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Singlehurst, Peter (Baillie Gifford 201511 Investment Analyst) Analyst (Financial / Industry) Baillie Gifford United Kingdom (GB)
Sinha, Vikas (ElevateBio 201905 CFO formerly Alexion + Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corp) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) ElevateBio (Group) United States (USA)
Sinz, Andrea (Univ Halle 2010 Prof Institute for Pharmacy + 201702 President of DGMS) Professor University of Halle (Martin-Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg) Germany
Siodla, Vilma (Co.don 201202 COO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) ReLive (Group) Germany
Sirinakis, Kyp (Epidarex Capital 201701 Managing Partner before Rock Spring Ventures) Managing Partner (investment firm) Epidarex Capital (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Sirk, Kimberley (Cytel 202309 Senior Director Content + Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Cytel (Group) United States (USA)
Sitkovsky, Michail (RedoxTherapies Founder) Company Founder Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) (Group) United States (USA)
Sjöström, Michael n. a. Pictet (Group) Switzerland
Skentelbery, Claire (EuropaBio 202011– Director General before nia + CEBR + EBF) Cluster Manager EuropaBio aisbl – the European Association of Bioindustries Belgium
Skerjanec, Simona (Immunic 202407– Board Director has been at Roche + The Medicines Company + Lilly + JnJ) Board member, non-executive Immunic (Group) United States (USA)
Skerra, Arne (XL-protein GmbH 201104 Managing Director) Managing Director XL-protein GmbH (XLp) Germany
Skinner, Henry (Tekla Capital 202005 before Novartis 201201 Managing Director of Novartis Venture Fund) Managing Director Tekla Capital Management LLC United States (USA)
Skorka, Kaja (MC Services 201903 Consultant) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager MC Services AG Germany
Skullerud, Erik (Nordic Nanovector 202109– CEO before Element Consulting GmbH + Amgen + Bayer) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nordic Nanovector (Group) Norway
Slack, David (Novimmune 201402 Head Corporate + Business Development LEFT 9/14) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Novimmune S.A. Switzerland
Slack, Mark (Evotec 200905 Senior Scientist) Researcher (industry) Evotec (Group) Germany
Slade, Andrew (Menarini 201303 President of Menarini Biologics) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Menarini (Group) Italy
Sladek, Barbara (Biome Diagnostics 202301 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Biome Diagnostics GmbH Austria
Slaoui, Moncef (GSK –201707 Chairman Vaccines TO RETIRE 6/17) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division GSK (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Slawinski, Kristen (Chempetitive 201506) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager CG Life (Group) United States (USA)
Sleight, Andrew (AB2 Bio 201602 CEO before 21y at Roche) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) AB2 Bio S.A. Switzerland
Slikker, William, Jr., PhD (FDA 200601) n. a. Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Slingsby, Jason (LifeArc 202305– CBO before Oxford Biomedica + Miti Biosystems + ProtAffin) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager LifeArc (GB) United Kingdom (GB)
Slobod, Karen (CureVac 201509– Managing Director of new US subsidiary before at Novartis Vaccines) Managing Director CureVac (Group) United States (USA)
Slootweg, Sander (Forbion Capital Partners 20111 Managing Partner before ABN AMRO Capital) Managing Partner (investment firm) Forbion (Group) Netherlands
Slot, Reinout (CMS Derks Star Busman 201511) Attorney / Lawyer CMS (Group) Netherlands
Smedegaard, Peter (Syddansk Innovation 201809 investment + Portfolio Manager) Investment Manager Syddansk Innovation (SDI) Denmark
Smedley, Mark (Life Technologies 201008 Head Asia Pacific region before Invitrogen before Novartis) Regional manager Thermo Fisher (Group) United States (USA)
Smets, Martha (Life Science Venture Fund 202302 Investment Director + Blue Ribbon Partners 202302 Venture Partner) Investment Manager Life Science Valley (Sartorius / Niedersachsen/ Univ Göttingen) (Group) Germany
Smettan, Gerhard (AZ Biopharm 201105 Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Analytisches Zentrum Biopharm GmbH Berlin (AZ Biopharm) Germany
Smit, Ralf (Eleva 202101– CBO before advisor to Eleva + at BioStrat + Roche) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Eleva GmbH Germany
Smith, Adrian (Sysmex 202204– CEO of Oxford Gene Technology before Hologic UK/IE + Qiagen + Roche) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sysmex (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Smith, Andrew (GeneBio 200503 Marketing Manager) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager GeneBio (Group) Switzerland
Smith, Andrew (Santhera 202004– CFO before Allecra Therapeutics + Sucampo Pharmaceuticals) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Santhera (Group) Switzerland
Smith, Angus (Affimed 202007– CFO based in US before Rockwell Medical + Pernix Therapeutics + Cantor Fitzgerald) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Affimed (Group) Germany
Smith, Brendan (CRISPR Therapeutics 202110–202303 CFO before Translate Bio + Boston Consulting + Pfizer LEFT 3/23) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) Switzerland
Smith, David (Lonza 201502 Head of Cell Therapy, Lonza Custom Manufacturing) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Lonza (Group) United States (USA)
Smith, David R. (Galapagos 201308– CFO/CEO services division before Cambridge Univ Hospitals + Galapagos + AstraZeneca) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Galapagos (Group) Belgium
Smith, Erin (PAN Communications 201908) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager PAN Communications (Boston) United States (USA)
Smith, John (Peak Scientific 201304 Head of Gas) n. a. Peak Scientific (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Smith, Jonathan (PaxVax 201609 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) PaxVax (Group) United States (USA)
Smith, Marcus (Recipharm 202202 Head of Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Recipharm (Group) Sweden
Smith, Paul (Axela 201605 President) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Axela Inc. Canada
Smith, Richard E. T. (StrideBio 201704 Director Operations) Chief Operating Officer (COO) StrideBio Inc. United States (USA)
Smith, Scott A. (Viatris 202402 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Viatris (Group) United States (USA)
Smith, Sean R. (ImmunOs Therapeutics 201912 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Immunostep (ES) Spain (España)
Smith, Trevor (Takeda –201503 Takeda Pharmaceuticals International GmbH LEFT 3/15 n. a. Takeda (Group) Switzerland
Smits, Philip (Schering AG 200510) n. a. Bayer (Group) Germany
Snyder, Scott (Evotec 201304 EVP Compound Management) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Evotec (Group) Germany
Soenksen, Dirk G. (Aperio 201105 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Danaher (Group) United States (USA)
Sohier, Daniele (Bruker 201802 Business Development Manager for Industrial Microbiology at Bruker Daltonics) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Sohler, Matthias (Yabeo Capital GmbH 202002 Managing Director + Founder) Managing Director Yabeo Capital GmbH Germany
Soignet, Steven L. (Arcus Ventures 2007– General Partner + Co-founder) General Partner (venture partner) Arcus Ventures United States (USA)
Sojeva, Brittney (MC Services 202101) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager MC Services AG Germany
Sokolov, Michael (DataHow 202409 COO + Co-Founder) Chief Operating Officer (COO) DataHow AG Switzerland
Sola, Josep (Aktiia 201805– CTO + Co-Founder) Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) Aktiia S.A. Switzerland
Soldan, Michael (Polpharma Biologics 202208 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Polpharma (Group) Poland
Soldo, Josh (Anteo Technologies 201507 VP Sientific Affairs) Research & Development Manager Anteo Technologies (AU) Australia
Solibieda, Markus (BASF 201902 Managing Director at BASF Venture Capital) Managing Director BASF (Group) Germany
Solis, Victor (EpiQMAx GmbH 201903 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director EpiQMAx GmbH Germany
Soll, Michael (LECO 201106 Managing Director of LECO Instrumente GmbH) Managing Director Leco (Group) Germany
Solntseva, Olga (BioLine LLC 201310 Director Sales + Marketing for Diagnostic Products) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager BioLine LLC (RU) Russian Federation
Solomon, David Horn (Mithra Pharmaceuticals 202304– before Pharnext+ Silence Tx + Zealand Pharma + Bionor Pharma) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mithra Pharmaceuticals (Group) Belgium
Soloway, Thomas M. (P.) (Tom) (T-Knife 202101– CEO before Audentes Tx + Ascendis Pharma + Transcept Pharmaceuticals) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) T-Knife (Group) United States (USA)
Sommer, Bernd (Boehringer Ingelheim 201312 Head of Neuroscience Research) Research & Development Manager Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Sommer, Kuno (200512 Berna Biotech CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) Switzerland
Sommer, Wieland (Smart Reporting 202404 Co-CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Smart Reporting GmbH Germany
Sommerfeld, Franziska (LGC 201009 LGC Genomics GmbH) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager LGC (Group) Germany
Somogyi, Gabor (EveliQure Biotechnologies 202003 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) EveliQure Biotechnologies GmbH Austria
Sondermann, Peter (Tacalyx 201909 CEO before Shire + Baxalta + SuppreMol + Roche + Glycart Biotechnology) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Tacalyx GmbH Germany
Song, Ken (Candid Tx 202409 CEO + Co-Founder before RayzeBio + Metacrine + Ariosa Diagnostics + Venrock + McKinsey) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Candid Therapeutics (Group) United States (USA)
Song, Yan (Link Health 201605 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Link Health (CN) (Group) China
Songhurst, Charlie n. a.
Sonntag, Denise (Biocrates 201203 Director of Contract Research) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Biocrates (Group) Austria
Sontschek, Erwin (Mikrogen 2003) n. a. Mikrogen GmbH Germany
Sood, Nitin (Qiagen 202401 SVP Head Life Science Business Area formerly NuGen + PerkinElmer + Boreal Genomics + Agilent) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Qiming (Group) China
Soon-Shiong, Patrick (Abraxis BioSiences 200604 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) (Group) United States (USA)
Soriot, Pascal (AstraZeneca 201210– CEO before Roche COO Pharma Div before Genentech CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) AstraZeneca (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Soroka, Joanna (Hitachi 202403 Principal at Hitachi Ventures GmbH) Principal (venture capital) Hitachi (Group) Germany
Soto, Alvaro (Roche 201402 CEO of Roche Servicios) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Roche (Group)
Soudagar, Yasaman (Neurescence 202211 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bruker (Group) Canada
Soug, Øystein (Targovax 201809 CEO before CFO sind 201506 before Algeta + Orkla Group) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Circio (Group) Norway
Soula, Gérard (Adocia 201201 CEO + co-founder also founder of Flamel Technologies) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Adocia S.A. France
Soula, Olivier (Adocia 2005 co-founder) Company Founder Adocia S.A. France
Soutschek, Erwin (Mikrogen 201007 Managing Director + Co-founder) Managing Director Mikrogen GmbH Germany
Souza, Jeff (BioBridges 201709 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Adecco (Group) United States (USA)
Spaggiari, Stefano (Expert System 201505 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Expert System (Group) United States (USA)
Sparkman, O. David (Univ of the Pacific 1999–201005– Adjunct Professor + Professor University of the Pacific United States (USA)
Spatscheck, Reinhilde (SHS 201807 Managing Partner) Managing Partner (investment firm) SHS Capital (Group) Germany
Spatz, Daniel (CellGenix 202104– VP Sales, Marketing + Logistics before PromoCell + Becton Dickinson) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Becton, Dickinson (Group) Germany
Specht (formerly Mannagottera), Lisa (Qiagen 202409 Manager Public Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Qiagen (Group) Germany
Speich, Norbert (IMoGen GmbH 201104 Managing Director) Managing Director IMogen Institut für Molekularpathologie und Gendiagnostik GmbH Germany
Speidel, Daniel (Breakpoint Therapeutics 201907 Managing Director) Managing Director Breakpoint Therapeutics GmbH Germany
Speier, Austin (Click Therapeutics 202212 Chief Strategy Officer) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Click Therapeutics Inc. United States (USA)
Speir, Paul (Bruker 200905 VP FTMS Bruker Daltonics) Research & Development Manager Merck (US) (MSD) (Group) United States (USA)
Speiser, Dieter K. n. a. Eisenführ Speiser Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB Germany
Spek, Hanspeter (sanofi-aventis 2007 Executive VP Pharmaceutical Operations) n. a. Sanofi (Group) [since May 2011] France
Spelta, Michele (Mediolanum 201612 Business Development Manager) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Mediolanum (Group) Italy
Spencer, Ryan (Dynavax 202004 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dynavax (Group) United States (USA)
Spengler, Bernhard (Univ Giessen 201007 Professor Inorganic + Analytical Chemistry) Professor University of Gießen (Justus Liebig University) Germany
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