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|transkript [Kääb, Georg]. (9/24/24). "First German Life Sciences IPO since 2016 – Radiopharma Company Pentixapharm Lists at Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Interview by | Kääb with Andreas Eckert". 2024-09-24
|transkript [Kääb, Georg]. (10/21/24). "Miltenyi Biotec: An Exclusive, Rare Interview with Founder Stefan Miltenyi. Interview by | Kääb". 2024-10-21
[iito] Business Intelligence. (May 2019). "Special Feature: What Does [iito] Stand For? A Powerful Business Database System, based on Property Rights Theory and Institutional Economics = [i]nstitutions [i]nformation [t]echnologies [o]rganisation!". Breme 2019-05-30
[iito] Business Intelligence. (April 2019). "Special Feature: [iito] Relaunches &". Bremen. 2019-04-17
[iito] Business Intelligence. (April 2019). "Special Feature: [iito] Reaches New Milestone – Now more than 9,900 European Life Science Deals Available at". Bremen. 2019-04-26
[iito] Business Intelligence. (7/8/19). "Press Release: [iito] Launches &". Bremen. 2019-07-08
[iito] Business Intelligence. (7/15/20). "Press Release: [iito] Launches ADucation Campaign Summer 2020". Bremen. 2020-07-15
[iito] Business Intelligence. (7/1/19). "Press Release: Worldwide First! [iito] Does Away with All Tracking Cookies and Third Party Cookies". Bremen. 2019-07-01
[iito] Business Intelligence. (5/4/20). "Press Release: [iito] Brings Back the Past into the [LSE] Newsletter". Bremen. 2020-05-04
[iito] Business Intelligence. (12/10/20). "The [LSE] Newsletter Is Out! Hand-picked & Manually Edited European and Israeli Life Science Business News". Bremen. 2020-12-10
[iito] Business Intelligence. (11/8/20). "The [LSUS] Newsletter Is Out! Hand-picked & Manually Edited Transatlantic Life Science Business News from Europe and North America". Bremen. 2020-11-08
[iito] Business Intelligence. (11/30/20). "The [LSG] Newsletter Is Out! Hand-picked & Manually Edited DACH Region Life Science Business News from Germany, Austria & Switzerland". Bremen. 2020-11-30
[iito] Business Intelligence. (11/11/19). "Press Release: [iito] Launches Transatlantic Life Sciences Business Portal at BIO-Europe". Bremen & Hamburg. 2019-11-11
[iito] Business Intelligence. (1/11/19). "Press Release: [iito] Discontinues and All Data Will Still Be Available at". Bremen. 2019-01-11
[iito] Business Intelligence / Kääb, Georg [ Itranskript ]. (11/13/24). "[LSG] Newsletter Special Issue: DACH Region Seed Financings 2020–2024. A List of 104 Deals with Comment & Analysis by Georg Kääb". Bremen & München. 2024-11-13
Zur Rose Group AG. (7/16/20). "Press Release: Zur Rose Group Acquires TeleClinic, Germany's Leading Telemedicine Provider". 2020-07-16
Zion Pharma Ltd.. (5/9/23). "Press Release: Zion Pharma Announces Global Agreement with Roche to Develop and Commercialize a Blood Brain Barrier Penetrant Oral HER2 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor". Hong Kong, Suzhou & Shanghai. 2023-05-09
Zhejiang Doer Biologics Co., Ltd.. (7/10/23). "Press Release: Doer Biologics Announces License Agreement with BioNTech". Hangzhou. 2023-07-10
Zetta Genomics Ltd.. (4/18/23). "Press Release: Zetta Genomics Secures £1.9 Million in Second Round Seed Funding to Configure for Scale, Delivery and Innovation". 2023-04-18
Zetta Genomics Ltd.. (2/8/24). "Press Release: Zetta Genomics Expands Second Seed Funding Round with Additional £1.8 Million". 2024-02-08
Zetta Genomics Ltd.. (2/1/22). "Press Release: Zetta Genomics Gains £2.5m Seed Funding to Realise the Power of Genomic Data in Precision Medicine". New York, NY. 2022-02-01
Zelluna Immunotherapy AS. (6/25/19). "Press Release: Zelluna Immunotherapy Appoints Jens-Peter Marschner as Chief Medical Officer". Oslo. 2019-06-25
ZAR Real Estate Holding GmbH & Co. KG. (4/5/24). "Press Release: Positive Preliminary Building Permit for “Life Science Campus” in Dusseldorf". Düsseldorf. 2024-04-05
Zambon Group. (7/25/19). "Press Release: Zambon Completes Transformational Acquisition of Breath Therapeutics". Milan. 2019-07-25
Zafrens. (12/11/23). "Press Release: Zafrens Launches with $23M in Financing to Advance Multiple Stages of Drug Discovery in a Single Experiment at Unprecedented Scale". San Diego, CA. 2023-12-11
Yumab GmbH. (7/22/19). "Press Release: Yumab Announces New Research and Collaboration Agreement with Merck". Braunschweig. 2019-07-22
Yumab GmbH. (7/19/23). "Press Release: Yumab and InScreeneX in Joint Funding Project". Braunschweig. 2023-07-19
Yumab GmbH. (6/16/20). "Press Release: Corat Therapeutics Takes Over the Fast Track Development of a Novel COVID-19 Antibody Drug Program". Braunschweig. 2020-06-16
Yumab GmbH. (5/7/20). "Press Release: Yumab Identifies Promising Candidate for Covid-19 Antibody Therapy". Braunschweig. 2020-05-07
Yumab GmbH. (10/8/24). "Press Release: Yumab and Molcure Collaborate To Advance Zero-Shot AI Antibody Discovery Technology For Undrugged Targets". 2024-10-08
Yumab GmbH. (1/29/25). "Press Release: Yumab and Inscreenex Get Funding for Innovative Mammalian Display Screening". Braunschweig. 2025-01-29
Yukin Therapeutics SAS. (6/4/19). "Press Release: Yukin Therapeutics Raises €3.3 million to Develop New Cancer Treatments". Sophia Antipolis. 2019-06-04
Yokogawa Electric Corporation. (11/2/21). "Press Release: Yokogawa Acquires Insilico Biotechnology, Developer of Innovative Bioprocess Digital Twin Technology". Tokyo. 2021-11-02
Ymmunobio AG. (6/16/22). "Press Release: Ymmunobio Signs Collaboration Agreement with Yumab". Riehen. 2022-06-16
Ymmunobio AG. (11/10/23). "Press Release: Successful Completion of the Seed Funding Round for Ymmunobio". Basel & Princeton, NJ. 2023-11-10
Ygion Biomedical GmbH. (5/21/24). "Press Release: Ygion Biomedical Announces €15 Million Series A Financing to Develop Individualized Cancer Immunotherapies". 2024-05-21
Xund Solutions GmbH. (9/29/22). "Press Release: Healthtech Start-up Xund Raises €6m – One of the Largest Seed Rounds to Date in Austria". 2022-09-29
XPhyto Therapeutics Corporation. (7/20/21). "Press Release: XPhyto Signs Transformative Acquisition Agreement with 3a-Diagnostics, to Enter Hi-tech Biosensor Market and Expand Its Diagnostic Product Portfolio". Vancouver, BC & Frankfurt. 2021-07-20
XO Life GmbH. (2/16/22). "Press Release: Two Million Euros for XO Life GmbH’s Patient Insights Platform". Berlin & Munich. 2022-02-16
Xlife Sciences AG. (12/1/21). "Press Release: Xlife Sciences AG (XLS DE) Appoints New Chief Financial Officer". Zürich. 2021-12-01
Xlife Sciences AG. (11/4/19). "Press Release: Xlife Siences AG. New Project in the Portfolio". Zurich. 2019-11-04
Xlife Sciences AG. (11/21/22). "Press Release: Xlife Sciences Initiates a Review of Strategic Options". Zürich. 2022-11-21
Xlife Sciences AG. (1/10/22). "Press Release: Xlife Sciences Plans Listing on the »Sparks« Segment of SIX Swiss Exchange". Zürich. 2022-01-10
XGen Venture SGR S.p.A.. (5/23/24). "Press Release: XGen Venture Announces €160 Million First Life Science Fund". Milan. 2024-05-23
XGen Venture SGR S.p.A.. (12/19/24). "Press Release: XGen Venture Announces Final Closing of €180M ($190M) Life Sciences Fund". Milan. 2024-12-19
Xencor, Inc.. (2/5/19). "Press Release: Xencor to Develop and Commercialize Novel IL-15 Immune Activating Cytokines with Genentech". Monrovia, CA. 2019-02-05
Xencor, Inc.. (1/7/19). "Press Release: Xencor Regains ex-U.S. Commercial Rights to XmAb13676, CD20 x CD3 Bispecific Antibody". Monrovia, CA. 2019-01-07
XAnge (Alexis du Peloux). (3/29/22). "Press Release (Blog Post): Core Biogenesis – When a Deeptech Goes Faster than Expected, Let’s Speed Up!". 2022-03-29
X-Biotix Therapeutics, Inc.. (7/1/19). "Press Release: X-Biotix Therapeutics Joins Antimicrobials Working Group". Washington, DC. 2019-07-01
WuXi Biologics. (1/11/24). "Press Release: WuXi Biologics Announces Research Service Agreement with BioNTech on Discovering Investigational Monoclonal Antibodies for Developing Next-Generation Therapeutic Product Candidates". Shanghai. 2024-01-11
WMT AG. (11/28/23). "Press Release: FS Investment Acquires a Stake in WMT AG". Düsseldorf & Heidelberg. 2023-11-28
Windward Bio AG. (1/10/25). "Press Release: Windward Bio Launches With $200 Million Series A Financing to Develop Phase 2-Ready, Long-Acting Anti-TSLP Antibody With Best-in-Class Potential in Asthma and COPD". Basel. 2025-01-10
WhiteLab Genomics. (5/6/24). "Press Release: WhiteLab Genomics Establishes US Presence by Securing Spot at Bayer Co.Lab and Ginkgo Bioworks’ Technology Network". Cambridge, MA. 2024-05-06
Werum IT Solutions AG. (5/16/19). "Press Release: Jens Woehlbier Assigned as New CEO of Werum IT Solutions". Lüneburg. 2019-05-16
Wellington Partners. (7/31/19). "Press Release: Wellington Partners Raises EUR 210 Million Life Science Fund". 2019-07-31
Wellington Partners. (1/8/20). "Press Release: Karl Naegler Joins Wellington Partners as Managing Partner". Munich. 2020-01-08
Waters Corporation. (7/15/20). "Press Release: Waters Corporation Names Udit Batra President and Chief Executive Officer. Announces Preliminary Second Quarter 2020 Sales". Milford, MA. 2020-07-15
Waters Corporation. (6/5/23). "Press Release: Waters and Sartorius Expand Collaboration to Deliver Comprehensive Bioanalytics for Downstream Biomanufacturing". Milford, MA & Göttingen. 2023-06-05
Waters Corporation. (10/27/21). "Press Release: Waters and Sartorius Partner to Help Bioprocess Scientists Accelerate Clone Selection and Process Development". Milford, MA & Göttingen. 2021-10-27
Waters Corporation. (1/13/20). "Press Release: Waters to Acquire Andrew Alliance". Milford, MA. 2020-01-13
Wacker Chemie AG. (7/5/22). "Press Release: Wacker to Start Construction of Competence Center for mRNA Actives at Halle Site". Tübingen & Boston, MA. 2022-07-05
Wacker Chemie AG. (7/28/20). "Press Release: Wacker Invests in Amsterdam Biotech Site". Munich & Amsterdam. 2020-07-28
Wacker Chemie AG. (6/3/24). "Press Release: Wacker Opens mRNA Competence Center in Halle an der Saale, Germany". Munich & Halle (Saale). 2024-06-03
Wacker Chemie AG. (6/2/22). "Press Release: Wacker to Invest Double-Digit Million-Euro Sum in Biotechnology Center". Munich. 2022-06-27
Wacker Chemie AG. (6/19/24). "Press Release: Wacker & CordenPharma Enter Pandemic Readiness on 1 June 2024 After Successful Expansion & Qualification". Munich, Halle (Saale) & Basel. 2024-06-19
Wacker Chemie AG. (5/8/23). "Press Release: Wacker Purchases ADL BioPharma in Spain, Strengthening Its Biotechnology Business". Munich & León. 2023-05-08
Wacker Chemie AG. (5/6/24). "Press Release: Wacker Expands Production Capacity for Biopharmaceuticals in San Diego". Munich & San Diego, CA. 2024-05-06
Wacker Chemie AG. (2/3/21). "Press Release: Wacker Strengthens Biologics Business by Acquiring US-based Plasmid DNA Manufacturer Genopis". Munich & San Diego, CA. 2021-02-03
Wacker Chemie AG. (12/8/21). "Press Release: Aleph Farms and Wacker Develop Open Supply Chain Solution for Proteins Used in Large-Scale Production of Cultivated Meat". Munich & Rehovot. 2021-12-08
Wacker Chemie AG. (12/17/24). "Press Release: Wacker Biosolutions under New Leadership". Munich. 2024-12-17
Wacker Chemie AG. (12/14/21). "Press Release: Wacker and CordenPharma Develop Solutions for Formulating Lipid Nanoparticles Expanding Their Portfolio for Advanced Medicines". Munich & Luxembourg. 2021-12-14
Wacker Chemie AG. (10/12/22). "Press Release: Neuway Pharma and Wacker Launch Research Project to Develop RNA-Based Actives for the Treatment of Central Nervous System Diseases". Munich & Bonn. 2022-10-12
Wacker Chemie AG. (1/17/22). "Press Release: Plasmitec – Wacker Introduces Its Plasmid DNA Production Platform". Munich & San Diego, CA. 2022-01-17
Wacker Chemie AG. (1/11/22). "Press Release: Wacker and Biosyntia Develop Large-Scale Production Process for Sustainable Biotin". Munich & Copenhagen. 2022-01-11
Voyager Therapeutics, Inc.. (1/22/19). "Press Release: Voyager Therapeutics Appoints Robert Hesslein as General Counsel". Cambridge, MA. 2019-01-22
Vor Biopharma, Inc.. (2/14/19). "Press Release: Vor Biopharma Completes $42 Million Series A Financing Round to Advance Lead Cell Therapy Product Candidate for the Treatment of Acute Myeloid Leukemia". Boston, MA. 2019-02-14
Voluntis S.A.. (3/4/20). "Press Release: Voluntis Announces Its New Strategic Roadmap. Strategic Prioritization of the Oncology Business". Cambridge, MA & Paris. 2020-03-04
Voluntis S.A.. (12/18/19). "Press Release: Voluntis Announces New Pharma Collaboration in Oncology". Cambridge, MA & Paris. 2019-12-18
Voluntis S.A.. (11/23/20). "Press Release: Voluntis Successfully Completes a Capital Increase of €5.9 Million and Finalizes the Financing of Its Strategic Roadmap [Not for US, CA, AU or JP] Japan.". Cambridge, MA & Paris. 2020-11-23
Volumina Medical SA. (3/25/24). "Press Release: Volumina Medical Secures USD 21 Million Funding to Continue Its Clinical Program after Having Obtained Promising First in Human Data". Epalinges. 2024-03-25
Vivoryon Therapeutics N.V.. (6/29/21). "Press Release: Vivoryon Therapeutics and Simcere Announce Strategic Regional Licensing Partnership to Develop and Commercialize N3pE Amyloid-targeting Medicines to Treat Alzheimer's Disease in Greater China". Halle 2021-06-29
Vivoryon Therapeutics AG. (8/29/19). "Press Release: Vivoryon Therapeutics Reports Financial Results for H1 2019 and Corporate Update". Halle (Saale). 2019-08-29
Vivoryon Therapeutics AG. (10/8/19). "Press Release: Vivoryon Therapeutics AG Launches Rights Offering to Fund its Phase 2b Clinical Development Program in Alzheimer’s Disease with Strong Commitments [Not for US, et al.]". Halle (Saale). 2019-10-08
Vivoryon Therapeutics AG. (1/14/20). "Press Release: Vivoryon Therapeutics and Nordic Bioscience Enter Research and Development Collaboration". Halle (Saale) & Herlev. 2020-01-14
Vivlion GmbH. (5/11/23). "Press Release: Vivlion to Provide Services to Repare Therapeutics on Advanced PRCISR CRISPR gRNA Libraries". Frankfurt. 2023-05-11
Vividion Therapeutics, Inc.. (5/19/20). "Press Release: Vividion Therapeutics Announces Drug Discovery Collaboration with Roche Focused on Novel E3 Ligases". San Diego, CA. 2020-05-19
Vividion Therapeutics, Inc.. (4/30/19). "Press Release: Vividion Therapeutics Announces Oversubscribed $82 Million Series B Financing". San Diego, CA. 2019-04-30
Vividion Therapeutics, Inc.. (2/24/21). "Press Release: Vividion Announces $135 Million Series C Financing to Fuel Broad Pipeline of Precision Oncology and Immunology Programs". San Diego, CA. 2021-02-24
ViveBiotech S.L.. (12/4/24). "Press Release: ViveBiotech Secures Growth Investment from Ampersand Capital Partners to Expand Lentiviral Vector Development and Manufacturing Capabilities". 2024-12-04
Vita 34 AG. (2/8/19). "Press Release: Vita 34 Develops Cell Preparations as the Source Material for Immune Cell Therapies and Becomes Cell Bank". Leipzig. 2019-02-08
Visus Therapeutics Inc.. (3/9/21). "Press Release: Visus Therapeutics Announces $36 Million Series A Financing to Advance Development of Novel Presbyopia-correcting Eye Drop". Seattle, WA. 2021-03-09
VisionHealth GmbH. (2/27/23). "Press Release: VisionHealth Raises 3 Million Euro to Finance Extended COPD and Asthma Study for Market Preparation of Kata, an Innovative Digital Therapeutic for Improved Inhalation". Munich. 2023-02-27
Virometix AG. (3/12/20). "Press Release: Virometix Announces Initiation of Phase 1 Clinical Trial with Its V-306 Vaccine Candidate". Schlieren. 2020-03-12
Virometix AG. (2/1/19). "Press Release: Virometix AG Appoints New CEO". Schlieren. 2019-02-01
ViGeneron GmbH. (4/6/22). "Press Release: ViGeneron Signs Gene Therapy Strategic Collaboration and Option Agreement with Regeneron for One Inherited Retinal Disease Target". Munich. 2022-04-06
ViGeneron GmbH. (11/28/19). "Press Release: ViGeneron Announces Closing of Series A Financing to Drive Development of Next Generation Gene Therapy Pipeline". Munich. 2019-11-28
ViGeneron GmbH. (1/5/21). "Press Release: ViGeneron Signs Global Collaboration Agreement for Ophthalmic Gene Therapy Development". Munich. 2021-01-05
Vifor Pharma AG. (12/14/21). "Press Release: CSL Limited Announces Tender Offer to Acquire Vifor Pharma Ltd (ad hoc)". St. Gallen. 2021-12-14
Vifor Pharma AG. (11/22/21). "Press Release: Vifor Pharma to Spearhead Development of Vascular Calcification Field, through Acquisition of Sanifit Therapeutics and Inositec AG". St. Gallen, Palma & Zurich. 2021-11-22
Vifor Pharma AG. (11/09/20). "Press Release: Vifor Pharma and Angion Sign License Agreement for ANG-3777 in Nephrology Indications". St. Gallen & Uniondale, NY. 2020-11-09
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