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Kocher, Jean-Pierre (Molecular Networks 200308– Managing Director) Managing Director Molecular Networks GmbH – Computerchemie Germany
Koebernick, Marc (Siemens 202008 Head of Investor Relations at Siemens Healthineers AG) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Siemens (Group) Germany
Koehler, Udo (MGZ Munich 200709 Head of Cytogenetics) n. a. MGZ Munich (Medizinisch Genetisches Zentrum München) Germany
Koehler, Uwe (Eurofins 201603 Head Gene Synthesis + Molecular Biology at Eurofins Genomics) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Eurofins (Group) Germany
Koehn, Jadranka (Rentschler 202011 Senior Direct Innovation Partnerships) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Rentschler (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Koenig, Alexandra (Qiagen 201902 Coordinator Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Qiagen (Group) Netherlands
Koenig, Scott (MacroGenics 200109– became SVP 5/06 is CEO before MedImmune) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MacroGenics (Group) United States (USA)
Koerke, Jutta (EVES GmbH 201206 Managing Director) Managing Director EVES GmbH Germany
Koeth, Sigrid (Nanogami 202409 Managing Director + SPRIND Innovation Manager) Managing Director Nanogami GmbH Germany
Koga, Junichi (Daiichi Sankyo 202001 Senior Executive Officer + Global Head of RnD) Research & Development Manager Daiichi Sankyo (Group) Japan
Koga, Yasukuni (Hitachi 201307 Head of Medical Systems Sales + Marketing Div of Hitachi High-Tech) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Hitachi (Group) Japan
Kogan, Dennis (Caresyntax 202408 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Caresyntax (Group) United States (USA)
Kohlhaas, Jochen (Comprehensive Biomarker Center 201112– Managing Director before febit) Managing Director Hummingbird Diagnostics GmbH Germany
Kohlhof, Hella (Immunic 201701– CSO before 4SC before Univ Munich) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Immunic (Group) Germany
Kohrs, Arnd (IBM 201510 Sales Director DACH + CEE at Aspera) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager IBM (Group) France
Kojima, Keiji (Hitachi 202010 EVP + General Manager of Smart Life Business Division) General Manager (management) Hitachi (Group) Japan
Kokoris, Mark (Stratos Genomics 202005 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Roche (Group) United States (USA)
Kola, Ismail (UCB 201111 President of UCB New Medicines) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division UCB (Group) Belgium
Kolam, Hans (Active Biotech 201208 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Active Biotech (Group) Sweden
Kolb, Daniel (Strüngmann Group 202204 Investment Manager at Athos KG) Investment Manager STRÜNGMANN Group (family Strüngmann) Germany
Kolb, Jürgen (Priaxon AG 200903 Executive Director) Board member, executive Priaxon AG Germany
Kolbe, Markus (Decodon GmbH 201303 Managing Director) Managing Director Decodon GmbH Germany
Kollenberg, Henner (Glycotope 201403– Managing Director (CFO) + Eckert Life Science Acclerator before Qonsult Group) Managing Director Glycotope (Group) Germany
Koller, Daniel (Bellevue Group 201409 Head of Management of BB Biotech AG) Investment Manager Bellevue (Group) Switzerland
Kollmar, Martin (Goenomics 202104– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Goenomics GmbH Germany
Kolomeitsev, Alexander (ChemTaurus GmbH 201202 Managing Director) Managing Director ChemTaurus GmbH Germany
Koltay, Peter (BioFluidix 201009 Managing Director) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager BioFluidix GmbH Germany
Koltermann, Andre (Clariant 201308 Head Biotech + Renable Center Munich before Süd-Chemie AG + Direvo Biotech) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Clariant (Group) Germany
Kolzau, Thomas (Eppendorf 200509) n. a. Eppendorf (Group) Germany
Koncar, Michael (KonValue 201810 Founder + CEO of KonValue Group + Validogen (former VTU Technology)) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) KonValue (Group)
Konle, Stephanie (BRAIN 202002– Managing Associate Corporate Communications before Weka Business Medien + Merck) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager BRAIN Biotech (Group) Germany
Konrad, Franz (Greiner Bio-One International AG 200810 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Greiner (Group) Austria
Konstantinides, Stavros (Univ Mainz 201406 Professor) Professor University of Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg University) Germany
Konthur, Zoltán (Drug Response Dx GmbH 201301 Managing Director) Managing Director Drug Response Dx GmbH (DRDx GmbH) Germany
Koo, Eric (Overland Pharmaceuticals 202104– CEO of Overland ADCT BioPharma before Takeda China + MSC Taiwan + Bayer) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Overland Pharmaceuticals (Group) China
Koop, Hans Jochen (Leonardo Venture 2007 Managing Director) Managing Director Leonardo Venture GmbH & Co. KGaA Germany
Koopman, Jaap (ProFibrix 201105– CSO before founding CEO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Novartis (Group) Netherlands
Koopman, Tim (SMS Oncology 201710 Business Developer) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Cato SMS (Group) Netherlands
Kope, Michael (Mike) (Cyclarity 202209 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Cyclarity Therapeutics Inc. United States (USA)
Kopitzki, Fritz (CellAct Pharma 200707 Managing Director + co-founder) Managing Director CellAct Pharma GmbH Germany
Kopka, Joachim (Max Planck 201210 Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology) Researcher (university / research institute) Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Germany
Kopp, Adolf M. (Hannoverimpuls 2014– Managing Director before TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin before BIA Bremen) n. a. Hanover (govt city) Germany
Kopp, Babette (Dr. Falk Pharma 202410 Head of Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Falk Pharma (Group) Germany
Koppenhöfer, Alrik (LSCN Ltd 201710 Managing Director) Managing Director LSCN Ltd. (Life Science Consulting Network) (DE) Germany
Koppers, Daniel (Cunesoft GmbH 201410 Managing Director (CTO)) Managing Director Phlexglobal (Group) Germany
Korf, Ansgar (mzio GmbH 202412 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) mzio GmbH Germany
Korman, Hal (Mylan 201310 COO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Viatris (Group) United States (USA)
Korn, Bernhard n. a. Source BioScience (Group) Germany
Korn, Lothar (Analytik Jena 201101 Managing Director AJ Blomesystem GmbH + Comicon GmbH) Managing Director GUS Group (Group) Germany
Kornowski-Bonnet, Sophie (Roche 201202–201807 Head of Roche Partnering before Roche Pharma France LEFT 7/18) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Roche (Group) Switzerland
Kos, Alexander (AKos GmbH 201102 Managing Director) Managing Director AKos Consulting & Solutions Deutschland GmbH (AKos GmbH) Germany
Kosaka, Tatsuro (Chugai 201301 President + COO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Roche (Group) Japan
Kosanetzky, Joseph (YXLON International 200801 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) COMET (Group) Germany
Koschke, Stefan A. (AptaRes 200810) n. a. AptaRes (Group) Germany
Kosijer, Dusan (Apceth 201705– CFO of Apceth Biopharma GmbH joined 10/16 before Accovion GmbH) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Minaris Regenerative Medicine (Group) Germany
Koskinen, Kalle (Genomill Health 201912 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Genomill Health (FI) Finland
Kosmecki, Bartosz (Scopis GmbH 2010– Managing Director + Founder) Managing Director Scopis GmbH Germany
Koss, Ashleigh (Gilead Sciences 202402 Media Relations formerly Sanofi 202009 VP Head of Global Media Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Gilead Sciences (Group) United States (USA)
Kostka, Joe (Bruker 202408 Associate Director Invesor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Kostka, Marcus (Abalos Therapeutics 201909– Managing Director (CEO) before Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Abalos Therapeutics GmbH Germany
Kostrzewa, Markus (Bruker 200910 Bruker Daltonik GmbH Director Molecular Biology R&D) Research & Development Manager Bruker (Group) Germany
Kotsopoulos, Evangelos (Sonic Healthcare 201312 CEO of Sonic Healthcare Germany) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sonic Healthcare (Group) Germany
Kottkamp, Eike (Pheal 202412 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Pheal GmbH Germany
Kottke, Andrea (Antisense Pharma 201207 Head Marketing + Public Relations) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Isarna Therapeutics GmbH Germany
Kottmann, Hariolf (Clariant 201102 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Clariant (Group) Switzerland
Kovács, Zoltán (Astrid Bioscience 201103– CEO + Co-founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Astrid Bioscience GmbH Austria
Kovalcík, Martin (i&i 202303 PR Manager) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager i&i (Group) Czech Republic
Kowalski, Rob (Novartis 201803 ad interim Head of Global Drug Development + CMO) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Novartis (Group) Switzerland
Kowalski, Stanley, III (FloDesign Soncis 201910 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Merck (DE) (Group) United States (USA)
Kox, Georg (Sivion Diagnostics 201011– Managing Director + Co-owner before Intelligent Venture + DASGIP) Managing Director Myriad Genetics (Group) Germany
Koytiger, Greg (Immuneering 201811 SVP + Head of AI) n. a. Immuneering Corporation United States (USA)
Kozlowski, Marek (NRW (govt) 202112 at NRW.Bank/Gründerfonds Ruhr) Investment Manager Nordrhein-Westfalen (govt region) Germany
Kraas, Maja (IFM Therapeutics 201610 VP Operations + Site Head at IFM Therapeutics GmbH) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) (Group) Germany
Krácala, Štepán (Grünenthal 201804 Global Head of Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Grünenthal (Group) Germany
Kraemer, Matthias (Siemens 202101 at Siemens Healthineers) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Siemens (Group) Germany
Kraft, Christian (B. Braun 201810 Aesculap + CeGat + CeCaVa) Managing Director B. Braun (Group) Germany
Kraft, Dieter (Trumpf 201801– Managing Director at Trumpf Venture GmbH before Robert Bosch Venture Capital GmbH) Managing Director Trumpf (Group) Germany
Krafte, Doug (Icagen 201703 CSO) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Pfizer (Group) United States (USA)
Kraheberger, Frank (Baden-Württemberg (govt) 202106 Head of VC Funds at MBG Baden-Württemberg) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Baden-Württemberg (govt region) Germany
Krall, Nikolaus (Allcyte 202106 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Recursion Pharmaceuticals (Group) Austria
Kramer, Ann (Oxitec 200610 Head Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Third Security (Randal J. Kirk) (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Kramer, Chris (Intermolecular 201905 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Merck (DE) (Group) United States (USA)
Kramer, Jan (Intermed / LADR 201706 Managing Director + Owner of Intermed + LADR) Managing Director LADR / Intermed (Group) Germany
Kramer, Rainer (Immatics 201204– CBO before Signature Diagnostics 201009– CBO + Jerini + MorphoSys + Amgen) Chief Business Officer (CBO) Immatics (Group) Germany
Krammer, Alfred (Nanostart AG 200505 Supervisory Board) Board member BF Holding (Group) Germany
Kranaster, Ramon (MyPols Biotec GmbH 201503 Managing Director) Managing Director Medix Biochemica (Group) Germany
Kranenborg, Koos (Cell Signaling Technology 201306 Director Sales + Operations at BIOKÉ) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Cell Signaling Technology (CST) (Group) Netherlands
Kranner, Gerhard (Biomax Informatics 201305 CEO of Viscovery Software GmbH) Managing Director Biomax (Group) Austria
Krapinger-Rüther, Bastian (1BillionLives 202410 Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director 1BillionLives GmbH (d/b/a Flinn) Austria
Krappa, Ralf (MediGate 200602 Managing Director) Managing Director University of Hamburg Germany
Krass, Peter (Trelleborg 201704 BusDev Manager Healthcare & Medical Europe Trelleborg Sealing DE) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Trelleborg (Group) Germany
Krastins, Bryan (Thermo Fisher 201109 Group Leader at BT Center) Research & Development Manager Thermo Fisher (Group) United States (USA)
Kraus, Harald (Bio-Gate AG 200603 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Bio-Gate (Group) Germany
Krause, Gérard (Helmholtz 201411 Head of Dept of Epidemiology at HZI) Professor Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
Krause, Thomas (Brandenburg (govt) 202202 Managing Director of Brandenburg Kapital) Managing Director Brandenburg (govt region) Germany
Kraushaar, Harald (Sony 201107 VP Business Development BioSciences at Sony DADC Austria AG) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Sony (Group) Austria
Krauss, Martin (FGK Clinical Research 201411 Managing Director + Co-founder) Managing Director FGK Clinical Research GmbH Germany
Krauss, Ulrich (Endress+Hauser 201610–202301 CEO at Analytik Jena joined 201511 before Carl Zeiss LEFT 1/23) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Endress+Hauser (Group) Germany
Kraut, Norbert (Boehringer Ingelheim 201909 Head of Global Cancer Research) Research & Development Manager Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Krauter, Jürgen (Evonik 202003 Head of Commmunications for Nutrition + Care) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Evonik (Group) Germany
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