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Pering, Christiane (Bayer 201501 CMO + Head Innovation of Medical Care division of Bayer HealthCare) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Bayer (Group) Germany
Perkin, Eleanor (Huntsworth 202109 at Medistrava Consulting) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Inizio (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Perl, Thomas (Eyesight & Vision 201110 Managing Director Sales + Marketing) Managing Director Eyesight & Vision GmbH Germany
Perlitz, Uwe (Deutsche Bank Research 200503) Analyst (Financial / Industry) Deutsche Bank (Group) Germany
Perlmutter, Roger M. (Merck (US) 2013– EVP + President of Merck Research Labs before Amgen 2001–2012) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Amgen (Group) United States (USA)
Perpeet, Markus (SAW Instruments 2010– Managing Director + co-founder before Caesar Projektleiter S-sens biosensor) Managing Director NanoTemper (Group) Germany
Perreault, Paul (CSL 202006 CEO + Managing Director) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) CSL (Group) Australia
Perrier, Marine (Enterome 202103 Head of External Communications + IR before Citigate Dewe Rogerson) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Enterome S.A. France
Perron, Hervé (GeNeuro 201702 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) GeNeuro S.A. (Euronext Paris: GNRO) Switzerland
Perronnet, Xavier (Ion Opticks 202410) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ion Opticks Pty Ltd. (IonOpticks) Australia
Perry, Benjamin (DNDi 201909 Senior Discovery Manager + Research Scientist) n. a. DNDi (Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative) Switzerland
Perry, Matthew (BVF Partners 201308 Portfolio Manager at Biotechnology Value Fund) Investment Manager BVF Partners L.P. (Biotechnology Venture Fund) United States (USA)
Persigehl, Peter (Eurofins 201405 Managing Director at Eurofins Genomics GmbH) Managing Director Eurofins (Group) Germany
Persson, Magnus (Eir Ventures 202007– Founding Parter before General Partner at HealthCap) General Partner (venture partner) Eir Ventures (Group) Sweden
Persson, Ted (EQT 202405 Partner at EQT Ventures) Partner (venture partner) EQT (Wallenberg family) (Group) Luxembourg
Pertile, Paolo (Cutech 201905 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Symrise (Group) Italy
Peschen, Dieter (AgroProtec 2010– Managing Director + co-founder) Managing Director AgroProtect GmbH Germany
Pesquin, Gustavo (Bayer 202303– CEO of AskBio before Amneal Pharma + Sanofi + Abbott + Pfizer + P&G+ BCG) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bayer (Group) United States (USA)
Pessara, Ulrich (IcanoMab 202009 CBO before Staatz Business Development + Strategy) Chief Business Officer (CBO) IcanoMab GmbH Germany
Pestano, Gary (Biodesix 201304 Head Product Development + Lab Operations) Research & Development Manager Biodesix Inc. United States (USA)
Peter, Jochen F. (SensScreen 200909– CEO + founder) Managing Director SensScreen Technologies GmbH Germany
Peter-Katalinic, Jasna (Univ Münster 1996– Professor before Univ Bonn before Texas A+M Univ before Univ Zürich) Professor University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) Germany
Péterfy, Ferenc (Diagnosticum (HU) 201708 President) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Diagnosticum (HU) (Group) Hungary
Peters, Andreas C. (GSK Stockmann 201704 Lawyer at Hamburg Office) Attorney / Lawyer
Peters, Björn (CDR-Life 202204 CBO) Chief Business Officer (CBO) CDR-Life AG Switzerland
Peters, Dirk (Assaymatic GmbH 201110 Managing Director) Managing Director Assaymatic GmbH Germany
Peters, Katharina (High-Tech Gründerfonds 202212 Investment Manager) Investment Manager High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) (Group) Germany
Peters, Malte (MorphoSys 201703–202212 Chief Development Officer before Sandoz + Novartis + Micromet RETIRED 12/22) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Novartis (Group) Germany
Peters, Ole (Bayer 201612 Digital Farming Technology Lead at Bayer CropScience) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Bayer (Group) Germany
Peters, Sabine (Amodia Bioservice 2003) n. a. Amodia Bioservice GmbH Germany
Peters, Sonja (Q-Bioanalytic 200607) n. a. Eurofins (Group) Germany
Peters, Wilt (Molecular Sensing 201112– Managing Director of Molecular Sensing GmbH) Managing Director Molecular Sensing (Group) Germany
Petersen, Kaj (Gerstel 201003 Marketing Manager) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Gerstel (Group) Germany
Petersen, Tilmann (High-Tech Gründerfonds 202404 Investment Manager before AMSilk + CytoSwitch + Nu Emotions) Investment Manager High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) (Group) Germany
Peterson, Sandra E. (JnJ 201212– before Bayer 201010–201211 CEO of Bayer CropScience before Bayer HealthCare) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) United States (USA)
Petkov, Jordan (Lonza 201703– Global Head of Research + Technology at Lonza Consumer Care before KLK POleo + Unilever) Research & Development Manager Lonza (Group) Switzerland
Petraß, Jörg (Mologen –201512 CFO LEFT 12/15) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Mologen (Group) Germany
Petri, Alfred (Evonik 201308 SVP Sales + Marketing of Health + Nutrition Business Unit) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Evonik (Group) Germany
Petrone, Raffaele (Therametrics 201310– CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Relief Therapeutics (Group) Switzerland
Petrovic, Marija (Ten23 Health 202410) n. a. Ten23 Health AG Switzerland
Petrovic, Shacey (Insulet 202007 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Insulet Corporation United States (USA)
Petrovics, Tamás (Xund Solutions 202209 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Xund Solutions GmbH Austria
Pettigrew, Michel (Ferring Pharmaceuticals 200105– COO before BMS) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Ferring (Paulsen Foundation) (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Petzholdt-Gühne, Grit (Analytik Jena 201306– Head of Huma Resources before Schott AG Jena + Daimler + Coca Cola) Human Resources Manager Endress+Hauser (Group) Germany
Peukert, Uwe (ActeaVentures 201403– Managing Partner before Roche + Lilly + Onyx + NewVac) Managing Director ActeaVentures GmbH Germany
Peyer, James (Apollo Ventures 201902 Managing Partner) Managing Partner Apollo Health Ventures (Group) Germany
Peyro-Saint-Paul, Helene (PathoQuest 201610 CMO) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) PathoQuest SAS France
Peyroles, Alexis (OSE Pharma 201504 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) OSE Immunotherapeutics (Group) France
Pfaadt, Thomas (c-LEcta 201808– CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Kerry Group (Group) Germany
Pfahlert, Volker (LipoFIT GmbH 201001– Managing Director COO before Roche Diagnostics + Dräger Medical) Managing Director Roche (Group) United States (USA)
Pfannes, Othmar (Genedata 200406 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Danaher (Group) Switzerland
Pfannkuche, Jens (Gilupi 201612 Managing Director) Managing Director Viroad (Group) Germany
Pfeffer, Patrick (Aescuvest 202408 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Aescuvest GmbH Germany
Pfeiffer, Christian (da-cons GmbH 201504 Managing Director + CO-Founder) Managing Director da-cons GmbH Germany
Pfeil, Esther (Merlin Diagnostika GmbH 201709 Managing Director) Managing Director Bruker (Group) Germany
Pfirmann, Ralf (Klocke 201308 CEO of IDT Bioligika GmbH) Managing Director Klocke (Group) Germany
Pfirrmann, Jörg (Sartorius 2009–201702 CFO RESIGNED 2/17) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Sartorius (Group) Germany
Pfister, Bernd (Invision 200610 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Invision (Group) Switzerland
Pfister, Franz (Deepc 202303 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Deepc GmbH Germany
Pfister, Martin (High-Tech Gründerfonds 201101 Investment Manager) Investment Manager High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) (Group) Germany
Pfleiderer, Wolfgang (Chemogenix 2000) n. a. Roche (Group) Germany
Pflüger, Konstanze (Humboldt Univ Berlin 202406 Head of Communications + Press Officer at BIH) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Humboldt University Berlin Germany
Pfuhl, Andreas (Luxendo 201701 Managing Director) Managing Director Bruker (Group) Germany
Pfundner, Hagen (Roche 202405– CEO of Roche Deutschland Holding before CEO of Roche Pharma AG) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Roche (Group) Germany
Pheiffer, Joachim (Biopract GmbH 201704 Managing Director) Managing Director Biopract GmbH [since 8/12] Germany
Phelan, Maurice (Sartorius 202406 President of Sartorius North America) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Sartorius (Group) Germany
Phelps, Robert (Lophius Biosciences 201311– Director Business Operations before SuppreMol + PARI Pharma) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Mikrogen GmbH Germany
Phi, Janette (ThinkCyte 202212 CBO formerly IntelliCyt 201506 Chief Business Officer) Chief Business Officer (CBO) ThinkCyte K.K. Japan
Philipp, Christoph (CellTec Systems 202305 Managing Director) Managing Director CellTec Systems GmbH Germany
Philippe, Olivier (GeneBio 201005 Sales + Marketing Director) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager GeneBio (Group) Switzerland
Philippsen, Peter n. a. University of Basel Switzerland
Philips, Craig W. (Cell Therapeutics 200808– before Bayer Healthcare Oncology) n. a. Cell Therapeutics (Group) United States (USA)
Philips, Julien (Genedata 201006 Product Manager) Product Manager (personnel) Danaher (Group) Switzerland
Philips, Mario (Polyplus-transfection, 202011– CEO before PolyNeuros + ArchiMed + Pall Biotech + ATMI Life Sciences) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sartorius (Group) France
Phillips, Andrew (Andy) (Cormorant Asset Management 202101 before C4 Therapeutics 201901 CEO) Managing Director Cormorant Asset Management LP (LLC?) United States (USA)
Phillips, Barcley A. (Buck) (G1 Therapeutics 201711– CFO + SVP CorpDev before Novavax + Micromet + Vector Fund Mgt) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Amgen (Group) United States (USA)
Phillips, Gary (Pharmaxis 201505 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Pharmaxis Ltd. (ASX: PXS) Australia
Phillips, Julia (FTI Consulting 201110) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager FTI Consulting (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Piazzalunga, Fabio (Menarini 201809 General Manager at Menarini Diagnostics) General Manager (management) Menarini (Group) Italy
Picard, Emmanuel (Chemie Brunschwig 201509 Marketing + Sales Manager) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Chemie Brunschwig AG Switzerland
Picaud, Géraldine (SGS 202403– CEO joined 202312 as CFO before Holcim + Essilor + Safic Alcan + ED&F Man Group) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) SGS (Group) Switzerland
Pichler, Garwin (PreOmics GmbH 201601– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Bruker (Group) Germany
Pichler, Peter (Brechbühler 201709 General Manager) General Manager (management) Brechbühler AG Switzerland
Pichler, Ricarda (Sony 201308 Head of Marketing BioSciences at Sony DADC) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Stratec (Group) Austria
Pichota, Aradius (Novartis 202406– CEO of MorphoSys before Navigate BioPharma Services Inc) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Novartis (Group) Germany
Pick, André (Cascat GmbH 201504 Managing Director) Managing Director Cascat GmbH Germany
Pickering, Catherine (iOnctura 201706– CEO + Co-Founder before Merck Head Global Oncology Licensing + BusDev) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) iOnctura (Group) Switzerland
Pickering, Paul J. (Maverix Biomics 201306– COO before Life Technologies) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Maverix Biomics Inc. United States (USA)
Pickuth, Andreas (InProcess 201001– Managing Director) Managing Director InProcess Instruments Gesellschaft für Prozessanalytik mbH (IPI) Germany
Picone, Stephen (ArcherDx 201501– Exec Director Corp Development before Enzymatics Co-founder) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager ArcherDX Inc. United States (USA)
Picot, Arnold (Univ München before TU München before Univ Hannover Professor) Professor LMU Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, University of Munich) Germany
Picotti, Paola (ETH Zürich 202008 Assoc Professor in Molecular Systems Biology + Group Leader) Assistant Professor / Associate Professor ETH Zürich (ETHZ) Switzerland
Pieber, Thomas (CBmed 202402 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) CBmed GmbH Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine Austria
Piëch, Valentin (BioMedPartners 202205 Partner) Partner (venture partner) BioMedPartners (Group) Switzerland
Piecuch, Miriam (Public Performance 202002) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Public Performance – Miriam Piecuch, Kommunikationsberatung & PR Germany
Pieken, Wolfgang (Inveni Capital 200805 Inveni Capital GmbH Munich before MWG Biotech CEO) Partner (venture partner) Inveni Capital (Group) Germany
Piening, Barthold (Qiagen 201812– SVP Head of Global Operations before Stada + Altana Pharma + Nycomed + Takeda) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Qiagen (Group) Netherlands
Piepenbrock, Christian (Epigenomics 200410–200804 COO left 4/08) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Epigenomics (Group) Germany
Piepenstock (Weiss), Oliver (Noah Labs 202409 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Noah Labs GmbH (until 7/24 UG) Germany
Pieper, Dietmar (GBF 200503) n. a. Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
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