Berschauer, Friedrich (Bayer CropScience 200510 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Bayer (Group) |
Germany |
Bertarelli, Ernesto (Serono 200412 CEO + major owner) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Merck (DE) (Group) |
Switzerland |
Bertermann, Rüdiger (Univ Würzburg 201006 Dept of Inorganic Chemistry) |
Researcher (university / research institute) |
University of Würzburg |
Germany |
Berth, Matthias (Decodon GmbH 201303 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Decodon GmbH |
Germany |
Berthel, Holger (Meridian Bioscience 201110 Sales Manager Germany at Bioline GmbH) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Meridian Bioscience (Group) |
Germany |
Berthiaume, Douglas (Doug) (Waters 201509– Board Chairman before CEO) |
Board member, non-executive |
Waters (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Berthold, Anselm (Berthold Detection Systems 200807 Managing Director + Owner) |
Managing Director |
Berthold Detection Systems (Group) |
Germany |
Berthold, Michael R. (200609 Univ Konstanz Professor) |
Professor |
University of Constance (Universität Konstanz) |
Germany |
Berthold, Thomas (Lifescience Business Consulting 201101– before JnJ) |
Consultant (economic/technology) |
Lifescience Business Consulting – Dr. Thomas Berthold |
Germany |
Berthoux, Christophe (CiToxLab 201808– CEO Europe before Synexus 2010–2017 + Charles River 1990–2006) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Synexus (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Bertling, Wolf M. (November AG –200609 CEO change to Board of Directors) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
November (Group) |
Germany |
Bertozzi, Carlo (InCephalo 202407 CEO + Co-Founder formerly G7 Therapeutics 201508 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
InCephalo AG |
Switzerland |
Bertram, Heinz-Jürgen (Symrise 201304 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Symrise (Group) |
Germany |
Bertram, Joachim (IBA GmbH 201412 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Cube Biotech (Group) |
Germany |
Bertrand, Claude (Servier 202310 VP of RnD + CSO before Ipsen + AstraZeneca + Pfizer + Roche + Ciba-Geigy) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Servier (Group) |
France |
Bertschi, Mattia (Aktiia 201805– CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Aktiia S.A. |
Switzerland |
Bertschinger, Julian (Covagen 200701– CEO + co-founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Johnson & Johnson (JnJ) (Group) |
Switzerland |
Besner, Hubert (WilmerHale Munich 200605) |
n. a. |
WilmerHale (Group) |
Germany |
Besse, Zina Affas (AXA 202204– Partner + Deputy Head Healthcare Private Equity at AXA IM Atls formerly GHIA) |
Partner (venture partner) |
Axa (Group) |
France |
Besser, Daniel (German Stem Cell Network 202205 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
German Stem Cell Network (GSCN, Deutsches Stammzellnetzwerk) |
Germany |
Bethell, Ross (Centogene 201902 Director Corporate Communications) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Centogene (Group) |
Germany |
Bettecken, Beate (GoodVent 201109 Investment Manager) |
Investment Manager |
GoodVent Beteiligungsmanagement GmbH & Co KG |
Germany |
Bettray, Wolfgang (RWTH Aachen 200910 Institute for Organic Chemistry Head Mass Spec) |
Head Mass Spectrometry / NMR Laboratory (university / research institute) |
RWTH Aachen (Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen) |
Germany |
Betts, Katja (R-Biopharm 201904– Managing Director Commercial at Progen Biotechnik GmbH joined 2016) |
Managing Director |
R-Biopharm (Group) |
Germany |
Betz, Ulrich (Merck (DE) 201507 Head Innvoation + Entrepreneurship Incubator at Merck Serono) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Merck (DE) (Group) |
Germany |
Betzing, Jürgen (IDT Biologika 202307 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Klocke (Group) |
Germany |
Beule, Dieter (Microdiscovery 200501 Managing Director CTO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) |
MicroDiscovery GmbH |
Germany |
Beutler, Martin (Bionsys GmbH 201006 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Bionsys GmbH |
Germany |
Bevan, Paul (Wilex AG 200612 Head of RnD) |
Research & Development Manager |
Heidelberg Pharma (Group) |
Germany |
Beverina, Alessio (Panakés Partners 202107 Managing Partner + Co-Founder) |
Managing Partner (investment firm) |
Panakès Partners (Group) |
Italy |
Beyenburg, Rudolf (GE Healthcare Europe 200901) |
n. a. |
General Electric (Group) |
Germany |
Beyer, Carsten (s.Pro GmbH 201204 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
s.Pro – sustainable projects GmbH |
Germany |
Beyer, Ingrid (Hadean Ventures 202110 Head of IR + Business Development) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Hadean Ventures AS |
Norway |
Beyer, Stefan (PHW Group 201102 Managing Director of Vibalogics GmbH) |
Managing Director |
Recipharm (Group) |
Germany |
Beyreuther, Konrad (Univ Heidelberg ZMBH 1987–) |
n. a. |
University of Heidelberg (Ruperto Carola) |
Germany |
Bhaman, Maina (Sofinnova Partners 201810 before Imperial Innovations 201411 Director of Healthcare Ventures) |
Investment Manager |
Sofinnova (Group) |
France |
Bhardwaj, Gunjan (Innoplexus 201107– CEO + Founder before Boston Consulting Group) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Partex (Group) |
Germany |
Bhatia, Dhiren (Viewics 201711 President + Founder) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Roche (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Bhonsle-Deeng, Latika (Rentschler 202308 Senior Director Corporate Coummunication) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Rentschler (Group) |
Germany |
Biallas, Christoph (AllyWell 202412 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
AllyWell GmbH (AllyTime) |
Germany |
Bialojan, Siegfried (Ernst & Young) |
Consultant (economic/technology) |
Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (Group) |
Germany |
Bicker, Uwe (Univ Heidelberg 1983 Professor at Medical Facility + Board Member) |
Professor |
University of Heidelberg (Ruperto Carola) |
Germany |
Bickert, Stefan (Sensovation 201110 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Miltenyi Biotec (Group) |
Germany |
Biebl, Maximilian (Praimera Biotech 202411 CEO + CSO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Praimera Biotech AG |
Germany |
Biechl, Susanne (Maisberger 201403 Account Executive) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Maisberger Gesellschaft für strategische Unternehmenskommunikation mbH |
Germany |
Biedermann, Wolfgang (BIF Partners 202409 Managing Director of B.I.F. GmbH) |
Managing Director |
BIF Partners (B.I.F. GmbH) |
Germany |
Biegi, Thomas (MorphoSys 202012–202409 Head of Corporate Communications before Pfizer + Daimler LEFT 9/24) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Novartis (Group) |
Germany |
Bier, Frank F. (Fraunhofer IBMT 200503) |
n. a. |
Fraunhofer (Group) |
Germany |
Bieri, Christoph (Covalys 200502 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Covalys Biosciences AG |
Switzerland |
Biermann, Ferdinand (Fraunhofer IPT 202103 Head of Business Unit Life Sciences Engineering) |
President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit |
Fraunhofer (Group) |
Germany |
Bigalke, Hans (Toxogen GmbH 201103 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Toxogen GmbH |
Germany |
Bigois, Mathieu (Ponthieu Partners 201702 Founder + European Venture Partner of ABG) |
Partner (venture partner) |
Ponthieu Partners (FR) |
Switzerland |
Bihlmann, Heike (Swiss Biotech 201105) |
n. a. |
Swiss Biotech Association (SBA) |
Switzerland |
Bijyohira, Arihiko (Chiome BIoscience 201710 Executive Director + CFO) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Chiome Bioscience (Group) |
Japan |
Bilenker, Josh (Loxo Oncology 201811 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Eli Lilly (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Bilitewski, U. (Helmholtz 201004 Professor Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research) |
n. a. |
Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) |
Germany |
Bille, Joachim (Secarna + Genova + Sterna Biologicals 201604 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Sterna Biologicals (Genova) (Group) |
Germany |
Biller, Scott (GV 202204 Executive Venture Partner formerly Agios Pharmaceuticals + Novartis + BMS) |
Board member, non-executive |
Alphabet (formerly Google) (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Billert, Thomas (Jena Bioscience 2002 Managing Director (COO) joined in 1999) |
Managing Director |
Jena Bioscience GmbH |
Germany |
Billy, Jacques (Atopia Therapeutics 202405 Board Director) |
Board member |
Atopia Therapeutics SA |
Switzerland |
Binaschi, Monica (Menarini 201707) |
n. a. |
Menarini (Group) |
Italy |
Binder, Josef |
n. a. |
University of Bremen |
Germany |
Binder, Klaus (Coral BioNet 201107 COO of Scil Technology GmbH) |
Chief Operating Officer (COO) |
Coral BioNet (Group) |
Germany |
Binder, Veronika (Technoclone 201201 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Technoclone (Group) |
Austria |
Bindseil, Kai-Uwe (BioTop 200503) |
Cluster Manager |
Berlin (govt region) |
Germany |
Bindseil, Missy (JSR Corporation 201706 Media Contact at JSR Life Sciences) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
JSR Corporation (Group) |
Japan |
Bingler, Dirk (GUS Group 201706 Managing Director of GUS Deutschland GmbH) |
Managing Director |
GUS Group (Group) |
Germany |
Biniszkiewicz, Detlev (NextPoint Therapeutics 202301 CEO formerly AstraZeneca 201308) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
NextPoint Therapeutics (US) |
United States (USA) |
Binnema, Doede (Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands 201109 Program Manager Food & Nutrition) |
Cluster Manager |
Healthy Ageing Network Northern Netherlands (HANNN) |
Netherlands |
Binnig, Gerd (Definiens 201210 CTO + Co-founder + Nobel Laureate) |
Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) |
AstraZeneca (Group) |
Germany |
Binschek-Domaß, Torsten (Berlin (govt) 201503 Head Clinical + Forensic Toxicology Dept at Labor Berlin) |
President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit |
Berlin (govt region) |
Germany |
Binur, Anat (Ukko 202101 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Ukko Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Binz, Thomas (MHH 201504 Researcher at Institute for Physiological Chemistry) |
Researcher (university / research institute) |
MHH (Hanover Medical School / Medizinische Hochschule Hannover) |
Germany |
Biondi, Paul (Flagship Pioneering 201912– Executive Partner before BMS 2002–2019 most recently SVP Strategy + BusDev) |
Partner (venture partner) |
Flagship Pioneering |
United States (USA) |
Birkenholz, Amanda (UVC Partners 202402 Principal) |
Principal (venture capital) |
UVC Partners (DE) |
Germany |
Birner, Hubert (TVM 200502–200809–) |
General Partner (venture partner) |
TVM (Group) |
Germany |
Birnstiel, Constantin (Merck (DE) 201705– Head of Group Communications before Uniper + Osram + Siemens) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Merck (DE) (Group) |
Germany |
Birr, Christian (Orpegen GmbH 200808 Founder + Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Orpegen Pharma Gesellschaft für biotechnologische Forschung, Entwicklung & Produktion m.b.H. |
Germany |
Birrenbach, Iris (bp independent research 200504) |
n. a. |
bp independent research GmbH |
Germany |
Birsner, Ulrich (GeneScan Europe 200007 CEO) |
Managing Director |
Ava Lifescience GmbH |
Germany |
Bischof, Matthias (Austria (govt) 201107 Head of Communications at aws) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Austria (govt) |
Austria |
Bischofberger, Norbert (Kronos Bio 202010 CEO before Gilead Sciences 200903 EVP R&D CSO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Kronos Bio Inc. (Nasdaq: KRON) |
United States (USA) |
Bischoff, Klaus (Merck (D) 200802 Head Performance & Life Science Chemicals division) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Merck (DE) (Group) |
Germany |
Bischoff, Ralf (Pepperprint GmbH 201305 CSO) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Pepperprint GmbH |
Germany |
Biselli, Scarlett (Eurofins 201306 Eurofins WEJ Contaminants GmbH) |
n. a. |
Eurofins (Group) |
Germany |
Bishop, Hans E. (Juno Therapeutics 201601 CEO + Co-Founder before Dendreon + Bayer + GW + SKB) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Bishop, John L. (Cepheid 200507 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Danaher (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Biskup, Dirk (CeGAT GmbH 200907– Managing Director + founder) |
Managing Director |
CeGaT (Group) |
Germany |
Biskup, Peer (BayPAT 200807– Managing Director before Innowi GmbH) |
Managing Director |
Universität Bayern e. V. (Uni Bayern e. V.) |
Germany |
Biskup, Saskia (CeGAT GmbH 200907– Managing Director + founder) |
Managing Director |
CeGaT (Group) |
Germany |
Bissett, Jack (ICR 202404 at ICR Consilium) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
ICR (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Bissinger, Matthias (Business Angel 202203) |
n. a. |
Bissinger, Michael (Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken 201012 DZ Bank Analyst Healthcare) |
Analyst (Financial / Industry) |
Volks- und Raiffeisenbanken (DE) (Group) |
Germany |
Bitter-Suermann, Dieter (Medizinische Hochschule Hannover 200610 President) |
n. a. |
MHH (Hanover Medical School / Medizinische Hochschule Hannover) |
Germany |
Bitterfield, Deborah (Lindy Biosciences 202408 CEO + Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Lindy Biosciences Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Bitting, Angela (Twist Bioscience 202002 Media Contact) |
n. a. |
Twist Bioscience (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Bittner, Martin-Immanuel (Trinitiy College Oxford + Arctoris Ltd 201901) |
n. a. |
University of Oxford |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Bitzer, Michael (Univ Tübingen 201009 Professor Univ Hospital Tübingen) |
Professor |
University of Tübingen (Eberhard-Karls-Universität) |
Germany |
Bizzari, Jean-Pierre (Nordic Nanovector 201605– Board Memeber before Celgene + Sanofi-Aventis) |
Board member |
Nordic Nanovector (Group) |
Norway |
Bjerke, Torbjørn (Karolinska Institutet 201306 CEO of Karolinska Development before Orexo CEO before Biolipox CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Karolinska Development AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: KDEV) |
Sweden |