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Hess, Heribert (Tecan 2012– Manager Commercial Operations D-A-CH) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Tecan (Group) Germany
Hess, Matthias (AnalytiCon Discovery 200504) n. a. BRAIN Biotech (Group) Germany
Hess, René (Eppendorf 202209 Managing Director of DASGIP) Managing Director Eppendorf (Group) Germany
Hessing, Michael n. a. Dr. Schmidt (Group) Germany
Hesslein, Robert (Bob) (Voyager Therapeutics 201901– General Counsel before Foundation Medicine + Genzyme) General Counsel / Chief Legal Officer (CLO) Voyager Therapeutics Inc. (Nasdaq: VYGR) United States (USA)
Hetke, Christian (Futalis GmbH 201111– Managing Director + Co-founder) Managing Director Futalis GmbH Germany
Hettich, Andreas (Hettich Beteiligungen) n. a. Dr. Hettich Beiligungen GmbH (Andreas Hettich) Germany
Hettich, Christof (Kanzlei Rittershaus + Dievini Hopp) Attorney / Lawyer Rittershaus Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbH Germany
Heuer, Anja (Immatics 201907 Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Immatics (Group) Germany
Heuer, Michael (Roche 201810– interim CEO of Roche Diagnostics before Region Head EMEA + Latin America joined BM 1983) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Roche (Group) United States (USA)
Heukamp, Wessel (Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer 201610) Attorney / Lawyer Freshfields (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Heumann, Hermann (Silantes GmbH 201902 Managing Director) Managing Director Silantes GmbH
Heumann, Klaus (Biomax 200611 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Biomax (Group) Germany
Heumann, Klaus (Univ Mainz 200701 Professor for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry) Professor University of Mainz (Johannes Gutenberg University) Germany
Heydler, Thomas P. (Definiens 200411– CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) AstraZeneca (Group) Germany
Heyne, Malte (Handelskammer Hamburg 202302 Managing Director (Hauptgeschäftsführer)) Managing Director Handelskammer Hamburg Germany
Heyne, Wilfried (Humedics GmbH 201110 Managing Director) Managing Director Humedics GmbH Germany
Heyse, Stephan (Genedata 200701 Head of Genedata Screener) Product Manager (personnel) Danaher (Group) Switzerland
Heß, Markus (Astra Diagnostics 201105 Managing Director) Managing Director ADT Altona Diagnostic Technologies GmbH (Altona Diagnostics) Germany
Heß, Rüdiger (PXBioVision 201104 Managing Director) Managing Director PXBioVisioN GmbH Germany
Heßler, Nadine (JeNaCell GmbH 201210 Managing Director) Managing Director JeNaCell GmbH Germany
Hibbs, Kathy L. (23andMe 202101 Chief Legal + Regulatory Officer before Genomic Health + Monogram Biosciences) General Counsel / Chief Legal Officer (CLO) 23andMe Inc. United States (USA)
Hickey, Dave (Siemens 200805 SVP Strategic Planning + BusDev at Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Siemens (Group) Germany
Hicks, Dave (Danaher 201004 VP + General Manager Pharmaceuticals + Proteomics at AB SCIEX) General Manager (management) Danaher (Group) Canada
Higashi, Shunichi (Miraca 201808 CEO of Srl Inc) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) H.U. Group (Group) Japan
Higgins, Arthur J. (Bayer HealthCare CEO 200407–201004 LEFT 4/10) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bayer (Group) Germany
Higgins, John L. (Ligand –200710– President + CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ligand (Group) United States (USA)
High, Katharine (RhyGaze 202501 CEO formerly Spark Therapeutics) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) RhyGaze AG Switzerland
Higham, Paul G. (Valo Therapeutics 202008– CEO before Glycotope + Immatics + Ark Therapeutics + GlaxoWellcome) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Valo Therapeutics (Valo Tx) (Group) Finland
Hilbert, Helmut (Curetis 201303– Head Business Development before Qiagen Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager OpGen (Group) Germany
Hilbrich, Lutz (Droege Investment 202409– CEO of Halix BV before ProBioGen AG + Sanofi China + Boehringer) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Droege (Group) Netherlands
Hildemann, Steven (Merck (DE) 201401– Global CMO at Merck Serono before MSD/Merck US) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Hildinger, Markus (ExcellGene 200905 CBO) Chief Business Officer (CBO) ExcellGene S.A. Switzerland
Hilfrich, Ralf (Abviris 2014– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Abviris Deutschland GmbH Germany
Hilgert, Lara (Gilde Investment, 202207– Investment Analyst at Gilde Healthcare in Ffm) Analyst (Financial / Industry) Gilde Investment (Group) Germany
Hilkert, Andreas (Thermo Fisher 201512 Senior Manager Product Marketing Inorganic Mass Spectrometry) Product Manager (personnel) Thermo Fisher (Group) United States (USA)
Hill, Adam M. (Oncimmune 201810– CEO joined 201803 before McLaren Applied Technologies) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Freenome (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Hill, Adrian (Univ Oxford 201506 Professor + Director of Jenner Institute) Professor University of Oxford United Kingdom (GB)
Hillebrand, Timo (Analytik Jena 201101 Managing Director AJ Innusreen GmbH) Managing Director IST Innuscreen GmbH Germany
Hillenkamp, Franz (Univ Münster Prof, co-inventor MALDI-TOF MS) Professor University of Münster (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) Germany
Hillgrove, Allan (Boehringer 201301– promoted Managing Director Div Marketing + Sales Prescription Medicines) Managing Director Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Hillisch, Alexander (Bayer HealthCare AG 200508) n. a. Bayer (Group) Germany
Hils, Martin (Zedira 201106 CEO + co-founder before N-Zyme Biotec) Managing Director Zedira GmbH Germany
Hilterhaus, Dierk (Xtal Concepts 201208 Managing Director) Managing Director Xtal Concepts GmbH Germany
Hilvert, Donald (ETH Zürich 201310 Professor at Lab for Organic Chemistry) Professor ETH Zürich (ETHZ) Switzerland
Himmler, Gottfried (f-star 200709 CEO + co-founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sino Biopharm (Group) Austria
Hing, Paul (Sensovation 201110 CTO) Chief Technology/Technical Officer (CTO) Miltenyi Biotec (Group) Germany
Hingst, Thomas (Logic Works 2001– Managing Director + Co-founder) Managing Director Logic Works GmbH Germany
Hinterding, Klaus (Proteros 201202– CSO before Roche + Novartis) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) Proteros (Group) Germany
Hintsche, Rainer (2000– eBiochip Systems founder + Managing Director) Managing Director Endress+Hauser (Group) Germany
Hinz, Julia (Potsdam Science Park 202305 Location Marketing) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Potsdam Science Park (Standortmanagement Golm GmbH) Germany
Hinze, Andrea (Immunic 202401 Social Media + PR Manager) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Immunic (Group) Germany
Hinzen, Berthold (Bayer 201003 Head Global BusDev + Licensing General Medicine) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Bayer (Group) Germany
Hinzen, Dieter (BI 200409) n. a. Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Hippe, Alan (Roche 201104– CFO before ThyssenKrupp + Continental + Fraport) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Roche (Group) Switzerland
Hippolyte, Christopher (Ruth Group 201612) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Ruth Group, The (TRG) United States (USA)
Hirano, Hiro (KKR 201506 Head KKR Japan) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) (Group) United States (USA)
Hirashima, Shoji (Daiichi Sankyo 201302 Managing Director of U3 Pharma GmbH) Managing Director Daiichi Sankyo (Group) Germany
Hirawat, Samit (BMS 202108 CMO before Novartis 201710 EVP + Head Global Drug Development at Novartis Oncology) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) (Group) United States (USA)
Hirner (Mandt), Denise (UpNano 202212 COO + Co-Founder) Chief Operating Officer (COO) UpNano GmbH Austria
Hirsbrunner, Fritz (Galenica –201112 CFO + Deputy CEO ) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Galenica (Group) Switzerland
Hirsch, Christian (Showa Denko 202004 General Manager Shodex Business EMEA at Showa Denko Europe GmbH) General Manager (management) Resonac (Group) Germany
Hirsch, David (Alpha-9 Oncology 202401 CEO + Longitude Capital 201811 Managing Director + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alpha-9 Oncology (Group) Canada
Hirsch, Didier (Agilent 201007–201810 CFO at Agilent since 1999 before HP since 1989 RETIRED 10/18) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Agilent (Group) United States (USA)
Hirsch, Hans (Co.faktor 202309 Business Development Consulttant) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Cytel (Group) Germany
Hirsch, Hendrik (CMS 201408 Partner at CMS Hasche Sigle Ffm) Attorney / Lawyer CMS (Group) Germany
Hirsch, Volker (United Kingdom (govt) 202210– CCO at Medicines Discovery Catapult before Amadeus Capital) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) United Kingdom (GB) (govt) United Kingdom (GB)
Hirse, Thomas (CMS Hasche Sigle 2007 Attorney at CMS Hasche Sigle Düsseldorf before Linklaters LLP Köln) Attorney / Lawyer CMS (Group) Germany
Hirst, Simon (Sygnature Discovery 201112 CEO + Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sygnature Discovery (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Hiruta, Kazuyuki (20170823 CEO of Icon Genetics GmbH) Managing Director Denka (Group) Germany
Hitchcock, Marion (Bayer 202005 Strategic Alliance Manager at Bayer Pharmaceuticals) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Bayer (Group) United States (USA)
Hitchcock, Steven (Takeda 201909 Global Head of Research) Research & Development Manager Takeda (Group) Japan
Hittinger, Marius (MucosaTec 202407 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mucosatec (DE) Germany
Hjortsmark, Maria (Gyros 201307 Global Marketing Director before Halo Genomics CBO) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Mesa Laboratories (Mesa Labs) (Group) Sweden
Ho, Peter T. C. (Boston Pharmaceuticals before Epizyme + BeiGene + GSK + DuPont + Novartis) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager BERTARELLI Group (family of Ernesto Bertarelli) United States (USA)
Ho, Selwyn (Medigene 202207– CEO before Connect Biopharma) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Medigene (Group) Germany
Ho, Tony (CRISPR Therapeutics 201708– EVP + Head RnD) n. a. CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) Switzerland
Hobbs, Eric D. (Berkeley Lights 202203– President of Antibody Therapetuics business before CEO) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Bruker (Group) United States (USA)
Hobe, Herr (Intavis 200809) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager HB Technologies (Group) Germany
Hobmeier, Mike (Verve Capital Partners 202206) n. a. Verve Capital Partners AG (Verve Ventures, formerly Switzerland
Hoch, Erich (Körber 202501– Group Executive Board Member + President Business Area Pharma) Board member, executive Körber (Group) Germany
Hoch, Thomas (EVP Capital 201106 Executive Board Director) Board member, executive EVP Capital Management AG Germany
Hochmair, Erwin (MED-EL Co-Founder) Company Founder MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Austria
Hochmair, Ingeborg (MED-EL 201611 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) MED-EL Elektromedizinische Geräte GmbH Austria
Hochstrasser, Denis (University Geneva 201005 Professor HUG Head Dept Genetic and Laboratory Medicine) Professor University of Geneva (Université de Genève, UNIGE) Switzerland
Hochuli, Tom (Vibalogics 202009– CEO before Lonza Houston) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Recipharm (Group) Germany
Hochwimmer, Georg (SmartDyeLivery GmbH 20602 Managing Director) Managing Director SmartDyeLivery GmbH Germany
Hock, Björn (Merck (DE) 201507 Global Head Protein Engineering + Antibody Technologies at Merck Sereno) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Hock, Christoph (Neurimmune 201808– CMO before Co-Founder + Board Member main org Univ Zurich) Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Neurimmune AG Switzerland
Hockley, Christine (United Kingdom (govt) 202402 Managing Director for Funds at British Patient Capital) Managing Director United Kingdom (GB) (govt) United Kingdom (GB)
Hodel, Svenja (Life Science Factory 202207 Communication Manager) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Sartorius (Group) Germany
Hodits, Regina (Wellington Partners 201101– General Partner before part-time advisor before Atlas Venture until 201001) General Partner (venture partner) Wellington Partners (Group) Germany
Hoefer, Eric (Arcus Biosciences 201906– CCO before AstraZeneca + Roche/Genentech + Glaxo Wellcome) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Arcus Biosciences Inc. (NYSE: RCUS) United States (USA)
Hoehnel, Sylke (Sun Bioscience 202310 Co-CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Switzerland
Hoem, Jon H. (Miracor 200806– CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Miracor (Group) Austria
Hoenlinger, Sheida (SGS 201610 Director Life Sciences Germany) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division SGS (Group) Switzerland
Hoerr, Ingmar (CureVac 201806– Chairman of Supervisory Board before 2000–201806 CEO + Co-Founder) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) CureVac (Group) Germany
Hoess, Adi (Affimed 201109– CEO before CCO before Jenowis + Jerini 2003– + Carl Zeiss AG + MorphoSys AG) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Affimed (Group) Germany
Hof, Catherine (Polyphor 201608 Corporate Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Spexis (Group) Switzerland
Hofacher, Werner (Orgentec 201506 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Orgentec (Group) Germany
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