Schneider, Ulf Mark (Fresenius 201207 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Fresenius (Group) |
Germany |
Schneider-Mergener, Jens (Adrenomed 201908– CEO before 3B BPharmaceuticals + Phavaris + Jerini) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Adrenomed AG |
Germany |
Schneiderbauer, Alois (Biotecon 2008– Managing Director + CBO before IBA GmbH 200401– CBO before CyBio before MWG) |
Managing Director |
EW Group (Erich Wesjohann) (Group) |
Germany |
Schneiders, Michael (BRAIN Biotech 202210– CFO joined 202005 as Head of IR before >20y in investment banking) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
BRAIN Biotech (Group) |
Germany |
Schnell, Beate (InSphero 201601– Head of Sales before Promega + Abbott Diagnostics) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
InSphero (Group) |
Switzerland |
Schnell, Ralf (Siemens 201408 General Partner at Siemens Financial Services Venture Capital) |
General Partner (venture partner) |
Siemens (Group) |
Germany |
Schnell, Sebastian (Hessen (govt) 202202 Investment Manager at BMH) |
Investment Manager |
Hessen (Hesse) (govt region) |
Germany |
Schnelle, Romy (High-Tech Gründerfonds 202305– Managing Director before Partner for Digital Tech joined 2008) |
Managing Director |
High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) (Group) |
Germany |
Schnieders, Frank (Allogenetics 202409– CEO before Lampseq Diagnostics + Provecs Medical) |
Managing Director |
Allogenetics GmbH |
Germany |
Schnitzbauer, Andreas A. (Patronus Health 202204 Managing Director (CEO) + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Patronus Health GmbH |
Germany |
Schnitzler, Robert E. (Roche 202410 CEO of RoX Health Berlin + Head Digital Health Innovation at Roche Pharma AG) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Roche (Group) |
Germany |
Schober, Tim (Enamine 202304– Managing Director of Enamine Germany GmbH) |
Managing Director |
Enamine (Group) |
Germany |
Schobesberger, Christina (Sony 201203 Sony DADC Austria GmbH) |
n. a. |
Sony (Group) |
Austria |
Schoch, Daniel (Zürcher Kantonalbank 201808 Head of Start-up FInance) |
Investment Manager |
Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) |
Switzerland |
Schoch, Dierk (Lundbeck 201112 Managing Director of Lundbeck GmbH) |
Managing Director |
Lundbeck (Group) |
Germany |
Schock, Gerald (Qiagen 200806 Global Product Manager WGA Epigenetics) |
n. a. |
Qiagen (Group) |
Germany |
Schoeller, Philipp A. (BrainRepair 202302 CFO) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
BrainRepair UG (haftungsbeschränkt) |
Germany |
Schoenbeck, Uwe (Pfizer 202110 SVP + CSO for Emerging Science + Innovation) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Pfizer (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Schofield, Desmond (Evitria 202107 Director of Business Development) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Atlas Antibodies (Group) |
Switzerland |
Scholefield, Graham (Scitaris 202204 Managing Partner) |
Managing Partner |
Scitaris (Group) |
Germany |
Scholl, Dirk Oliver (Dynamic Biosensors GmbH 201301 Managing Director (CFO)) |
Managing Director |
Bruker (Group) |
Germany |
Scholl, Michael (Leukocare AG 201105 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Leukocare (Group) |
Germany |
Schollmeier, Klaus (SuppreMol 201304– Managing Director before Santhera CEO + ING BHF-Bank + Abbott/Knoll/BASF) |
Managing Director |
Baxter (Group) |
Germany |
Scholz, Bernhard (Xlife Sciences 202201 Board Chair) |
Board member, non-executive |
Xlife Sciences AG (SIX: XLS) |
Switzerland |
Scholz, Jens (Univ Kiel 201104 Head UKSH) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
University of Kiel (Christian-Albrechts-Universität, CAU) |
Germany |
Scholz, Martin (Leukocare AG 201105 CSO) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Leukocare (Group) |
Germany |
Scholz, Maximilian (High-Tech Gründerfonds 202310 Investment Manager) |
Investment Manager |
High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) (Group) |
Germany |
Scholz, Olaf (Hamburg (govt) 201104 Major, SPD) |
Mayor |
Hamburg (govt region) |
Germany |
Schomburg, Dietmar |
n. a. |
University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln) |
Germany |
Schopen, Guido (TiGenix 201204– before interim manager at biopharma + diagn firms before UCB + Bayer + Hoechst) |
Chief Business Officer (CBO) |
Takeda (Group) |
Belgium |
Schork, Stefan (Artel 201106 Business Development Europe) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Artel (Group) |
Germany |
Schorn, Karl (PXBioVision 201104 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
PXBioVisioN GmbH |
Germany |
Schorr, Joachim (APIS Assay Technologies 202304 CEO before Caris Life Sciences + Qiagen + Hoechst) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
APIS Assay Technologies (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Schorsch, Susanne K. (Verve Ventures 202204 Venture Investor before BASF) |
Investment Manager |
Verve Capital Partners AG (Verve Ventures, formerly |
Switzerland |
Schots, Laurent (UCB 202303 Corporate Communications) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
UCB (Group) |
Belgium |
Schott, Mathias (FCF Fox Corporate Finance –202305 Managing Director Life Sciences LEFT 6/23) |
Managing Director |
FCF Fox Corporate Finance GmbH |
Germany |
Schottelius, Arndt (Kymab 201806 EVP RnD before MorphoSys 200812–201701 Chief Developm Officer before Genentech) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Sanofi (Group) [since May 2011] |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Schotters, Markus (Aceos GmbH 201104 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Aceos GmbH |
Germany |
Schrader, Marion (Rentschler 201602 Senior Director Company Communication + PR) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Rentschler (Group) |
Germany |
Schrader, Michael (BioVisioN 199904) |
n. a. |
Digilab (Group) |
Germany |
Schrader, Nils (Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt) 201106 BIO.NRW) |
Cluster Manager |
Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) |
Germany |
Schramboeck, Margarete (202410 former Austrian Minister of Digital + Economic Affairs) |
n. a. |
Austria (govt) |
Austria |
Schramm, Steffen (Golm Innovationszentrum 201104 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Golm Innovationszentrum GmbH (GO:IN) |
Germany |
Schranz, Jennifer (Nabriva 201811 CMO) |
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) |
Nabriva (Group) |
Ireland, Republic of |
Schreckenberger, Yannik (HRTBT Medical Solutions GmbH 201601 Managing Director + Co-Founder) |
Managing Director |
Heartbeat Medical (HRTBT Medical Solutions) (Group) |
Germany |
Schreiber, Alain (ProQuest Investments 201201 General Partner) |
General Partner (venture partner) |
ProQuest Investments |
United States (USA) |
Schreiber, André (Danaher 201504 Food + Environmental Global Applications Manager at Sciex Toronto) |
Professor |
Danaher (Group) |
Canada |
Schreiber, Stefan (Univ Hospital Kiel) |
n. a. |
University of Kiel (Christian-Albrechts-Universität, CAU) |
Germany |
Schreiber, U. (SensoQuest 200512) |
n. a. |
SensoQuest GmbH |
Germany |
Schreiner, Claudia (Univ Zurich 201301 Dept of Geography) |
n. a. |
University of Zurich (UZH) |
Switzerland |
Schrems, Angelika (Bionter 202305 Global Head of Business Development) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Bionter AG |
Switzerland |
Schretzmair, Timo (Sarstedt 202209 CFO) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Sarstedt (Group) |
Germany |
Schriek, Ulrich (Qiagen 1997– since 2000 VP Corporate BusDev before Pharmacia Biotech) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Qiagen (Group) |
Germany |
Schrimpf, Gangolf (Merck (DE) 201708) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Merck (DE) (Group) |
Germany |
Schroeder, Michael (Eppendorf 200610 Chief Marketing and Sales Officer) |
n. a. |
Eppendorf (Group) |
Germany |
Schroeder, Ted (Nabriva 201807– CEO before Zavante Therapeutics + Cadence Pharmaceuticals + Élan) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Nabriva (Group) |
Ireland, Republic of |
Schroer, Miriam (Hessen 2010 HA Hessen Agentur GmbH LEFT) |
n. a. |
Hessen (Hesse) (govt region) |
Germany |
Schroeter, Stefan (IHK Düsseldorf 200602) |
n. a. |
IHK Düsseldorf |
Schroff, Matthias (Vaximm 201609– CEO before Mologen CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Vaximm (Group) |
Switzerland |
Schropp, Katharina (Informa 201812 EBD Group) |
Managing Director |
Informa (Group) [NEW] |
Switzerland |
Schrödel, Carsten (Wörner & Partner Consulting GmbH 201109 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Wörner & Partner Consulting GmbH |
Germany |
Schröder, Carola (Octapharma 201209 Managing Director of Octapharma Biopharmaceuticals GmbH) |
Managing Director |
Octapharma (Group) |
Germany |
Schröder, Christoph (Sciomics 201304– Managing Director + Founder) |
Managing Director |
Sciomics GmbH |
Germany |
Schröder, Peer Nils (Basilea 201109 Head Public Relations + Corporate Communications) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Basilea (Group) |
Switzerland |
Schröder, Thilo (Nextech Invest 201607 Partner) |
Partner (venture partner) |
Nextech (Group) |
Switzerland |
Schrödl, Daniel (NordLB 201102– NordLB-Regionalwirtschaft) |
n. a. |
NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale |
Germany |
Schub, Oliver (Icosagen 202302 Senior Director Business Development of Icosagen Cell Factory) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Icosagen (Group) |
Estonia |
Schubart, Daniel (ConsulTech GmbH 201905 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
ConsulTech GmbH |
Germany |
Schubert, Andreas (Oncotrition 201207– Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Oncotrition GmbH |
Germany |
Schubert, Axel (Stiftung Bremer Wertpapierbörse 201107 Board Chairman + MeVis Board Member until 12/10) |
n. a. |
Stiftung Bremer Wertpapierbörse |
Germany |
Schubert, Christian R. (AbbVie 202401 Head of AbbVie Ventures) |
n. a. |
AbbVie (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Schubert, Hans-Dieter (Boehringer 201007 Senior Scientist Dept Lead Discovery Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma) |
Researcher (industry) |
Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) |
Germany |
Schubert, Manfred (Germany (govt) 200808 Wirtschaftsministerium (D)) |
n. a. |
Germany (govt) |
Germany |
Schubert, Michael (Bruker 200908 Managing Director Bruker Daltonik GmbH) |
Managing Director |
Bruker (Group) |
Germany |
Schubert, Peter (R-Biopharm 201106 Head RnD) |
Research & Development Manager |
R-Biopharm (Group) |
Germany |
Schubert, Sören (Univ München 201007 Research Group Leader Max von Pettenkofer Institute) |
Researcher (university / research institute) |
Max von Pettenkofer Institute for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology of LMU München |
Germany |
Schubert, Thomas (2bind GbmH 202209 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
2bind GmbH |
Germany |
Schuchardt, Johannes (Microdiscovery 200501) |
n. a. |
MicroDiscovery GmbH |
Germany |
Schucht, Roland (Inscreenex 201003– Managing Director before Helmholtz HZI) |
Managing Director |
Inscreenex GmbH |
Germany |
Schuele, Peter (VWR 201404 President European Lab Business) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Avantor (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Schuh, Antonius (Toni) (Global Source Ventures 202001 Managing Partner before Trovagene + AviaraDx/Arcturus + Sequenom) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Trovagene Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Schule, Marylin Mermod (Sophia Genetics 201801– COO joined 201506 as CFO before Benjamin de Rothschild + La Metairie) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Sophia Genetics (Group) |
Switzerland |
Schulman, Amy W. (Polaris Partners 2014– Venture Partner before Pfizer General Counsel) |
Venture Partner |
Polaris Partners (Polaris Ventures) |
United States (USA) |
Schulman, Jesse (Canbex Therapeutics 201304 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Canbex Therapeutics Ltd. |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Schulte, Claus Josef (CellMed 201709 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
CellMed Research GmbH (CellMed Science) |
Austria |
Schulte, Gerrit (Zeiss 202303 Head of Zeiss Ventures) |
Investment Manager |
Zeiss Ventures |
Germany |
Schulte, Heinrich Maria (Medivision 200904 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Medivision (Group) |
Germany |
Schulte-Noelle, Philipp |
n. a. |
Schulte-Sasse, Hermann (Bremen 201008 Staatsrat before BGM) |
Administrative Officer (personnel) |
Bremen (govt region) |
Germany |
Schultheiss, Luc (Endress+Hauser 201309 CFO) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Endress+Hauser (Group) |
Switzerland |
Schultheiß, Sebastian J. (Computomics 201301 Managing Director + Co-founder) |
Managing Director |
Computomics (Group) |
Germany |
Schultz-Zehden, Angela (s.Pro GmbH 201204 Managing Director + Founder) |
Managing Director |
s.Pro – sustainable projects GmbH |
Germany |
Schultze, Ute (Optimare 201204 Sales Analytics) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Aerodata (Group) |
Germany |
Schulz, Arne (MoBiTec 200809) |
n. a. |
MoBiTec GmbH |
Germany |
Schulz, Gregor (Biotest 201212 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Grifols (Group) |
Germany |
Schulz, Olaf (Ametek 201009 Product Manager ICP-OES at SPECTRO) |
Product Manager (personnel) |
AMETEK (Group) |
Germany |
Schulz, Thomas (Hannover Medical School MHH 200606) |
n. a. |
MHH (Hanover Medical School / Medizinische Hochschule Hannover) |
Germany |
Schulz, Wolfgang (Zweckverband Landeswasserversorgung in Langenau 201504) |
n. a. |
Zweckverband Landeswasserversorung (Baden-Württemberg / Bayern) |
Germany |
Schulz-Drost, Michael (Siemens Business Services 200608) |
n. a. |
Siemens (Group) |
Germany |
Schulz-Knappe, Peter (Protagen 201001– head Protein Services before Proteome Sciences plc CEO before BioVisioN CEO) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Freenome (Group) |
Germany |