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Lavin, Mary (Sartorius 202109 President of Sartorius North America) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Sartorius (Group) Germany
Lavino, Francesco Maria (F2G 202104– CEO before Nabriva Therapeutics + Merck (US) + Cubist Pharmaceuticals) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) F2G (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
LaVoie, Donna L. (LaVoieHealthScience 201812 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) LaVoieHealthScience (LHS) United States (USA)
Law, Richard (Exscientia 202101– EVP Strategic Alliances before Evotec + UCSD + LLNL) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Recursion Pharmaceuticals (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Lawlor, Bridie (FTI Consulting 202004) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager FTI Consulting (Group) United States (USA)
Lawrence, David (Valneva 201708– CFO before Acambis + Chiron Vaccines + GSK) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Valneva (Group) France
Lawson, Jennifer (Sartorius 201901 Product Manager for Testing at Sartorius Stedim BioOutsource) Product Manager (personnel) Sartorius (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Lawton, Vincent (Merck (US) former Managing Director of Merck Sharp & Dohme UK + VP MSD Europe) Managing Director Merck (US) (MSD) (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Laxhuber, Ludwig A. n. a. Infineon (Group) Germany
Layton, David (Partners Group 2024 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Partners Group (Group) Switzerland
Lazar, David E. (OpGen 202403– CEO + Private Investor) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) OpGen (Group) United States (USA)
Lazarus, Tadd S. (Qiagen 201301– CMO based in US before at Gen-Probe CMO) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Qiagen (Group) United States (USA)
Le Brun, Stéphane(Innopsys 201303 CEO + Financial Director) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Innopsys (Group) France
Le Meunier, Ludovic (Alcen 202402 CEO of Theryq) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alcen (Group) France
Leanderson, Tomas (Active Biotech 2008–201706 CEO joined 1999 LEFT 7/17) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Active Biotech (Group) Sweden
Lebeaut, Alexandre (Ipsen 201811 EVP RnD + CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Ipsen (Group) France
Leber, Alexander (iAtros GmbH 202003 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director iAtros GmbH Germany
Leder, Ethan D. (Precision for Medicine 2012– Executive Chairman + Co-Founder before United BioSource 200312 founder) Company Founder Precision Medicine Group (Group) United States (USA)
Leder, Günther (Culavis 2007 Managing Director) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Culavis GmbH Germany
Ledig, Matthias n. a. Capgemini (Group) Germany
Lee, Bill (Gilead Sciences 201806 EVP Research) Research & Development Manager Gilead Sciences (Group) United States (USA)
Lee, Carol (Affect Inc 201412) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Affect Inc. United States (USA)
Lee, Chan (BeiGene 202207– General Counsel before Sanofi + Pfizer) General Counsel / Chief Legal Officer (CLO) BeOne Medicines (Group) (formerly BeiGene) China
Lee, Denise (Metronomia Clinical Research GmbH 202007– Managing Director before Allergy Therapeutics) Managing Director Metronomia Clinical Research GmbH Germany
Lee, Jung Hee (Yuhan 201907 CEO of Yuhan Corp) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Yuhan Corporation (Yu Han) (000100:KS) Korea, Republic of
Lee, Kwang-Hyung (KAIST 202405 President) President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit KAIST (Korea Advance Institute of Science and Technology) Korea, Republic of
Lee, Michael (Syngenta 201809 Director at Syngenta Ventures) Investment Manager Syngenta (Group)
Lee, Mike (Redmile Group 201801 Portfolio Manager + Co-Founder) Investment Manager Redmile Group LLC United States (USA)
Lee, Milton (Ballista Inc 201007 Managing Director) Managing Director Stratec (Group) United States (USA)
Lee, Rosy (Thermo Fisher 201510 VP + General Manager of Human Identification) General Manager (management) Thermo Fisher (Group) United States (USA)
Lee, Seong-Wook (Rznomics 202010 CEO + Founder + Prof at Donkook Univ) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Rznomics Inc. (KR) Korea, Republic of
Lee, Sung (MorphoSys 202102–202303 CFO before Sangamo + Gilead Sciences LEFT 3/23) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Novartis (Group) Germany
Lee, Young-Ae (Charité 201402– Professor for molecular pediatric allergology) Professor Humboldt University Berlin Germany
Lee-Chin, Michael (Portland Holdings 202106 Chairman + Founder) Board member, executive Portland Holdings
Leemhuis, Michel (Kadans Science Partner 202011 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Axa (Group) Netherlands
Leenders, Frank (Celares GmbH 201507 Managing Director of Operations + Co-Founder) Managing Director Biosynth (since 9/22) (Group) Germany
Lees, Andrew (Fina Biosolutions 202410 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Fina Biosolutions LLC (FinaBio) United States (USA)
Leewe, Jörn (Novumed 2003–201004– Managing Director + Founder before Boston Consulting Munich) Managing Director Novumed / Effimed (Group) Germany
Legg, Ben (Centogene 202004 Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Centogene (Group) Germany
Leggewie, Christian (Evocatal 201306 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Advanced Enzyme Technologies (Advanced Enzymes) (Group) Germany
Legorreta, Pablo (Royalty Pharma 202006 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Royalty Pharma (Group) United States (USA)
Legrain, Pierre (HUPO 201109 Vice President HUPO) HUPO (Human Proteome Organisation) HUPO (Human Proteome Organisation) Canada
Lehmann, Caroline (LBBW 202407 Investment Manager at LBBW Venture Capital GmbH) Investment Manager LBBW (Group) Germany
Lehmann, Heike (Insilico Biotechnology 201206 Public Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Yokogawa (Group) Germany
Lehmann, Holger (Merck (US) 201502 Head Drug Discovery at MSD Animal Health) Research & Development Manager Merck (US) (MSD) (Group)
Lehmann, Jonas (Venneos 2014– Co-Founder) Company Founder Venneos GmbH Germany
Lehmann, Klaus (High-Tech Gründerfonds 201501) n. a. High-Tech Gründerfonds (HTGF) (Group) Germany
Lehmann, Marc (SmartDyeLivery GmbH 20602 Managing Director) Managing Director SmartDyeLivery GmbH Germany
Lehmann, Martin (Metabolomic Discoveries 201102 Senior Scientist) Researcher (industry) Metabolon (Group) Germany
Lehmann, Rainer (Novonesis 202401 CFO before Sartorius 201703–202310 CFO before SVP Business Processes Unit ) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Novonesis (Group) Denmark
Lehmann, Thomas n. a. Brandenburg (govt region) Germany
Lehmann, Wolf Dieter (Helmholtz 201007 Professor DKFZ GPCF Mass Spectrometry Group) Professor Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
Lehn, Jean-Marie (Therascope founder) Company Founder Amgen (Group) Germany
Lehner, Oliver (AstraZeneca 201809 VP Business Development + Partnering at Definiens AG) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager AstraZeneca (Group) Germany
Lehrach, Hans (Max Planck Professor MPI for Molecular Genetics) Professor Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Germany
Lehrke, Ingo (Algiax Pharmaceuticals 2019– CEO + Tubulis 202007 CBO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Algiax Pharmaceuticals GmbH Germany
Lehtonen, Tommi (Hedera Dx 202209 CEO + +Co-Founder before Blueprint Genetics 201707 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Hedera Dx S.A. Switzerland
Lehuu, Bertrand (BioXell 200703– CBO before 25y pharma industry incl Global Licensing Director at Roche in Basel) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Cosmo Pharmaceuticals (Group) Italy
Leibfritz, Dieter (Univ Bremen 200906 Prof Dept Biology/Chemistry Chair for Instrumental Analytics) Professor University of Bremen Germany
Leibinger, Peter (Germany (govt) 202211 Chair of Supervisory Board at Sprind GmbH) Supervisory Board Member Germany (govt) Germany
Leibinger, Wolfgang (Qiagen –200702– Global Business Director Automated Systems) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Qiagen (Group) Germany
Leiden, Jeffrey M. (Vertex 20212– CEO before Clarus Ventures + Abbott) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abbott (Group) United States (USA)
Leidenberger, Freimut n. a. BioAgency AG Germany
Leigh, Darin (Mainz Biomed 202204– CCO before CDR Health + Metabolon + Asuragen + Luminex + Abbott) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Mainz Biomed N.V. (Nasdaq: MYNZ) Germany
Leikert, Christian (Carma Fund 202206– General Partner before Creathor Ventures + Future Capital) Partner (venture partner) Carma Fund (Group) Germany
Leimer, Axel (AMSilk 201103 Managing Director) Managing Director AMSilk GmbH Germany
Leimer, Axel (Leimer Industry Consulting 200603) n. a. Hessen (Hesse) (govt region) Germany
Leiminger, Roland (Biocrates 20130923 Sr Medical Advisor Diagnostics) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Biocrates (Group) Austria
Lein, Jens (KWS Saat 201412) n. a. KWS Saat (Group) Germany
Leino, Lasse (DelSiTech 201609 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) DelSiTech Ltd. (FI) Finland
Leisner, Christian (CDR-Life 202204 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) CDR-Life AG Switzerland
Leiss, Florian (Ultivue 202211 VP Product Strategy + Corp Development formerly Definiens) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Ultivue Inc. Germany
Leistner, Hermann (Stratec Biomedical Systems –201103 CEO + Founder retired 3/11) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Stratec (Group) Germany
Leitner, Michael (Public Health PR 201009 Managing Director) Managing Director Public Health PR-Projektgesellschaft mbH Austria
Leitzke, Achim (Macherey-Nagel 201902 General Manager Sales + Marketing) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Macherey-Nagel GmbH & Co KG Germany
Lelieveld, Paul (Stichting Participatie Atriva 201702 Director + Meneldor 201806 Co-Founder) Investment Manager Stichting Participatie Atriva (Foundation Participation Atriva) Netherlands
Lelouche, Erick (Boehringer 201804 President of Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health France) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) France
Lemaître, Marc (Solvay 201108 Executive Board Director) Board member, executive Solvay (Group) Germany
Lemarie, Cedric (Agilent 200809) n. a. Agilent (Group) Germany
Lemere, Cynthia (Brigham & Women’s Hospital + Harvard Medical School 201011 Assoc Prof) Professor Partners HealthCare System (Group) United States (USA)
Lemke, Andreas (Mediaire 202012 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mediaire GmbH Germany
Lemmen, Christian (BioSolveIT GmbH 201110 Managing Director) Managing Director BioSolveIT GmbH Germany
Lemmens, Katrien (SGS 201611– Medical Director Early Phase Clinical Trials at SGS Clinical Research) Managing Director SGS (Group) Belgium
Lemus, Dave (Proteros 201712– COO + CFO before Medigene + Sigma-Tau Pharmaceuticals + MorphoSys) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Proteros (Group) Germany
Lenarz, Thomas (MHH 201009 Professor + Clinical Director) Professor MHH (Hanover Medical School / Medizinische Hochschule Hannover) Germany
Lendi, Pietro (Bruker 201104 VP RnD Bruker BioSpin CH) Research & Development Manager Bruker (Group) Switzerland
Lengauer, Christoph (Third Rock Ventures 201807 Venture Partner + Germany (govt) 201601 CEO of GALS) business program (governmental) Third Rock Ventures LLC United States (USA)
Lengauer, Th. n. a. Fraunhofer (Group) Germany
Lenggenhager, René (Bruker Corp 201511– President of BioSpin Group before Mettler Toledo since 2000 before Siemens) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Bruker (Group) Germany
Lenk, Norbert (Nano Analytik GmbH 201004– Managing Director) Managing Director Nano Analytik GmbH Germany
Lenke, Rolf (Dechema) n. a. DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e. V. Germany
Lennon, Dave (Novartis/AveXis 201904 President) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Novartis (Group) United States (USA)
Lensky, Stephan (EpimAb Biotherapeutics 201610 COO/CBO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) EpimAb Biotherapeutics (Group) China
Lenz, Christof (Hemovent GmbH 201602 Managing Director (CEO) + Co-Founder) Managing Director Hemovent GmbH Germany
Lenz, Ruxandra (SphingoTec 202111 Senior Manager Marketing + Communications before Centogene) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager SphingoTec (Group) Germany
Leo, Chandra P. (HBM 201810) Investment Manager HBM (Group) Switzerland
Leo, Giovanni (EFI Lake Geneva Ventures I 202306 Partner + EBAMed 202306 Co-Founder + Chair) Partner (venture partner)
León, Lucas (Akvolution GmbH 201608 CFO + Founder) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Akvolution GmbH (Akvola Technologies) Germany
Leonard, John M. (Intellia Therapeutics 201801– CEO joined 2014 before 22 years at AbbVie + Abbott) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Intellia Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: NTLA) United States (USA)
Leonard, Keith (Kythera 201101 CEO + Co-founder before SVP + General Manager Amgen Europe) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Allergan (Group) United States (USA)
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