
Picture Swiss Biotech Association Swiss Biotech Days 2025 SBD25 Basel 650x100px



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+your PRODUCT (MS Word file, 65 KB)

We welcome and appreciate your questions and comments!

Please feel free to contact Mr. Marcus Lippold with any request you may have:

[iito] Business Intelligence

Marcus Lippold
Winterstr. 44
28215 Bremen

Phone: +49-421-9889173
E-Mail: [email protected]

By the way: what does [iito] stand for????

Well, well, well, it goes like this
i = institutions
i = information
t = technologies
o = organisation


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Find more infos about advertising at [iito] web portals in our media flyer [iito] in a Nutshell [PDF file]

Please visit also our web portals for the European life sciences and the worldwide mass spectrometry industry at (European life sciences) and (worldwide mass spectrometry)

Please visit also our web portals for the life sciences in German-speaking Europe (DE, AT & CH) and the worldwide mass spectrometry industry at (life sciences in German-speaking Europe) and (worldwide mass spectrometry)


Picture Swiss Biotech Association Swiss Biotech Days 2025 SBD25 Basel 650x300px

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