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Marengere, Luc (TVM 201308 Managing Partner) Managing Partner TVM (Group) Germany
Marescaux, Jacques (IRCAD Strasbourg 202409 President + Founder) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division IRCAD Strasbourg (Institute for Research against Cancer of the Digestive System) France
Marett, Sean (BioNTech 202012–202406 CBO + CCO 201506 COO before Evotec RETIRED 6/24 continuing as advisor) Chief Operating Officer (COO) BioNTech (Group) Germany
Margeson, Kristen (Atlas Venture 201601 Director IR + Marketing) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Atlas Venture (Group) United States (USA)
Margraf, Iris (Coral BioNet 201102 Director Business Development at Scil Technology GmbH) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Coral BioNet (Group) Germany
Marguerre, Wolfgang (Octapharma 201209 Chairman + Founder) Board member Octapharma (Group) Switzerland
Mariën, Rudi (Innogenetics 2007 Chairman + major owner) Venture Partner Biovest N.V. (Belgium, Rudi Mariën) Belgium
Mariggi, Giovanni (Medicxi 202208 Partner) Partner (venture partner) Medicxi Ventures (formerly Index Ventures Life Sciences) United Kingdom (GB)
Marini, Davide (Firefly BioWorks 201310 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Firefly BioWorks Inc. United States (USA)
Marini, Luca (Xyence Capital 202205 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Xyence Capital SGR Italy
Marino, Daniela (Cutiss 202006 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Cutiss AG Switzerland
Marinucci, Francesco (Partec 201212 Director of Partec Essential Healthcare division) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Sysmex (Group) Germany
Mark, Antje (JeNaCell GmbH 201507 Marketing Manager) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager JeNaCell GmbH Germany
Mark, Daniel L. (SpinDiag GmbH 201707 Managing Director) Managing Director Spindiag GmbH Germany
Markfort, Rainer (Dentons 201501– Partner before Mayer Brown Düsseldorf + White & Case Berlin) Attorney / Lawyer Dentons (Group) Switzerland
Markó, Kornél G. (Averbis GmbH 2007– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Acus Laboratories GmbH Germany
Markovic, Sandra (LeadXPro 201804 Discovery Project Leader) Research & Development Manager LeadXPro AG Switzerland
Marks, Daniel (RA Capital 202204 Principal) Principal (venture capital) RA Capital Management L.P. United States (USA)
Marks, Eric (BRAIN 201511–201610 COO before AB Enzymes 2006–2015 RESIGNED 10/16) Chief Operating Officer (COO) BRAIN Biotech (Group) Germany
Marks, Ian (Salesforce 202108 VP Life Sciences before GSK + Novartis) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Inc. (NYSE: CRM) United States (USA)
Marlière, Philippe (Global Bioenergies 201702 Partner + Co-Founder) Company Founder Global Bioenergies (Group) France
Marotta, Marco (Relief Therapeutics 202111– promoted to CBO joined with acquisition of APR Applied Pharma Research) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Relief Therapeutics (Group) Switzerland
Marquart, Maximilian (Max) (Planet A Foods 202402 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Planet A Foods GmbH (ChoVIva) Germany
Marquart, Sara F. (Planet A Foods 202402 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Planet A Foods GmbH (ChoVIva) Germany
Marriott, Peter (SGS 201012 Global Technical & Accreditation Manager) Technical Manager SGS (Group) Switzerland
Marron, Damian (Agalimmune 201603 CEO before TxCell + Cytheris + Trophos + NiCox + 3M + Orphan Europe) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) BioLineRx (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Marsat, Jean-Luc (EverImmune 202111 CEO formerly SGS 201611 Managing Director at SGS Clinical Research) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) EverImmune (FR) France
Marschner, Jens-Peter (Zelluna 201906– CMO before AbbVie + Affimed + Merck KGaA + Bayer + Boehringer Mannheim) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Affimed (Group) Germany
Marseille, Oliver (Hemovent GmbH 201602 Managing Director (CTO) + Co-Founder) Managing Director Hemovent GmbH Germany
Marshak, Daniel R. (PerkinElmer 200807 CSO President China) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) PerkinElmer (Group) United States (USA)
Marshak, Daniel R. (Tecan 201710– Board proposed before PerkinElmer + Cambrex) Board member, non-executive Tecan (Group) Switzerland
Marshall, Alan G. (Florida State Univ 201003 Professor + National High Magnetic Field Labaoratory Director ICR Program) Professor Florida State University (FSU) United States (USA)
Marshall, Fiona H. (Novartis 202211– President of NIBR before Merck + Heptares + Millennium Pharma + GSK) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Novartis (Group) Switzerland
Marston, Hugh (Boehringer 202403 Global Head CNS Discovery Research) Research & Development Manager Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Martello, Wan Ling (Nestlé 201402 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Nestlé (Group) Switzerland
Martens, Hubert (Salvia BioElectronics 202009 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Salvia BioElectronics B.V. Netherlands
Martens, Lejon (A & M Labor für Analytik 201009 Head Mass Spec Lab) Head Mass Spectrometry / NMR Laboratory (industry) A&M Labor für Analytik (Group) Germany
Martens, Tom (UgenTec NV 201712 Managing Director) Managing Director UgenTec N.V. Belgium
Martí, Laura (Reig Jofré 202312– CFO before Audax Renovables + General Electric) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Reig Jofré (Group) Spain (España)
Martin, Alex (Affectis 201003–CEO before CFO before Intercept before BioXell 200606 CFO before Novartis) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Affectis Pharmaceuticals AG Germany
Martin, Chris (Auven Therapeutics 201506 CEO of ADC Therapeutics before CEO of Spirogen Ltd) Managing Director ADC Therapeutics (Group) Switzerland
Martin, Fred (Subject Well 202409 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Subject Well (SubjectWell) (Group) United States (USA)
Martin, Gilles G. (Eurofins 200701 CEO + founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Eurofins (Group) France
Martin, Jacques-François (Parteurop Pharma 201602 President + Founder before Mymetics + Chiron Vaccines) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Parteurop Pharma (FR) France
Martin, Javier (Genycell Biotech 201107 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Genycell Biotech España S.L. Spain (España)
Martin, Keith (Apitope 201810 Non-Executive Director before 2006–201810 CEO RETIRED 10/18) Board member, non-executive Apitope (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Martin, Kelly (Malin Corp 201508– CEO before Elan CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Élan (Group) Ireland, Republic of
Martin, Klaus (Topas Therapeutics 202008– CEO before Apobiologix + Polpharma Biologics + Sandoz Biopharmaceuticals) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Topas Therapeutics GmbH Germany
Martin, Kurt (Hepacult 201104 Managing Director) Managing Director Hepacult GmbH Germany
Martin, Roland (Univ Zürich 201104– Professor + Head Dept Neuroimmunology at Univ Hospital Zürich before inims Hamburg) Professor University of Zurich (UZH) Switzerland
Martin-Garcia, Jesús (Eclosion 201207 General Partner + Founder + GeNeuro 201512 CEO) General Partner (venture partner) Eclosion S.A. Switzerland
Martínez, Héctor (Cellink 201908202403 CTO + Co-Founder LEFT 3/24) Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) Bico (Group) Sweden
Martinez, Ignacio (Flagship Pioneering 201303– General Partner formerly Syngenta Ventures) Investment Manager Flagship Pioneering United States (USA)
Martinez-Davis, Maya (GSK 202001– President of GSK US Pharma joined 9/19 before Merck (DE) + Pfizer) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division GSK (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Martins, Fabien (MFPL 201107 Managing Director) Managing Director Max F. Perutz Laboratories GmbH (MFPL) Austria
Martis, Remberto (LenioBio 202203 Managing Director (CEO) + Founder) Managing Director LenioBio GmbH Germany
Martorana, Domenica (Qiagen 202409 Associate Director Global Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Qiagen (Group) Germany
Martyr, David (Tecan 201202–201903 announced CEO for 10/12 before Leica Microsystems RETIRED 4/19) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tecan (Group) Switzerland
Maruyama, Hisashi (Hitachi 201901 CEO of Hitachi Chemical Co. Ltd.) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Resonac (Group) Japan
Marx, Thomas (RheinCell Therapeutics 202106 Chief Commercial Officer joined 2019) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Catalent (Group) Germany
Marx, Uwe (TissUse GmbH 201002– Managing Director + TU Berlin 201004– before ProBioGen –200411 CSO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) TissUse GmbH
Maschek, Uwe (MagForce 200705–200912 CEO resigned 12/09 before Cephalon GmbH 1997–2007 Managing Director) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MagForce (Group) Germany
Mascher, Hermann (pharm-analyt 201202 CEO + founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) pharm-analyt Labor GmbH Austria
Maskos, Michael (Institut für Mikrotechnik Mainz GmbH 201109– Managing Director) Managing Director Fraunhofer (Group) Germany
Mason, Christopher E. (Cornell Univ 201606 Assoc Prof Institute for Computational Biomedicine at Weill Cornell Medicine) Professor Cornell University United States (USA)
Mason, Mike (Eli Lilly 202001– President of Lilly Diabets before SVP Lilly Connected Care + Insulins) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Eli Lilly (Group) United States (USA)
Mason, Richard (Apollo Therapeutics 202401 CEO formerly JnJ Innovation Centre London +XO1 + BTG + 4-Antibody) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Apollo Therapeutics (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Mason, William T. (Bill) (The Sage Group 201503 Head of Sage Europe) Consultant (economic/technology) Sage Group (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Massari, Nate (Anjarium Biosciences 202207– CBO before Aytu BioPharma + Rumpus Therapeutics + JnJ + Endo Pharma) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Anjarium Biosciences AG Switzerland
Massera, Patricio (Asahi Glass 202108 CEO of AGC Biologics) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Asahi Glass (AGC) (Group) United States (USA)
Massey, Ian (Synosis 200701– CEO before Roche Bioscience) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Acorda Therapeutics (Group) United States (USA)
Massner, Christoph (Earlybird 202004 Early-stage VC Investor in Healthcare) Investment Manager Earlybird (Group) Germany
Massouras, Andreas (Saphetor SA 201604 CEO + Founder before Citigroup + Credit Suisse + Salomon Brothers) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Saphetor S.A. (VarSome) Switzerland
Massuyeau, Laurent (Addex 200804–200909 Head Business Developm before Idenix RESIGNED 9/09 at Addex) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Addex (Group) Switzerland
Matchett, Geraldine (DSM 2022205 Co-CEO 201508 CFO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) DSM (Group) Netherlands
Máté, Veronika (Trophic Communications 202305) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Trophic Communications GmbH Germany
Matentzoglu, Konstantin (Celonic 201711 CEO before Trenzyme GmbH 201202 Managing Director) Managing Director Celonic (Group) Switzerland
Mateus, Manel (Optimum Strategic Communications 201902) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Optimum Strategic Communications United Kingdom (GB)
Matheis, Georg (Stimit AG 202104 Board Director) Board member, non-executive Dräger (Group) Switzerland
Mather, Simon (WestLB 200809 Analyst) Analyst (Financial / Industry) Portigon (Group) Germany
Mathers, Edward T. (Ed) (New Enterprise Associates 200808– before MedImmune) Partner (venture partner) New Enterprise Associates (NEA) United States (USA)
Mathew, Prasad (Bayer 201207 VP Global Medical Affairs Hematology at Bayer HealthCare) n. a. Bayer (Group) Germany
Mathias, Frank (Oxford Biomedica 202203– CEO before Rentschler + Medigene + Amgen GmbH + Servier DE + Hoechst) Managing Director Oxford Biomedica (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Mathis, Luc (Meiogenix 202112 CEO before Global Bioenergies + Calyxt + Cellectis Plant Sciences) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Meiogenix SAS France
Mathisen, Svein (BioInvent 200510 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) BioInvent International AB (Nasdaq Stockholm: BINV) Sweden
Mathur, Supriya (Optimum Strategic Communications 201905 before Hume Brophy) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Optimum Strategic Communications United Kingdom (GB)
Matillon, Valentin (Sophia Genetics 201801– CFO before Hobart Group + SITA + Electronic Arts + Hewlett-Packard Europe) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Sophia Genetics (Group) Switzerland
Matis, Louis A. (Pieris 201508– Chief Development Officer before Alexion + CGI Pharmaceuticals) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Palvella Therapeutics (Group) United States (USA)
Matlow, Stuart (Stu) (Thermo Fisher 201206 Public Relations Manager Chromatography + Mass Spectrometry before Agilent) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Thermo Fisher (Group) United States (USA)
Matsumoto, Hiroshi (RIKEN 201910 President) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division RIKEN Research Cluster for Innovation (JP) Japan
Matsumoto, Yuiko (Takara Shuzo 202308 Product Manager at Takara Bio USA) Product Manager (personnel) Takara Shuzo (Group) United States (USA)
Mattacchione, Anthony L. (Tony) (Albany Molecular 201804– before Bruker Corp CFO + EMD Millipore) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Curia (Group) United States (USA)
Mattaj, Iain (EMBL 200811 Director General) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) Germany
Matter, Alex (Singapore (govt) 201310 CEO ETC of A*STAR before Novartis Global Head Oncology Research) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Singapore (govt) Singapore
Mattessich, Antony (Purdue Pharma 201612 Managing Director of Mundipharma International Ltd) Managing Director Purdue Pharma (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Matthes, Thomas (Sloning 200705– CBO before Sigma-Aldrich SAFC Biosciences before CellSystems Biotechnologie GmbH) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Novartis (Group) Germany
Matthews, Keith, Chief (ICIF 202203 Chairman) Board member Indigenous Critical Infrastructure Fund Canada (ICIF) Canada
Matthews, Werner n. a. Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (DE) [FICTIVE UNIT, NOT OFFICIAL GROUP!] (Group) Germany
Matthyssens, Gaston (Vesalius Biocapital 201006 Investment Manager) Managing Partner (investment firm) Vesalius Biocapital (Group) Luxembourg
Mattil, Evi (Cryo-Save 201302– Chief Commercial Officer before Amoena + IMS Health (DE) + Chiron Vaccines) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Cryo-Save AG (CH) Switzerland
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