USA)
Steckeler, Julia (MedicalMountains 202408 Managing Director) Managing Director MedicalMountains GmbH (formerly AG) Germany
Steeb, Lothar (PeloBiotech GmbH 201202– Managing Director) Managing Director PeloBiotech GmbH Germany
Steedman, Mark A. (Fibrocor Therapetuics 202001 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Fibrocor Therapeutics Inc. Canada
Steeger, Anna (Myelo Therapeutics 202311 Managing Director) Managing Director Pentixapharm (Group) Germany
Steeger, Uta (Shimadzu 201204 Manager Advertising + PR + Exhibitions at Shimadzu Europea GmbH) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Shimadzu (Group) Germany
Steel, James (Peel Hunt 201707) n. a. Peel Hunt LLP United Kingdom (GB)
Stefancic, Matej (EFOS (SI) 202209 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) EFOS (Trapview) (Group) Slovenia
Steffen, Beat (Novartis 202010 at Novartis Venture Fund) Investment Manager Novartis (Group) Switzerland
Steffen, Daniel (Berlin (govt) 201908 Senior Investment Manager at IBB Beteiligungsgesellschaft) Investment Manager Berlin (govt region) Germany
Steffen, Günter (ZFHN Zukunfsfonds Heilbronn + 4/10 existent Chair Advisory Board of PANATecs) Investment Manager Zukunftsfonds Heilbronn (Group) Germany
Steffen, Matthias (Fuse GmbH 201404 Managing Director + Founder) Managing Director Fuse GmbH Integrierte Kommunikation und Neue Medien Germany
Stege, Matthias (Exelonix GmbH 201308 Managing Director + Co-founder) Managing Director Exelonix GmbH Germany
Stegemann, Jens (Breath Therapeutics 201609– CEO) Managing Director Zambon (Group) Germany
Steger, Monika (Bavaria (govt) 202409 Managing Director of Bayern Kapital before 201604 Investment Manager) Managing Director Bavaria (govt region) Germany
Stegmeier, Frank (KSQ Therapeutics 2015– CSO before Novartis Head of Oncology Target Discovery) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) KSQ Therapeutics Inc. United States (USA)
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