Kasera, Setu (Leon-Nanodrugs 202412 CSO) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Leon-Nanodrugs (Group) |
Germany |
Kashala, Oscar (Affimed 201506– VP Medical USA before EMD Serono + Millennium + Lexigen + Aquila) |
n. a. |
Affimed (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kasinger, James R. (CRISPR Therapeutics 201706– General Counsel before Moderna Therapeutics + Goodwin Procter) |
General Counsel / Chief Legal Officer (CLO) |
CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) |
Switzerland |
Kaspar, Dagmar (Epidauros 200707– VP BusDev + Marketing before Nordic Bioscience) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Danaher (Group) |
Germany |
Kasper, David (ArchimedLife 201909 CEO + Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Archimed Life Science GmbH (ArchimedLife) |
Austria |
Kasper, Tatjana (Sartorius 202307– Managing Director of Life Science Factory before Community Manager + KWS Saat) |
Managing Director |
Sartorius (Group) |
Germany |
Kassab, Adham (Selfapy 202302 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Selfapy GmbH |
Germany |
Kassam-Adams, Shahir (Universal Patient Key 201804 CEO + Co-Founder before Decision Resources + Thomson Healthcare) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Roivant (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kastenbauer, Andreas (MIG Fonds 202203– Partner at MIG Capital AG former Managing Director at IDT Biologika) |
Partner (venture partner) |
MIG Fonds (Group) |
Germany |
Kastler, Bernd (elbion 200207 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Biocrea GmbH |
Germany |
Katinger, Dietmar (Poymun Scientific 201304 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Polymun Scientific Immunbiologische Forschung GmbH |
Austria |
Katona, David (Dave) (Petrichor Healthcare Capital 202104 Head of Business Development + IR) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Petrichor (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Katopodis, Andreas (Anaveon AG 201808 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Anaveon AG |
Switzerland |
Katz, Michael |
n. a. |
Bayer (Group) |
Germany |
Katz, Sebastian (SteinCares 202410 Chief Strategy Officer) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
SteinCares |
Latin America_o |
Katzek, Jens (BIO Mitteldeutschland 200502 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
BMD Life Sciences GmbH |
Germany |
Katzenberger, Jörg (Hamilton Life Science Robotics 200704) |
n. a. |
Hamilton (Group) |
Switzerland |
Kauer, Manfred (BioRegio STERN) |
n. a. |
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH |
Germany |
Kaufhold, Achim (Basilea 201211 CMO before Affitech A/S + Pharmexa + Chiron + Berna Biotech + GSK) |
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) |
Pharmexa (Group) |
Denmark |
Kaufmann, Christoph (Tecan 200407 Product Group Manager Liquid Handling) |
Product Manager (personnel) |
Tecan (Group) |
Switzerland |
Kaufmann, David R. (Gates Foundation 201904 CMO of Gates Medical Research Institute before Merck Research Laboratories |
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) |
GATES Group (family of Bill Gates) |
Kaufmann, Dorothea (Natera 201704 Marketing Manager Europe) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Natera Inc. (Nasdaq: NTRA) |
United States (USA) |
Kaufmann, Stefan (Max Planck 201307 Founding Director of MPI-IB) |
Professor |
Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science |
Germany |
Kaul, Adesh (Basilea 201803– Chief Corp Dev Officer before Polyphor + Basilea + Genedata + Neue Züricher Bank) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
Basilea (Group) |
Switzerland |
Kaulich, Manuel (Vivlion GmbH 202004 Managing Director (CSO) + Group Leader at Univ Frankfurt) |
Managing Director |
Vivlion GmbH |
Germany |
Kaundinya, Ganesh V. (GlycoEra 202205– CEO before Founder + COO + CSO of Momenta Pharmaceuticals) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
GlycoEra (Group) |
Switzerland |
Kaupinen, Wesley H. (Wes) (Palvella Therapeutics 202407 CEO + Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Palvella Therapeutics (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kaur, Davi (EORTC 201812 Head of Communications) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC AISBL / IVWZ) |
Belgium |
Kausch, Christoph (MTIP MedTech Innovation Partners AG 201704 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
MTIP (Group) |
Switzerland |
Kauth, Marion (Protectimmun GmbH 200703 Managing Director + co-founder) |
Managing Director |
Protectimmun GmbH |
Germany |
Kawabata, Kazuhito (Ono Pharmaceutical 201206 Board Director + Exec Director Discovery + Research) |
Research & Development Manager |
Ono Pharmaceutical (Group) |
Japan |
Kawaletz, Gregor (Albumedix 202006– CCO before IDT Biologika + Next Pharma + Catalent Pharma Solutions) |
Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) |
Sartorius (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Kawamura, Masae (Qiagen 201512 Senior Director Medical + Scientific Affairs) |
n. a. |
Qiagen (Group) |
Germany |
Kawamura, Takeshi (Univ Tokyo 201304 Assistant Professor) |
Assistant Professor / Associate Professor |
University of Tokyo |
Japan |
Kay, Andrew (NuCana 202012– Board Chairman also at Boards of NeRRe Tx + Blueberry Tx former CEO of Algeta) |
Board member, non-executive |
NuCana plc (Nasdaq: NCNA) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Kay, Robert B. (iBio 201009 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
iBio Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Kayatz, Peter (Waterbergh 201104 Managing Director before AlcaSynn 200606 CEO) |
Managing Director |
Waterbergh Management GmbH |
Austria |
Kaysser-Pyzalla, Anke (TU Braunschweig 201912 President + Professor) |
President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit |
Technical University Braunschweig (TU Braunschweig) |
Germany |
Keck, Andreas |
n. a. |
febit (Group) |
Germany |
Keck, Eva (PharmaLex 202008 Director Business Development Operations) |
Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager |
PharmaLex (Group) |
Germany |
Keck, Pamela (Medigene 202302– VP IR + Corporate Communications before Neurocare Group + Biofrontera) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Medigene (Group) |
Germany |
Keckl, Matthias (Fraunhofer 2004– Investment Manager at Fraunhofer Venture) |
Investment Manager |
German Tech Transfer Management GmbH |
Germany |
Keen, Nicholas (Bicycle Therapeutics 201701– CSO before Novartis + AstraZeneca) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Bicycle Therapeutics (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Keesman, Daniel (GeneData 200510 before Lion Bioscience) |
n. a. |
Danaher (Group) |
Switzerland |
Keff, Matthias (Sartorius 200506 Senior VP Biolab business area) |
n. a. |
Sartorius (Group) |
Germany |
Kehl, Anja (AMSilk 202105 Public Relations) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
AMSilk GmbH |
Germany |
Kehr, Wolfgang (Intendis 200610 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Bayer (Group) |
Germany |
Kehren, Jeanne (Bayer 202008 Head of Digital + Commercial Innovation + Member of Pharma Executive Committee) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Bayer (Group) |
Germany |
Keijzer, Conrad (Clariant 202107 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Clariant (Group) |
Switzerland |
Keil-Dieckmann, Claudia (Durakult 201107 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Durakult GmbH |
Germany |
Keilhauer, Gerhard (Lipid Therapeutics 201509 before 4SC) |
n. a. |
4SC (Group) |
Germany |
Keimerl, Rosi (Bavaria (govt) 201202 Bayern Kapital) |
Investment Manager |
Bavaria (govt region) |
Germany |
Kel, Alexander (Biobase 200601) |
Research & Development Manager |
Qiagen (Group) |
Germany |
Kelber, Ulrich (SPD 200809 Bundestagsabgeordneter) |
Governmental Officer (personnel) |
SPD (German Social Democratic Party) |
Germany |
Kelderman, Kim (Bio-Techne 202304 President Diagnostics + Genomics Segment formerly at Thermo Fisher) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Bio-Techne (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kelle, Ralf (Evonik 201309 VP RnD Bioproducts for Evonik Health + Nutrition business unit before Degussa) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Evonik (Group) |
Germany |
Kelleher, Neil L. (Northwestern University 201006) |
Researcher (university / research institute) |
Northwestern University |
United States (USA) |
Kellenberger, Laurenz (Basilea 201205 CSO) |
Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) |
Basilea (Group) |
Switzerland |
Keller, Brigitte (MC Services 201707 Senior Consultant) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
MC Services AG |
Germany |
Keller, Gottlieb (Roche 200610 Head of Corporate Sercives and Human Services) |
Human Resources Manager |
Roche (Group) |
Switzerland |
Keller, Mark (SpinDiag GmbH 201707 Chief Product Officer + Co-Founder) |
Product Manager (personnel) |
Spindiag GmbH |
Germany |
Keller, Rolf (NürnbergMesse 202108 Managing Director of MEdtecLIVE GmbH) |
Managing Director |
NürnbergMesse GmbH (Messe Nürnberg) |
Germany |
Kellermann, Josef (MPI 1993) |
n. a. |
Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science |
Germany |
Kellinghusen, Georg (BRAIN 202007 Chairman of Supervisory Board) |
Supervisory Board Member |
BRAIN Biotech (Group) |
Germany |
Kellogg, Aaron (Greenough 201203 Senior Media Consultant) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Greenough Brand Story Tellers |
United States (USA) |
Kelly Spillmann, Ingrid (Xista Science Ventures 202401 Partner before Univ Wien) |
Partner (venture partner) |
Xista Science Ventures (fomerly IST cube) |
Austria |
Kelly, Brian (Calibration Technology Ltd 201611 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Eppendorf (Group) |
Ireland, Republic of |
Kelly, Jason (Ginkgo Bioworks 201606 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Ginkgo Bioworks (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kelly, Michael A. (Sentry Hill Partners 201801– President + Founder before Amgen + Tanox + Biogen Idec + Monsanto) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Sentry Hill Partners LLC |
United States (USA) |
Kelly, Steven (Carisma Therapeutics 202102 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Carisma Therapeutics Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Kelm, Jens M. (PreComb Therapeutics 202104 CEO + Co-Founder formerly InSphero 204403 CSO + Co-founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
PreComb Therapeutics AG |
Switzerland |
Kelman, Maria (Pieris 201805 Investor Relations before Trout Group 201705) |
Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager |
Palvella Therapeutics (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kelsic, Eric D. (Dyno Therapeutics 202005 CEO + Co-Founder) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Dyno Therapeutics Inc. |
United States (USA) |
Kemmann, Michael (Adapt Localization Services GmbH 201201 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Adapt Localization Services GmbH |
Germany |
Kemmerich, Florian (Histide AG 201411 CEO + Partner Life Science at Parter Capital Group) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Histitde AG |
Switzerland |
Kemmerich-Keil, Uta (Merck (DE) 201403– CEO of Consumer Health division before CEO of Allergopharma) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Merck (DE) (Group) |
Germany |
Kemmner, Wolfgang |
n. a. |
Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) |
Germany |
Kemp, John A. (Evotec NeuroSciences 200403) |
n. a. |
Evotec (Group) |
Germany |
Kempa, Magdalena (Smartbax 202207 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Smartbax GmbH |
Germany |
Kempeni, Joachim (Noxxon 200710– CMO before Astellas) |
Chief Medical Officer (CMO) |
TME Pharma (Group) |
Germany |
Kemper, Oliver |
n. a. |
Humangenomprojekt (DE) |
Germany |
Kempers, Ronald (Mymetics 201008 CFO before COO since July 2009) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
Mymetics Corporation |
Switzerland |
Kempf, Jürgen (Univ Freiburg 201209 Institute of Forensic Medicine) |
Researcher (university / research institute) |
University of Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) |
Germany |
Kemula, Pierre (CureVac 201610– CFO before Pixium Vision + Ipsen + Roland Berger) |
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) |
CureVac (Group) |
Germany |
Kendall, Sean (ARCH Venture 202406 Partner Europe at ARCH Venture Partners) |
Partner (venture partner) |
ARCH Venture (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kengeter, Carsten (Deutsche Börse 201611 CEO) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Deutsche Börse (Group) |
Germany |
Kenneweg, John (908 Devices 201503 VP Sales) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
908 Devices (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kensy, Frank (m2p-Labs 201106 Managing Director + co-founder) |
Managing Director |
Danaher (Group) |
Germany |
Kentgens, Maren (Medi:do Concepts GmbH before Managing Director Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg GmbH) |
Managing Director |
mei:do concepts GmbH |
Germany |
Keppler, Adrian (EOS Group 201910 Managing Director of EOS GmbH) |
Managing Director |
EOS Group (Electro Optical Systems) (Group) |
Germany |
Keric, Amir (OLS Omni Life Science 201810 Product Manager) |
Product Manager (personnel) |
Omni Life Science (OLS) (Group) |
Germany |
Kerl, Christopher (TU Hamburg-Harburg 201106 TuTech Innovation) |
n. a. |
Technical University Hamburg-Harburg (TUHH) |
Germany |
Kern, Frieder (DKFZ 200512) |
n. a. |
Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) |
Germany |
Kerouedan, Christelle (Coulter Partners 202109– Marketing Director before Instinctif Partners) |
Sales Manager / Marketing Manager |
Coulter Partners (The Coulter Partnership Ltd.) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Kerr, Mary (Nerre Therapeutics 201510– CEO before GSK + Advent Life Sciences) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
Nerre Therapeutics Ltd. |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Kerr, Paul (Fusion Antibodies 201205 Managing Director) |
Managing Director |
Fusion Antibodies (Group) |
United Kingdom (GB) |
Kerschbaumer, Randolf (OncoOne 202003 CEO + Co-Founder before Shire + Baxter BioScience) |
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) |
OncoOne Research & Development GmbH |
Austria |
Kerski, Chris (Cardinal Health 201204 SVP + General Manager of Scientific Products) |
President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division |
Cardinal Health (Group) |
United States (USA) |
Kersten, Dirk (Forbion 202501– promoted to Managing Partner joined 201810 before Inkef Capital + Gilde Healthcare) |
Managing Partner (investment firm) |
Forbion (Group) |
Netherlands |
Kersting, Michael (Vilder 201405 Managing Director of Vilbar Lourmat Deutschland GmbH) |
Managing Director |
Vilber (Group) |
Germany |