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Ebli, Michael (Greiner Tool.Tec 200803 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Greiner (Group) Austria
Ebner, Christoph (Anton Paar 201311 Business Developm Manager + General Manager of CSM Instruments) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Anton Paar (Group) Austria
Ebsworth, David (Galenica 200910–201508 CEO Vifor Pharma RETIRES 8/14 before OGS CEO + Bayer Head Pharma Board member, non-executive Verona Pharma (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Echeverri, Christophe (Cenix BioScience 200502 CEO + CSO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Cenix BioScience (Group) Germany
Eck, Jürgen (BRAIN 201507–201912 CEO before CTO + Co-founder LEFT 1/20) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) BRAIN Biotech (Group) Germany
Eckert, Andreas (Eckert & Ziegler 202412 Supervisory Board Chair + Co-Founder before CEO) Supervisory Board Member Eckert & Ziegler (Group) Germany
Eckert, Christian (TQ Therapeutics 202407 Managing Director + Founder) Managing Director TQ Therapeutics GmbH Germany
Eckes, Peter (BASF 201201 President of BASF Plant Science) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division BASF (Group) Germany
Eckhardt, Annette (Xtal Concepts 201208 Managing Director) Managing Director Xtal Concepts GmbH Germany
Eckhardt, Dominik (Miltenyi Biotec 201901 RnD Manager) Research & Development Manager Miltenyi Biotec (Group) Germany
Eckhardt, Jürg (Bellevue 201108) Investment Manager Bellevue (Group) Switzerland
Eckhardt, Jürgen (Bayer 201904 Head of Leaps by Bayer) Investment Manager Bayer (Group)
Eckhoff, Andreas (Logic Works GmbH 201201 Managing Director + Co-founder) Managing Director Logic Works GmbH Germany
Eckstein, Jens W. (Apollo Ventures 201910 before SR One + TVM Capital + Enanta + Mitotix) General Partner (venture partner) Apollo Health Ventures (Group) Germany
Eda, Shigeto (Altair Corporation 201112 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Altair (Group) Japan
Edelman, Joseph (Perceptive Advisors 1999– Founder) Investment Manager Perceptive Advisors LLC United States (USA)
Edelson, Steven (Steve) (Versant Ventures 202008 Investor Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Versant Ventures United States (USA)
Edelstein, Stuart (Scipio Bioscience 201711 President + Scientific Founder) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Scipio Bioscience SAS France
Edwards, Jon (Bioqube Ventures 202407 Managing Partner formerly Medicxi 201907 Partner) Partner (venture partner) Bioqube Ventures (Group) Belgium
Edwards, Larry (Strüngmann Group 202304– CEO of AiCuris before La Jolla Pharma + Tetraphase Pharma + Cubist Pharma) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) STRÜNGMANN Group (family Strüngmann) Germany
Edwards, Matthew (Schauenburg 201706 Separation Science Product Manager at SepSolve Analytical Ltd) Product Manager (personnel) Schauenburg (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Edwards, Tim (Cellzome 200507 CEO) Board member, non-executive GSK (Group) Germany
Eeckhout, Joachim ( Co-Founder) Company Founder Inpart (Group) Germany
Egan, James J. (Esbatech 200605– CBO before Idenix SVP Corp Developm before NeuronZ + Abbott Chief Business Officer (CBO) Novartis (Group) Switzerland
Egerth, Henrietta (Austria (govt) 202005 Managing Director of FFG) Managing Director Austria (govt) Austria
Egger, Martin (Infrareal 202411 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Infrareal (Group) (joint venture of Swiss Life AM + Gelsenwasser) Germany
Eggers, Matthias (m2p-labs 202011 Managing Director) Managing Director Danaher (Group) Germany
Eggert, Holger (Eppendorf 200709 Product Manager epMotion) Product Manager (personnel) Eppendorf (Group) Germany
Eggert, Thorsten (evocatal 201010 Managing Director / CEO) Managing Director Advanced Enzyme Technologies (Advanced Enzymes) (Group) Germany
Egle, Christian (Germany (govt) 202306 Press Officer at SPRIND) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Germany (govt) Germany
Ehl, Christian (Geneart 2000– Managing Director + CFO 5/06) Managing Director Thermo Fisher (Group) Germany
Ehle, Dirk (Bayer 201308 Global Head of Bayer HealthCare Animal Health Division) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division Bayer (Group)
Ehlers, Christoph (Centogene 201101 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Centogene (Group) Germany
Ehlers, Dirk Horst (Centogene 201804– COO before Hill-Rom Holdings + Eppendorf + Roche + Evotec) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Centogene (Group) Germany
Ehlgen, Alexander (Boehringer 201910– Investment Manager Digital Health joined 201209 before BMS) Investment Manager Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Germany
Ehm, Alexander (Yumab 202109 Head of Global Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Yumab GmbH Germany
Ehmer, Bernhard R. M. (Biotest 201501– ImClone Systems + Merck KGaA + Boehringer Mannheim) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Grifols (Group) Germany
Ehninger, Gerhard (Cellex 202106 Managing Director + Founder of Cellex + Gemoab) Managing Director Cellex (Group) Germany
Ehrat, Markus (EK Biosciences GmbH 201203– Managing Director + Co-Founder before Zeptosens CEO) Managing Director EK Biosciences GmbH Switzerland
Ehret, Michael (BioCat GmbH 201212 Managing Director) Managing Director BioCat GmbH Germany
Ehret, Ralf (Bionas 2001–201007– Managing Director + Founder) Managing Director Bionas GmbH Germany
Ehrhardt, Thomas (BASF 201905– Managing Director of BASF Metabolome Solutions GmbH) Managing Director BASF (Group) Germany
Ehring, Björn (Lacerta Technologies GmbH 201404 CFO + Business Angel Investor) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) OrthoSera (Group) Austria
Ehrlich, Andre (BromMarin GmbH 201704 Managing Director) Managing Director BromMarin GmbH Germany
Ehrlich, Tanja (Körber 202501 Head of Brand, Marketing + CorpComms at Körber Pharma) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Körber (Group) Germany
Eichelberg, Rolf (SIM Scientific Instruments Manufacturer 201003 Managing Director) Managing Director SIM Scientific Instruments Manufacturer GmbH Germany
Eichenberg, Klaus (BioRegio STERN 200601 Managing Director) Managing Director BioRegio STERN Management GmbH Germany
Eichhorn, Anna C. (Humatrix AG 200703 founder + Vorstand) Company Founder R-Biopharm (Group) Germany
Eichmann, Joel (Green Elephant Biotech 202201– Managing Director + Co-Founder) Managing Director Green Elephant Biotech GmbH Germany
Eickhoff, Bodo (Roche 201008 Head Sales + Marketing Roche Applied Sciences Germany) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Roche (Group) United States (USA)
Eickhoff, Holger (Scienion 200012–202306 CEO + co-founder LEFT 7/23) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Bico (Group) Germany
Eiden, Frank (Technical University Dortmund 200808) n. a. Technical University Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt) Germany
Eidens, Dietmar (Merck DE 201607– Chief Human Resources Manager joind Merck 2009) Human Resources Manager Merck (DE) (Group) Germany
Eidens, Moritz (Mainz Biomed 202111 CSO before PharmGenomics GmbH 201601 Managing Director) Managing Director PharmGenomics GmbH Germany
Eides, Rachel (CRISPR Therapeutics 202212 Media Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager CRISPR Therapeutics (Group) Switzerland
Eigen, Manfred Nobel prize Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Germany
Eigner, Ulrich (Labor Limbach 201405) n. a. Labor Limbach (Group) Germany
Eijsackers, Marco (Danaher 201504 VP Sales + Customer Support + General Manager EMEAI at AB Sciex) Sales Manager / Marketing Manager Danaher (Group) Germany
Eiler, John (Caltech 201512 Professor of Geology + Geochemistry) Professor Caltech (California Institute of Technology) United States (USA)
Eils, Roland (Helmholtz 201006 Professor DKFZ Heidelberg) Professor Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft (HGF) (Group) Germany
Einhäupl, Karl Max (Charité Berlin) n. a. Humboldt University Berlin Germany
Eise, Bernd (BGI Biotechpark Gatersleben 201206 Managing Director) Managing Director BGI Biotechpark Gatersleben Infrastrukturgesellschaft mbH Germany
Eisele, Bernd (VPM Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH 201201 CEO) Managing Director Deutsche Stiftung Impfstoffforschung Germany
Eisenberg, Marcia (LabCorp 201904 CSO of LabCorp Diagnostics) Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) / Chief Development Officer (CDO) LabCorp (Group) United States (USA)
Eisenführ, Günther n. a. Eisenführ Speiser Patentanwälte Rechtsanwälte PartGmbB Germany
Eisenhaber, Frank n. a. Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Austria
Eistetter, Harald (Rhecadis 201201– Managing Director + Co-Founder before Biognosys CBO + EvalueScience + Indivumed) Managing Director Rhecadis GmbH Germany
Eklund, Dario (Santhera 201912– CEO before Vifor Pharma + Organogenesis + Novartis + Sanofi) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Santhera (Group) Switzerland
Ekolind, Peter (CombiGene 202310 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) CombiGene AB Sweden
El Khoury, Mohammad (Qiagen 201610 President + Head of Commercial Operations EMEA) Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) Qiagen (Group) Germany
El Mazouari, Khalil (AbnomX 202404 Managing Director + Founder) Managing Director AbnomX (BE) Belgium
El-Titi, Tariq (Neurocare Group 202405– SVP MENA Region + Founder of Janus Ventures in 2018) Regional manager Neurocare Group AG Germany
Elbers, Knut (Boehringer Ingelheim 201204 Investment Manager + Director Boehringer Ingelheim Venture Fund) Investment Manager Boehringer Ingelheim (Group) Austria
Elbl, Gabriele (MorphoSys 201312– Head of Regulatory Affairs before Wilex + EMA + Sanofi Winthrop) Regulatory Affairs Manager Novartis (Group) Germany
Elbraechter, Hanno (DKSH 201804 Head Business Unit Technology) President/Director/Head Business Group/Unit/Division DKSH (Group) Switzerland
Elder (Gunnink), Christina (Tina) (Informa 202204 Global General Manager at EBD Group) General Manager (management) Informa (Group) [NEW] United States (USA)
Eletr, Sam (Third Wave Technologies 200504 Director) Board member Hologic (Group) United States (USA)
Elff, Manfred (Niedersächsisches Zentrum für Biomedizintechnik und Implantatforschung 201009 Managing Director) Managing Director Niedersächsisches Zentrum für Biomedizintechnik und Implantatforschung (NZ-BMT)
Elger, Daniel (Genkyotec 201406– CFO + Chief Development Officer before e-Therapeutics plc + Antisoma) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Asahi Kasei (Group) Switzerland
Ellam, David (Juvenescence 201904– CFO before Silence Therapeutics + BioMarin + Plethora Solutions + Ark Therapeutics) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Juvenescence (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Ellenbogen, Henry (Durable Capital 202106 Managing Partner + Chief Investment Officer) Managing Partner (investment firm) Durable Capital Partners LP
Elliott, Mary-Jane (Consilium SC 201307– Managing Partner + Co-founder before M:Communications) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager ICR (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Ellis, David (Holtzbrinck 202306 Press, PR + Social Manager at Digital Science) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Holtzbrinck (Group) United Kingdom (GB)
Ellis, Ron (Pacira BioSciences 202101 SVP Corporate Strategy + Business Development) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Pacira BioSicences Inc. (Nasdaq: PCRX) United States (USA)
Ellmann, Felix (M.M. Warburg 200909 Managing Director + Analyst SES Research GmbH) Analyst (Financial / Industry) M.M. Warburg (Group) Germany
Ellrich, Jens (Sapiens CMO) Consultant (economic/technology) Medtronic (Group) Netherlands
Elmouelhi, Ahmed (Tricares 202403– CEO before AtriCure + Medtronic + AGA Medical) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Tricares (Group) France
Elssner, Thomas (Bruker Corp 201708 Bio-Dection Manager at Bruker Detection division) n. a. Bruker (Group) Germany
Eltrop, Daniela (Qiagen 202301 Associate Director Public Relations) Public Relations Manager / Investor Relations Manager Qiagen (Group) Germany
Elverum, Kris (AIRNA 202309 CEO before Diagon Therapeutics + Rubius Therapeutics + Turnstone Biologics + SQZ Biotech) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) AIRNA (Group) United States (USA)
Emler, Stefan (SmartGene 201108 CEO) Chief Executive Officer (CEO) SmartGene (Group) Switzerland
Emmenegger, Andreas (Molecular Partners 201603 CFO) Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Molecular Partners AG (SIX: MOLN, Nasdaq: MOLN) Switzerland
Emmerich, Niels (AbbVie 201504– Global Head Search + Evaluation Oncology joined 201110 before Biopheresis + Immatics) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager AbbVie (Group) United States (USA)
Emmerich, Ralf (Aurelia Private Equity 200201–) n. a. Aurelia (Group) Germany
Emmerich, Wolf-Dieter (Netzsch Instruments) Consultant (economic/technology) Netzsch (Group) Germany
Emmerth, Stephan (BaseLaunch 202009 Director BusDev + Operations at BaseLaunch) Business Development Manager / Strategy Manager Basel (govt city) Switzerland
Emmick, Jeff (Lilly 201706 VP Product Development at Lilly Diabetes) Research & Development Manager Eli Lilly (Group) United States (USA)
Enayetallah, Ahmed (Bayer 202308 SVP + Head of Development at BlueRock Therapeutics) Research & Development Manager Bayer (Group) United States (USA)
Ender, Anita (Austrian Academy of Sciences 202409– Admin Director of AITHYRA Institute + existent Admin Director CeMM) President/Director/Head of Research Organisation/Unit Austrian Academy of Sciences (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, ÖAW) Austria
Enderle, Thilo (Max Planck 202001 Managing Director at Hit Discovery Constance) Managing Director Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science Germany
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