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Ribbe, Achim (Qiagen 200602 BusDev Manager) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Qiagen (Group) Germany
Ribon, Denis (ArchiMed 201609 Founder + Managing Director before 3i 200904 Head European Healthcare) Managing Partner (investment firm) ArchiMed (Group) France
Riboud, Franck (Danone 200707 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Danone (Group) France
Ricci, Paolo n. a. Merck (DE) (Group) Switzerland
Richard, Louis-François (Air Liquide 202211 Medical Gases Europe Cluster VP) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Air Liquide (Group) France
Richard, Marie-Paule (AiCuris 201107 CMO) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) STRÜNGMANN Group (family Strüngmann) Germany
Richards, Dan (Qiagen 202306 VP of Clinical Product Management at Qiagen Digital Insights) n. a. Qiagen (Group) United States (USA)
Richards, Don (Pfizer 200803 Head Structure Elucidation Pfizer UK Analytical R&D) Research & Development Manager Pfizer (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Richardson, Douglas (Merck (US) 201704 Merck Research Laboratories) Researcher (industry) Merck (US) (MSD) (Group) United States (USA)
Richardson, Ryan (BioNTech 202001– Chief Strategy Officer joined 2018 as SVP CorpDev + Strategy before JP Morgan London) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager BioNTech (Group) Germany
Richenburg, Alexandra (Alphabet 202205– Director of People Operations before Eigen Tehcnologies + Meridian LS) Human Resources Manager Alphabet (formerly Google) (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Richman, Eric I. (Gain Therapeutics 202007– CEO before Brace Pharma Capital + PharmAthene + MedImmune) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Gain Therapeutics (Group) United States (USA)
Richman, Michael (NextCure 2015– CEO + Founder before AstraZeneca/Amplimmune + Chiron + MedImmune + MacroGenics) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) NextCure Inc. (Nasdaq: NXTC) United States (USA)
Richon, Victoria (Entact Bio 202212 CEO before Ribon Therapeutics + Sanofi + Epizyme + Merck (US) + Aton Pharma) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Entact Bio (US) United States (USA)
Richter, Andreas (Ayoxxa Biosystems 201501– CFO before Direvo Biotech + 4-Antibody) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Ayoxxa (Group) Germany
Richter, Christine (IO Biotech 202306– SVP Commercial + Program Lead before LEO Pharma + Takeda Oncology + Amgen) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) IO Biotech (Group) Denmark
Richter, Henrijette (Sofinnova Partners 201509 before Novo Group 201304 at Novo Seeds) Managing Partner (investment firm) Sofinnova (Group) France
Richter, Karl (Bio-Gate AG 201104 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bio-Gate (Group) Germany
Richter, Susanne (PerkinElmer 201404 Marketing Communication Specialist Environmental Health) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager PerkinElmer (Group) Germany
Richter, Thomas (Klocke Group 201410 Managing Director of BioPharma Translationsinstitut Dessau) Managing Director Klocke (Group) Germany
Richter, Wolfgang (Tube Pharmaceuticals 201107 Managing Director / CEO) Managing Director Tube Pharmaceuticals GmbH Austria
Ricken, Hans Joachim (Temmler Group 200612 Owner) n. a. Temmler (Group) Germany
Ricker, Mathias (Wallinger Ricker Schlotter Trastmann 201409 Patent Attorney + Founding Partner) Patent Attorney Wallinger Ricker Schlotter Tostmann Patent- und Rechtsanwälte (WRST) Germany
Rickert, Jörn (CorTec GmbH 201011 Managing Director) Managing Director CorTec GmbH Germany
Ricks, Claude (SQI Diagnostics 201110 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) SQI Diagnostics Inc. Canada
Ridder, Ruediger (mtm laboratories –200707– CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Roche (Group) Germany
Ridgway, Peter (Reach Separations 201403 Business Development Director + Co-Founder) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager CatSci (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Ridinger, Richard (Lonza 201205–201902 CEO before Cognis 11 years + Henkel 14 years RETIRED 3/19) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lonza (Group) Switzerland
Riebel, Sonja (Accovion 201504 Marketing + Communication) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Clinipace (Group) Germany
Ried, Georg (Bavaria (govt) 201607 Managing Director of Bayern Kapital) Managing Director Numares (Group) Germany
Riedel, Norbert (Baxter 200103– CSO joined Baster 1998 before Hoechst Marion Roussel) Advisory Board member Baxter (Group) United States (USA)
Riedemann, Niels C. (InflaRx 200803 Managing Director + founder) Managing Director InflaRx (Group) Germany
Riedl, Claudia (Gutjahr-Löser) (MC Services 201710– Managing Director before MorphoSys 2002–2017 + Cassiopeia + DB) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager MC Services AG Germany
Rieger, Eva-Maria (Omnilab (D) 200903 Public Relations & Communications Manager) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Omnilab (DE) (Group) Germany
Rieger, Markus (Going Public Media AG 202112 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) GoingPublic Media AG (FSE: WKN 761 210) Germany
Riehle, Karolin (Eckert & Ziegler 202212 Investor Relations + PR) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Eckert & Ziegler (Group) Germany
Riemann, Angelica (Agilent –202411– continues as President of CrossLab Group as 25y Agilent veteran) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Agilent (Group) United States (USA)
Riemann, Gunnar (Bayer HealthCare 200603) Consultant (economic/technology) Bayer (Group) Germany
Riemer, Helge (Epimune GmbH 201805 Managing Director) Managing Director Epimune GmbH Germany
Riermeier, Thomas (Evonik 202003 SVP + General Manager for Health Care business line) General Manager (management) Evonik (Group) Germany
Ries, Marco (ProteinDistillery 202403 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director ProteinDistillery GmbH Germany
Ries, Michael (Cube Biotech 202501 Head of Sales + Marketing) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Cube Biotech (Group) Germany
Ries, Stefan (Disco Pharmaceuticals 202401– CSO before Roche + Versant Ventures) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Disco Pharmaceuticals (Group) Germany
Riesenhuber, Heinz (Evotec Biosystems 199906 Chairman Supervisory Board) Advisory Board member Evotec (Group) Germany
Riesmeier, Jörg (Direvo Industrial Biotechnology 201005 CEO– before COO since 201001 before LSP General Partner) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) EQT (Wallenberg family) (Group) Netherlands
Riesner, Detlev (Evotec Biosystems 199906 Scientific Advisory Board + Qiagen Co-Founder) Advisory Board member Evotec (Group) Germany
Riethmüller, Christoph (Serend-ip GmbH 2009– Managing Director + Founder) Managing Director Serend-ip GmbH Germany
Rigaud, Olivier (Corbion 202010 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Corbion (Group) Netherlands
Rigby, Peter (Informa 1988–201312 CEO joined 1983 retired 12/13) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Informa (Group) [NEW] Switzerland
Rigg, John (Exelead 202201 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Merck (DE) (Group) United States (USA)
Righetti, Erin (CG Life 201709– Associate Director of Content before EBD Group) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager CG Life (Group) United States (USA)
Rigler, Rudolf (Evotec Biosystems 199906 Scientific Advisory Board) Advisory Board member Evotec (Group) Germany
Riley, Jeffrey (Gain Therapeutics 201909– Independent Board Director formerly SKB + Pfizer + Queensland Biocapital Fund) Board member, non-executive Gain Therapeutics (Group) Switzerland
Riley, Mike (Catalent 201805 VP + General Manager of Drug Substance + Bioanalytical Services at Catalent Biologicals) General Manager (management) Catalent (Group) United States (USA)
Riley, Nicole (ADC Therapeutics 202307 Media Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager ADC Therapeutics (Group) Switzerland
Riley, Ray (Syngenta Seeds 200705 Head Product Development) Research & Development Manager Syngenta (Group) Switzerland
Rill, Stefan (Phytolutions 200806–201208 Managing Director CBO + Co-Founder NO NORE Managing Director since 8/12) Managing Director Phytolutions GmbH Germany
Rindermann, Alexandra (Aska Biotech GmbH 202207 Managing Director) Managing Director Aska Biotech GmbH Germany
Rinecker, Markus (Mbiomics 202303 Managing Director formerly Definiens 201210 CFO) Managing Director Mbiomics GmbH Germany
Ring, Robert H. (Kaerus Bioscience 202404 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kaerus Bioscience Ltd. United Kingdom (GB)
Ringel, Michael (Boston Consulting Group 202001 Managing Director + Senior Partner) Consultant (economic/technology) Boston Consulting Group (BCG) United States (USA)
Rinke, Alexander (Celonis 202106 Co-CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Celonis (Group) Germany
Rinn, Stefan (Boehringer Ingelheim 201403– Country Head Germany + Managing Director BI Pharma GmbH joined 1987) Managing Director Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Rinner, Oliver (Biognosys 202109 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Bruker (Group) Switzerland
Rinnert, Jan (Heraeus 201405 Chairman of Board of Management) Managing Director Heraeus (Group) Germany
Rinsch, Chris (Amazentis 202209 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Amazentis S.A. Switzerland
Ripplinger, Peter (Subitec GmbH 201207 Managing Director) Managing Director Subitec GmbH Germany
Rippmann, Friedrich (Merck KGaA 200609 Director Bio- + Cheminformatics) n. a. Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Ripsens, Sybe Izaak (IWTK 201206 Managing Director) Managing Director Institut für Wissenschafts- und Technologiekommunikation GmbH (IWTK) Germany
Risino, Amanda (Health Innovation Manchester 201807 Managing Director) Cluster Manager Health Innovation Manchester United Kingdom (GB)
Risler, Christiane (SCPA GmbH 201705 Managing Director) Managing Director SCPA Software für Chromatographie und Prozess-Analytik GmbH Germany
Risler, Wolfgang (SCPA GmbH 201705 Managing Director) Managing Director SCPA Software für Chromatographie und Prozess-Analytik GmbH Germany
Risse, Bernd (Roche Diagnostics 200503) n. a. Roche (Group) Germany
Ritsou, Elena (VectorY 202211– COO + BioGeneration Ventures 202211– Venture Partner before GammaDelta Tx + Ipsen) Chief Operating Officer (COO) VectorY (Group) Netherlands
Ritter von Onciul, Andreas (SciMax 200209 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) SciMax Scientific Software Distribution Germany
Ritter, Christiane (SeNostic GmbH 201412– CSO + Co-Founder) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Prosperodes GmbH Germany
Ritter, Johannes (Roche 201106 Head Communications Roche Penzberg) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Roche (Group) Germany
Rittgen, Oliver (Bayer 201403 CEO of Bayer Nordic) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bayer Nordic SE Finland
Rittner, Miriam (SiChem GmbH 2001–200902– Managing Director) Managing Director Sirius Fine Chemicals SiChem GmbH Germany
Ritz, Sascha (Climedo Health 201705– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Climedo Health GmbH Germany
Riva, Alessandro (Transgene 202306– CEO before Chairman before Intima Bioscience + Ichnos Sciences + Gilead + Novartis) Research & Development Manager Mérieux (Group) France
Rivet, Sarah (GIE Eurasanté 201709 Business Project Officer) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager GIE Eurasanté France
Rizo, Carolina Garcia (Immuneering 202103– CBO before Just Biotherapeutics + Thermo FIsher Scientific + Roche + Cepheid) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Immuneering Corporation United States (USA)
Rizzo, Giovanni (Indaco Venture 202403 Partner at Indaco Bio Fund) Partner (venture partner) Indaco Venture (Group) Italy
Rizzo, Thomas (EPFL 202404 Prof of Chemistry + Co-Founder of IsoSpe Analytics) Professor EPFL (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) Switzerland
Rizzoli, Giancarlo (4D Lifetec 202310 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 4D Lifetec AG Switzerland
Rizzuto, Carlo (Versant Ventures 201810 Partner) Partner (venture partner) Versant Ventures United States (USA)
Robbers, Thomas (Nano-Bioanalytik-Zentrum-Münster 201107 Managing Director) Managing Director Nano-Bioanalytik-Zentrum GmbH (NBZ Münster) Germany
Roberts, Christopher (Chris) (AC Immune 202401– promoted to CFO joined 2019) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) AC Immune S.A. (Nasdaq: ACIU) Switzerland
Roberts, Tom (Rentschler 202309– President of Rentschler Biopharma Inc + General Manager US before Vitanova Biomedical) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Rentschler (Group) United States (USA)
Robertson, Lindon G. (Brooks Automation 201310– CFO before Graftech International + IBM Corp) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Azenta (Group) United States (USA)
Robertson, Neil (Techcomp 202405– CEO of Scion Instruments before Peak Scientific) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Techcomp (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Robinson, James (Jim) (A2 Biotherapeutics 202404– CEO before Sumitomo/Urovant Sciences + Paragon Biosciences + Alkermes) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) A2 Biotherapeutics Inc. (A2 Bio) United States (USA)
Robinson, Peter N. (Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine 201611 Professor before Charité University Hospital Berlin) Professor Jackson Laboratory, The United States (USA)
Robinson, Tim (LGC 201710 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) LGC (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Robroeks, Marcel (Steigerwald Arzneimittel GmbH 201305 Managing Director) Managing Director Bayer (Group) Germany
Rocci, Mario (Solvias 202203 Chair + Advisor Water Street Healthcare Partners) Board member, non-executive Solvias (Group) Switzerland
Rochat, Bertrand (Univ Lausanne 201410 CHUV) n. a. University of Lausanne (UNIL) Switzerland
Rocher, Jean-Philippe (Addex 201802– Co-Head Disovery before Pierre Fabre + Addex + Devgen + GSK Japan + Batelle) management (personnel) Addex (Group) Switzerland
Rocheteau, Pierre (Olgram 202401 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Olgram SAS France
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